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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. Maybe an occasional lightening bolt; there are stories.
  2. This one looks familiar; thank you for posting it, Chell!
  3. Thanks everyone for posting these!
  4. Apparently John Bonham was seen at the Rainbow on his birthday. Eddie Van Halen stated that he met John Bonham at the Rainbow; but if Blackmore was not there, then that part is solved.
  5. I glanced at the marquee last night, but decided to have dinner and go home. Maybe the Rolling Stones film will appear next week; hopefully by then I will be over this cold.
  6. I will be happy to leave this thread if I am the only one being polite here.
  7. Eddie Van Halen may have been making a general statement about the timeline for playing clubs. Also, in 1974, just glancing at Reisner's site, there were no apparent shows by Led Zeppelin in Los Angeles. In 1975, the Los Angeles concerts were in March, and Led Zeppelin was in England a few days before and after John Bonham's birthday. In 1976, there was no apparent tour anywhere; this may have been the time when the band was recuperating from unforseen circumstances. In 1977, Led Zeppelin was in North Carolina on John Bonham's birthday, and did not come to Los Angeles until the last week of June. Therefore, 1973 makes the most sense.
  8. On what day was this photo taken? Make your own Glitter Graphics
  9. When was this photo taken? Maybe it was in 1973 after the Forum show that night?
  10. So perhaps Eddie Van Halen was just 16 years old when he first saw Led Zeppelin perform live in Los Angeles? I wonder when he began to play clubs. It was not unusual for sixteen and seventeen year olds to frequent the music scene in Hollywood during the sixties and seventies.
  11. So the photo at the Rainbow of John Bonham with the band was taken in another year besides 1972? You know the one where the band is sitting at the table and Robert Plant is glaring at the girl next to him? What year was that taken?
  12. Maybe it was on the celebration of John Bonham's 24th birthday, May 31, 1972? Eddie Van Halen grew up locally so he would have heard about the Rainbow; it seems he may have seen Led Zeppelin in concert in Los Angeles in 1971.
  13. Eddie Van Halen did say so himself apparently, but he did not state that he met John Bonham in 1979, although Jas Obrecht of Guitar Player Magazine interviewed Eddie Van Halen in 1979. Perhaps Eddie Van Halen met John Bonham in 1972.
  14. Eddie Van Halen was just one of the local guitarists, Steve.
  15. You could say that those of us who lived in Southern California had heard of Van Halen certainly at some point.
  16. Sometimes people merely come to California to exploit the markets and be rude.
  17. Myspace Glitter Graphics
  18. This looks like a concert that I attended. Sigh, it's hard being up close to the stage; you have to continue to breathe and somehow keep from passing out from the heat.
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