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Everything posted by DAS

  1. Kansas is already pretty level. lol
  2. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    You underestimated the Donkeys amazing ability to fail.
  3. Time Is On My Side - Rolling Stones
  4. I've never seen a white vinyl before. I have a Led Zeppelin bootleg on yellow vinyl. But never seen the white. That's awesome. Oh, and sorry about your luck.
  5. One of the survivors made this: http://i.qkme.me/359h7d.jpg
  6. Seriously though, I tease about dooms day and catastrophe theories but if by a huge coincidence there is an earthquake I'm going to crap myself. We just had our first earthquake ever here in Kansas last year. Everything shook very slightly one night and everyone was running around the following morning like they survived the apocylpse. lol
  7. Great! Jimmy Page releases the LR soubdtrack after 40 years and the world is going to be destroyed by a massive earthquake before it can arrive in the mail. Just my luck.
  8. DAS


    :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
  9. DAS


    One day away from a new Jimmy Page album!
  10. DAS

    Make me laugh!

  11. Basically, I turn on the radio, it's crap. All the time people say "check out this band" and I rarely like them. Sometimes I do though. Share some bands, I'd like to hear them.
  12. DAS


    I'm so excited I'm going to explode!
  13. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    I wonder what Tebow would think of that. Jacksonville uses it's revenue to fund abortion providers and Tebow is super pro-life after the whole doctors told his parents to abort him thing. If he played for Jacksonville he would be helping abortion but still be pro-life? That would be hypocrisy would it not?
  14. Pink Houses - Someone I can't stand.
  15. I agree with most of the stuff you say but we'll have to agree to disagree on today's music. I just personally don't enjoy much of what's out there right.
  16. I totally agree that Page is releasing them as vinyl as a special treat for his fans. He would sell good (but not great) if he released them the normal way. I still feel that music has lost it's soul though. Once in a while there is a good band but there are not a large number of them anymore like in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.
  17. I hate to break the news to you but music is dead. Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber and Glee Live are selling out large arenas. I saw Jeff Beck and Ted Nugent last year in crack box establishments. I don't want to live on a planet where millions pay billions to see a little buy who looks like a lesbian lipsync songs about lolipops or whatever and Stranglehold is being played to only a few hundred people at a time in small arenas. Jimmy can still sell, but not in huge numbers anymore. I was in a music+ store the other day and the kid working there had never heard of Jimmy Page or Robert Plant! There is just not that big of a market for real music anymore.
  18. One Of These Nights - Eagles
  19. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    Be happy. I as a Chiefs fan won't like it for a couple seasons but then it's back to square one for DEN. They are digging themselves a hole on this one I feel.
  20. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    Peyton Manning would be perfect to mentor a young gun like Tebow. Tebow sucks but has a huge amount of natural talent. Manning could make him a HOFer. This is a great move IF they keep Tebow. The fact that they are going to trade him and be QBless again in 2 or 3 seasons cracks me up.
  21. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

  22. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

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