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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Who can possibly forget this beautiful little classic eh??!
  2. I view Queen as a 70s band too and I am really trying to figure out why they are being frequently mentioned in the 80s thread! Sheesh! And Queen getting OVER EXPOSED is indeed a scary thought!
  3. I thought Queen began their career in the 1970s???!!
  4. Thanks to Huckle Berry Hound, this song always makes me howl with laughter!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzCSTMWix3g :hysterical:
  5. My dad loves them but I somehow haven't got into them yet.......
  6. Yep! You got that right! Her song R-E-S-P-E-C-T is legendary! She's got soul and class!
  7. Loved it! Gosh! You're right! This bloke can sing! Singing and comedy do go hand in hand in certain situations! Thanks Swede!
  8. Gosh! I am so sorry to hear that! Please take care of yourself! I really do hope and pray that things work out for you! Good luck with the sale!
  9. In this pretty male dominated thread, I (from among the more fairly recent artists) consider this brilliant lady right here as another one of my choices : Because of songs like these : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chgRLKm7qxY&feature=rec-LGOUT-exp_stronger_r2-2r-6-HM Can't wait for the new Evanescence album which is to be released this year!
  10. I guess its going to be something really spectacular (judging by the outer cover and some of the pics I have seen so far) but I am way too poor to actually afford something like this! Sorry Jimmy but at this rate, you seem to be burning a huge hole in people's pockets! Thank Goodness I can afford Led Zep's CDs though! LOL!
  11. Never heard this one before but its funny as hell! Thanks again zdr!
  12. Woohoo!!! Good one zdr!!! Jack Black rocks and so does Will Ferrell! I will always remember Will Ferrell as the Elf Man! And here's another one I would like to add!
  13. I do get a kick out of the lyrics! But such a strange addition to such an awesome album like "Abbey Road" though!
  14. Oh my god! That souvenir is such a keeper! Do you have to sell it? It could be one of your most prized possessions! Just my two cents
  15. Its really nice to see that the music of Led Zep is reaching out and touching the hearts of the younger generations!
  16. Pour some sugar on me - Def Leppard
  17. You mean this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAV0XrbEwNe And for the record, I don't listen to comedy type music either. But lately, to be honest, I was getting pretty fed up of all the bickering and arguments on this very forum about a variety of topics so I decided to step in and well, lighten things up!
  18. To all the posters who have contributed so far : Thank you guys! You really made my day! I was laughing so hard that my mom (who was in the other room) thought I had inhaled laughing gas or something! Please please please keep 'em coming!
  19. I nearly died laughing! The way that bloke chooses to sing this song! Man! Thank you for this pagemccartney!!! *wipes tears away after laughing so hard
  20. Oh dear god! This is disco/techno or whatever else one might choose to call it at its worst! You're right Electro! Whoever did this should be kicked in the nuts! This sounds like some kind of track the Beegees would have recorded in their heyday and rejected from their catalogue immediately! LOL!
  21. Oh man! Xtazy, what you've posted is a laugh riot! Thank you!!!! I really love the lyrics!!! :lol: Eminem is a fuckin' genius! He should have been a comedian rather than a rapper!
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