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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. ^It's a little blurry and unsmiley, but it's interesting the way he places his hand over his heart. He had to point like anyone would have missed the view. I guess he was just making sure.
  2. I made a recipe for Rosemary Garlic Chicken and it will be simmering in the slow cooker for the next few hours.
  3. Inhaling the light, sweet scent of multi-hued Chicago Peace roses, and the honeyed, luscious fragrance of Evelyn English roses; watching a small, white cabbage butterfly, a tiny, red ladybug, a cute grey lizard, and a pair of cooing doves, meander, amble, zip, and flutter through the garden.
  4. Receiving a telephone call from a friend this morning.
  5. Faye Dunaway, Bonnie and Clyde
  6. Aspirin, chocolate, and some very lovely coffee.
  7. He was still a baby then; he had just learned to walk.
  8. North Country, a movie that features a song by Bob Dylan, singing about being trapped in a limousine.
  9. Nancy Grace's report on the latest developments in Texas in regard to the Fundamental Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and the state of Texas' DNA testing of the children, many of whom are headed for foster care.
  10. He's flirting. Create cool Profile Comments
  11. You would think he was the only grandfather on earth the way some posts read. There's a 23 year difference between them; compare that to the 75 year difference between me and my grandfather, may he rest in peace.
  12. ^^Words are not enough; thank you, Chell.
  13. I'm beginning to feel like a human vacuum just sucking up pictures of Robert Plant.
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