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Everything posted by kenog

  1. I'm sure that I have read that Jimmy is a client of Sir Paul Smith. I remember in one of Ross' diary entries that they went to the Paul Smith Home shop.
  2. Oracle, the quote which you have put in italics is in fact part of the introductory comments made by the moderator/owner of the site when talking to Bebe. The conversation is probably easier to follow if you use the web links I gave at the beginning. LOL.
  3. I 'cached' the page and copied it over to here. This looks like an initial layout. Perhaps his new management have encouraged him to go online with his own site. Coming Soon! Why am I seeing this 'Under Construction' page? Popular Categories: Concert Tour DatesLed Zeppelin AlbumsJimmy Page Led Zeppelin AlbumsConcert Tour DatesJimmy PageLed Zeppelin LyricsJimmy Page BiographyConcert VideosLed Zeppelin Cds
  4. I have posted this on the Trivia site because I appreciate that there are members who are not interested in anything about the band's personal life. I came across this exchange on the groupie website www.voy.com. The moderator/admin had a discussion in 2005 with Bebe Buell regarding her relationship with Jimmy, and asked her to go beyond what she had detailed in her autobiography 'Rebel Heart'. Ronnie Wood's house in Richmond seems to have been a hive of activity!!! I hae copied the conversations over, but here are the links to the conversations:- http://www.voy.com/85692/2663.html http://www.voy.com/85692/2665.html Subject: Re: Further analysis Author: RockGroupieCom [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Posted: 17:39:41 03/03/05 Thu In reply to: Bebe 's message, "Re: Further analysis" on 09:51:28 03/03/05 Thu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wanted to ask you something about your whole Jimmy relationship thing. How long were you seeing him when this all happened? I know a person can only get so much detail in a book. So, when I read your book, things seemed to go from one quick meeting to a second meeting at a hotel then to a one- nighter then an invite to England and so forth. So I was wondering how long this all took to happen and how involved was it. He apparently started asking Pam DesBarres to marry him back in the day. From what I've read he strikes me as sort of an impulsive guy - like a guy who meets a girl and quickly jumps into "commitment talk" only to back out later. When reading Pam's book and your book, I got the impression he was just a guy that liked handing the girls a bunch of lines to get what he wanted. Nothing struck me as sincere in what he was saying. Subject: Re: Further analysis Author: Bebe [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Posted: 20:55:46 03/03/05 Thu In reply to: RockGroupieCom 's message, "Re: Further analysis" on 17:39:41 03/03/05 Thu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't want to lay out the entire thing but we hung out about two weeks in LA and then another week or so in NYC before he went back to the UK and started courting me from there. So, I guess all in all, we hung out about 3 weeks before he started "sending" for me and making promises and such. All he asked is that I completely disengage from Todd. He took me to his houses- ALL of them. Scotland too. My favorite was the London house. And no, of course I couldn't fit the whole thing in my book. Everything had to be cut to pieces. You only have so many pages and thats it! One thing about him though is that he really does like being married- in a one on one relationship. What that entails is another story. When I was with him in LA he was not very nice to either Lori or Miss Pamela. He could be cold and distant. He told me he was never serious about Pamela. He did love Lori but he lost interest quickly for some reason. Maybe because she was so young at the time. I'm not sure. All I know is I never felt threatened by any of those girls when I was with him. He stuck very close by my side and proudly displayed me as his date for several important events. Events that he would not allow Lori or Pamela to attend. I really think that is why I wasn't well recieved by the LA girls because I didn't really know them and my BF's never wanted me to get to know them. I was like an outsider from NYC coming in and taking the men folk, HA! I was Todd's GF when Jimmy persued me full hog. He moved right in when I was having a spat with Todd in LA. He rescued me and then tried to keep me from the whole LA scene. We were glued together the whole time I was on the West Coast. Like I said, it was very romantic and he gave me flowers, took me shopping, gave me art books, jewelry- it was outrageous. He loved to brush my hair for long sittings. I've told the story many times- he even flew my pet racoon First Class from LA to NYC. Oh, and he got very jealous and MAD when my Playboy centerfold came out. It had Todd in it as my BF and Page would call me 10 times a day to yell and cry. He was so devestated that I posed nude. He and I started seeing each other in June of 1974 and my centerfold came out in Nov. 1974 so it was all shot by the time we began dating. I just never told him about it, HA! Honestly, I didn't know if I would make it into the magazine and becoming a Playmate was a big surprise- they tell you about three months before it comes out so I kind of knew but still wanted to keep hush about it. Anyway, thats all on this subject for me, HA! I hope he is good to his new wife and happy. She so looks like Lori when she was in her 20's. Lori was very very pretty in that same exotic way. She still looks pretty even today. I don't think Lori ever really fully recovered from her time with Page- she really loved the guy. The only big fight I ever had with Jimmy was over the awful way he treated that poor girl. It bothered me even though I was seeing him. I like Lori. I saw her about five years ago and she was still as sweet as ever and doing very well. She has a son too and no JP is not the father. Lori is about 46 years old now. > >I think Bill Clinton is much better looking than Page >has become. It is especially hard for me because I >dated Page when he was at his most glorious and divine >looking. 1973-74. He NEVER once tried to use whips or >any other stuff. He was very romantic and liked to be >extremely traditional. I sware I'm being honest too- >no joking here. Maybe I brought that out in him or >something but he was very normal in the bedroom >department- and VERY romantic! And when he wanted me >he dumped poor Lori like a hot potato when I'm sure he >could have easily had us both and neither of us would >have known it. He soured on me when I wouldn't dump >Todd all the way for him. He BEGGED me to leave Todd >and swore up and down he would be faithful to me. I >wanted to test the waters but that didn't fly. He ran >off with Ron Wood's wife instead and I ended up >spending the most fun month of my life living at >Woody's house in Richmond Hill while Todd was in India >on a spiritual quest. I got to be one of the boys as >they say! When Jimmy found out I was at Woody's he >called me and said he would send Chrissie Wood home if >I would leave Todd once and for all. I declined and >the rest is history. I'm glad I made the decision I >made because otherwise I would not have run off with >Steven and had my precious daughter. Everything >happens for a reason. BUT, that said, I almost did it. >I almost ran off with JP. He also wanted me to have >his child. I wasn't ready at 20 for that yet, HA!
  5. Is there anyone on the site that speaks Portugese? I used an internet translation service, but the translation is a bit literal - it says that he will record with the musicians in September. Is this correct? If this is the case, what are the chances of the album being released in 2010? I agree that Jimmy was looking a bit thin in the face, but happy and healthy nevertheless.
  6. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
  7. Steve, would it be possible for you to explain how you came to know the meaning. I don't want you breaking any confidences - just curious.
  8. I have made a posting on the News Forum about the latest offering from long-standing journalist Chris Welch - check it out on Amazon.co.uk
  9. You might find this site helpful:- http://www.inthelight.co.nz/ledzep/zososymbol.htm
  10. Saw this being reviewed in yesterday's News Of The World. By longtime music journalist Chris Welch, it is called 'Treasures of Led Zeppelin'. The editorial on the Amazon UK site is as follows:- "Product Description Sell-out tours in packed stadiums, records going platinum on preorders alone, three-hour long concerts night after night, girls, booze, drugs...Led Zeppelin did it all. 'Treasures of Led Zeppelin', an unofficial publication, tells the story of the amazing journey of four talented young Englishmen on the path to rock 'n' roll glory. It is probably the greatest story of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll ever told...And the facsimile memorabilia takes you there, with ticket stubs, programmes, beautiful posters, superbly-designed contemporary flyers and other fascinating pieces of musical history in your hands... About the Author As a reporter on UK music weekly Melody Maker, Chris Welch went on the road with Led Zeppelin during the early 1970s. Chris has since worked on a variety of music magazines and has written more than 20 books on rock music. He also contributes to UK newspapers. His finest hour was 'Playing conga drums, live on stage in Germany with Led Zep during "Whole Lotta Love"".
  11. He used to be the editor of 'Sounds' newspaper in the UK. It used to come out weekly on a Wednesday (outside London). Halfin was Sounds photographer. To me anyway, Sounds was always the poor relation of the New Musical Express and the Melody Maker. If you wanted Zeppelin coverage/interview/gossip, the NME and MM were better. Makowski looks now to be very much part of Jimmy's social circle, along with Ross - nothing wrong with that, JP needs mates. My only concern is that neither of the two betray Jimmy's friendship in the way that Mick Wall did. When I posted on this site about the guitar case on 9th June, I felt that the price would be out of most ordinary guitar owners' reach. Great product, but it might be one for the wealthy professional.
  12. (apologies - this is in wrong forum - l have asked the forum admin to get it shifted to the News forum) From Ross' Diary 15 June 'Aerosmith at the 02. A two and a half hour drive across Crystal Palace, Norwood, Catford etc in the rush hour to the 02 was not my idea of fun. The weather was hot-cold-hot-cold, it couldn't make up it's mind. Got there tired. Peter Makowski came with Jimmy Page. I took a photo of Jimmy with two real rock stars, Randle and Rock'n'roll John Bionelli - and a few of the other people they work for.' Jimmy, Ross and Pete Makowski should get a band together and call it The Old Pals Act .
  13. Ross has just posted some of his photos of the ceremony on his website. Love the ones of Jimmy with Wilko!
  14. The bit I can't get over is Queen fans sending a deluge of angry letters to Brian May regarding something like this - what a waste of a stamp!!
  15. Brian May should get himself a bigger nappy pin (diaper pin for our US friends). Pass the sick bag, please.
  16. All band members should have been given a government award many, many years ago for their contribution to music, record sales and concert attendance figures. Equally pertinent to your comment about Patrick Stewart getting a knighthood, why did Mick Jagger get one, and not Robert or Jimmy? Possibly because MJ has crawled around the aristocracy since the 1960's - he knows the 'right' people. Apparently, you can download a form from the internet in order to nominate someone for an award. I certainly thought Jimmy deserved more than an OBE!
  17. Photo from last night's arrivals at ceremony on Getty Images. If you enlarge the photo, I suspect JP is getting filler injections on his nasal labial folds (nose to mouth lines). His face looks less lined than years ago. If he can't give us 'specifics' about his music project, maybe he could share his secret of looking younger than he did ten years ago!! http://www.gettyimag...s-Entertainment
  18. Nice one Knebby! But how long can one man go on receiving awards on the basis of work which he did thirty to forty years ago? Glad he has changed management company, I never liked Peter Mensch - his statements to the press were very blunt in tone. Jimmy should do himself a favour and give the Beijing fiasco a miss.
  19. Billy, Thanks for the insight into the world of PR - it's useful to know what goes on behind the scenes. However, if Bonham Jnr ok'd the press release, what on earth was he thinking about? He was a member of LZ for one night only in 2007! He should have changed the statement when it was given to him, to show his previous full-time band memberships.
  20. I also remember seeing Ross reply to someone on his Facebook Wall that Jimmy was 'retired'. I took it to be tongue in cheek, as so many of his responses are - but not so sure now. BTW, as of yesterday, Ross removed his Facebook Wall from public viewing - don't know why.
  21. Excellent stuff, Billy. I hope they don't take too long to bring out the DVD after the tv broadcast.
  22. (Apologies, I have misspelt the name of the company in the heading, it is Rimowa, not Remowa, but I don't know how to edit the heading!) In the absence of any news of Jimmy recording or touring, all I can pass on is that Jimmy is advertising Rimowa guitar cases called The Logo. The cases, like his photo book, are to come in a deluxe and classic version, with the deluxe version having his Zoso logo on it. It seems like Jimmy has been involved in the design. There was no price at the time of going to press, but Rimowa's products are very expensive, reflecting their quality. This guitar case is on wheels. The photo and text are on Ross' diary http://www.rosshalfi...y-june-2010.php. At least when the photo book comes out, we will have something decent to report on and discuss!!
  23. Just found photo on Getty Images of Jimmy backstage http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/101670140/Getty-Images-Entertainment
  24. Or one called "Gigs, dinners and award ceremonies"
  25. I still haven't bothered to listen to the RAGM record to this day! My only interest was an up to date public sighting of Jimmy. As I said in a post I made in the News forum yesterday, he isn't exactly productive. Therefore, it has become a case of posting anything JP related which is current.
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