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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hey! :) Thanks for the friend request! :) Cheers! :)

  2. Woohoo!!! Just discovered that Graveyard's debut CD is available here in NZ via itunes! Gotta get my hands on it!
  3. Listening to them right now! They are just bloody brilliant!!!! Thank you so much for the link hippiebuss!!! Such a shame that I had never heard of them till now! I so wanna just go out there and buy their debut album right now!!! Love it, love it, love it!!! Also, what I really love about them is their really cool 70s, psychedelic rock vibe! Now this is music!!!
  4. I think the saying "Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures" pretty much sums it up! Sheesh!
  5. Amen to that zdr! I couldn't have put it across better myself!
  6. Caught an episode of "Robin's Nest" a while back on UKTV! Pretty good comedy I must say! Love a good laugh at the end of the day!
  7. That describes me perfectly! Thank God for you tube!
  8. Hi! :) I visited your website just now and my favourite is the one with the title "colorful bouquet"...so pretty and colorful! :)

  9. You're very welcome justawoman! And thanks for the heads-up about your site! I'm going to check it out very soon! And yep! You're right! Artists have to self-promote whenever possible!
  10. LOL! That's partly true for me...the other day while I was on my way home from Uni, I saw this old bloke who bore quite a resemblence to what Robert looks like today (dignified, with long curly blond hair and a cheeky looking beard) and he was strumming his guitar and singing a song which sounded pretty good and I gave him $1 just because he resembled Robert! LOL! But my mother doesn't know this yet!
  11. Kiwi_Zep_Fan87


    Yikes! Thanks I will!
  12. :hysterical: Yep! Them too redrum!
  13. Hi Gabi! Led Zep means a whole lot to me too! Welcome to the forum! You are going to love it here, I swear!
  14. Awww...thanks zdr!!! :) That really means a lot! :) :)

  15. LOL! Zdr, that was pretty much a test! I would love to see how Jahfin responds to my post! If he is rude and mean, then it will pretty much prove what a jerk he really is and I would have had the last laugh! ;)

  16. LOL! Thanks zdr! :) I do believe in the policy that a difficult person should be killed with kindness! LOL! That's how to tackle a person like Jahfin! ;)

  17. Alright, alright, alright! I'll change the word "hate" to the word "dislike"...are you happy now???! And in my opinion, if a person doesn't "open up" to a particular genre of music, it ain't narrow minded at all because if there is one thing that I've learnt (fairly recently, of course!) is that a person's music taste is extremely personal and subjective! For instance I pretty much "dislike" a LOT of today's mainstream stuff like Gaga, rap and some of the stuff which the "mass" absolutely love! Does that make me narrow minded? I think not! And I also think that no person should be "forced" into liking something (especially music) just because the "whole world" likes it! Its just not done! Whether a person wishes to be a "go with the flow" sort of person when it comes to music is their choice! Anyway, I pretty much assume that you are certainly going to "attack" me now because of my comments...oh well! I hate having any sort of misunderstanding with anyone around here but I pretty much had to post my opinion! Anyway, cheers, Jahfin! Hope you have a good day!
  18. Wow! Its so awesome that Led Zep is your muse! Thanks for sharing your artwork with us! Much appreciated!! I pretty much admire people with artistic tendecies and genuine talent! You've sure got a gift! Just hang on to it and follow your dreams!
  19. I would first regret the fact that I would not be able to hear the kind and gentle voice of my mom, the hearty, cheerful and re-assuring voice of my dad, the sound of birds chirping in the morning and the little mundane things which we all do tend to take for granted such as the sound of a car, the usual din of city life and not being able to listen to my favourite bands and artists ever again!..... A wise old man once said : "There is so much to hear but so little time" and "Our ears indeed have the potential to be our biggest explorer".
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