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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuF7FN9aFwA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Tipkv7PX4&feature=related
  2. I just love the guitar riffs on Fat Bottomed Girls but the chorus is so funny! About 2 years ago, when I was out shopping for CDs, there was this mobile jukebox sort of thing, where if you put a 50 cent coin in, you can select a song (depending on what's available of course) and listen to the full version of the song...so anyway, they had Fat Bottomed Girls on offer so I played it...I was listening to it with the head phones on and I was singing it quite loudly in the shop and when I said : Oh wont you take me home tonight? Oh down beside that red firelight Oh and you give it all you got Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round", This old woman who was passing by gave me such a funny look! LOL! Can't imagine why!
  3. Wow! That's so cool! Tell her to check out the album "Venus Doom" (if she hasn't already!). It in my opinion, showcases HIM at their very best!
  4. This song is so going to be stuck in my head for a long long time!
  5. My 30 GB ipod, my laptop, my Samsung Corby mobile phone, my mobile CD player and my scientific calculator
  6. Kiwi_Zep_Fan87


    I am 22 years old but believe me, I have thought about it! I lost my grandad (from my mother's side), my great aunt and my great-grandmother to cancer. This was all in a span of 2 years! Hell, I almost lost my mom at the age 14 on account of a horrible accident! That was one of the most traumatic phases in my life! As they say : "Time And Tide Wait For No Man". For me, I have accepted the fact that death is something inevitable. Its going to happen sometime. Am I scared? You bet I am! But I do keep telling myself that it is a part and parcel of the game of life!
  7. In spite of the fact that Queen is one of my favourite bands of all time, this song is stupid as hell! It makes me laugh everytime I listen to it! Thanks for your contributions everyone! I'll be checking out the vids which you guys have posted pretty soon! Keep 'em coming!
  8. Woohoo! One of my favourite songs by INXS!
  9. This is fuckin' priceless!!! :lol: EDITED to add : I probably think Electrophile will love this!
  10. :hysterical: Now this is what I'm talking about! Thank you so much zdr! That was awesome! Now, a really outrageous version of a Ricky Martin song : And a 90s favourite :hysterical:
  11. I agree with you there...but I ain't too sure whether Led Zep is indeed the greatest band out there...it really depends on how Zep's music makes you feel and whether in your book, Zep is incomparable to other bands! In view of this, I guess I will go with "one of the greatest" but greatest...well I'm not too sure actually...
  12. Wow! I really forgot Tina Turner! She is a vocal powerhouse! Thanks for reminding me Swede! Also how about Aretha Franklin??!
  13. Hey guys! In view of the pretty serious discussions which have been taking place, I decided to start this thread to pretty much sprinkle some humour around here! Have you ever while randomly searching for songs on youtube or any other site for that matter, come across a song or a performance of a particular song which has really made you laugh? Well, please post them here! I don't care if its the most ridiculous song! If its funny, just post it here! I'll start by posting this song which I came across a few days ago : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-91Vm0pIec And this hilarious version of the song "And I'm Telling You" It will be awesome if you guys could contribute! I would love to see what you've come across! Cheers!
  14. LOL! Awesome!!! Thanks for the laugh zdr! This gives me a good idea for a nice little thread I want to start!
  15. Love, love, love ALL your choices Xtazy! What a bunch of brilliant men!
  16. Look what I found! Perhaps one of the funniest songs on the planet! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-91Vm0pIec
  17. What MJ is to you, Frank Sinatra is to me...get the picture? Besides, its all very subjective mate! Cheers!
  18. Hi! :) Thanks for the friend request! :D

  19. LOL! That's another reason why I love MJ! LOL! :lol: I was only joking Electrophile! No offense intended! Hope you have a nice day! Cheers!
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