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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. The War On Drugs are playing the Hopscotch Music Festival in Raleigh next weekend. I can't wait to see them as well as tons of other bands like The Rosebuds, Ryan Gustafson, Max Indian, Fucked Up, Megafaun, Best Coast and Lucero just to name a few. It's just going to be all kinds of kick ass.
  2. I also detest what's come to be known as "Classic Rock" radio but there are exceptions. There's plenty of college and progressive stations (commercial and otherwise) that aren't afraid to mix it up. With a program like iTunes (or just the internet in general), they're just a click away. I also really love XM/Sirius' Deep Tracks channel. They can air lengthy songs without any concern. They've also turned me onto tons of artists I missed out on the first time around such as Joy of Cooking (who I only previously knew of from a song by the New Riders of the Purple Sage, "Lonesome L.A. Cowboy"). They also play new music so it's not like listening to any of the plethora of stagnant sounding "Classic Rock" stations out there. As for the "Golden Era of Rock", it's far from over it just manifests itself in different ways these days.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIOdvXE7kbI
  4. ...but you like Hanson? Go figure... I'm curious what era of the Steve Miller Band you've listened to? There's an era that predates his run in the 70s and 80s when the music of the Steve Miller Band was decidedly more blues-based. Have you given any of his tunes from that time period a listen?
  5. Whatever happened to: Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
  6. Speaking just for myself, I have little to no interest in AC/DC post-Bon Scott other than Back In Black. I realize artists have to go to desperate measures these days to sell "product" but that's exactly how their deal with Walmart struck me. Here's a business that has attempted to sanitize their music department in order to present a wholesome image to the public. Who ever figured they'd partner with AC/DC, a band known for being anything but "wholesome"? Like the saying goes, "Money talks and bullshit walks". It just goes to show that even AC/DC and Walmart have a price.
  7. No shit? Who would have ever guessed it. Paranoid much? Best stay away from the YouTube, you might get a virus.
  8. He isn't alone, there's several others on here that have said the same exact thing. The only thing is, silvermedalists' arguments for why all current music sucks are weak at best (when he can even provide one) so when someone doesn't see eye-to-eye with him, that's when the lashing out and combativeness begins. You also have to consider this person has some unfounded fear of YouTube and chooses to live life with his head buried in the sand rather than actually giving new music a chance. Then, there's the whole hittin' the bottle thing while he's online. I'm sure that doesn't help any.
  9. I've heard the EP this comes from described thusly: "(it) sounds like Roger McGuinn & Tom Petty met up with Unicorn and Fleetwood Mac at some Hollywood mansion for a beautiful 1980 sunset". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcMIOz6Xb5A
  10. I'm not sure what "N Car" is but you might want to try reading your own posts sometime. You are definitely guilty of the very things you are accusing others of which is exactly why you've been banned from here so many times you can't even keep track.
  11. This particular virus will manifest itself on your screen as a skinny, pierced, tattooed, punk who bares more than a striking resemblance to our own silvermedalist.
  12. Please tell us again who the combative, know-it-all is?
  13. I listen almost exclusively to internet radio via iTunes. In the car it's the local stations plus satellite.
  14. There's also Pandora which works similarly. Just plug in a song and it will play related artists/songs. Don't tell silvermedalist though, he'll swear it's loaded with viruses.
  15. Have you seen this video from their newest record? If not, you owe it to yourself to check it out. In fact, I recommend it to folks that aren't even familiar with Arcade Fire. It's really quite unique in that it's an interactive video. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever seen anything like this.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkKqAdaUJH4&feature=related
  17. For the most part, this is true but there are exceptions. In my area the college stations are very strong such as WUNC (Carolina), WKNC (NC State), WXDU (Duke) and WXYC (Carolina). On a national level there's KEXP (Seattle), KGSR (Austin), KPIG (CA), WXPN (PA), WFMU (NY) and others. These stations all have their own original programming plus a lot of them carry very informative shows such as Sound Opinions and The Sound of Young America that are well worth tuning in for.
  18. When you go to a Red Collar show the audience and band become one, it's really quite the experience.
  19. To fully appreciate this band you really need to see them live. On that tip, they're about to hit the road. Tourdates are here.
  20. No, I haven't. Years ago, I went to see The Song Remains the Same and they were showing the Skynryd tribute short prior to the feature. Shortly thereafter, Quadrophenia came to town that also opened with the Skynyrd short so a bunch of friends and I piled up in the car just to see the short. When we arrived, we learned the film had broke so I have never seen Quadrophenia. Just added it to my Wishlist on Amazon though.
  21. I never was a big fan of Meatloaf either but I heard him in a new light this past year at something called Raleigh Undercover where local bands assume the identity of other artists. On night one I caught just a bit of River City Ransom covering Meatloaf and they absolutely nailed it. It didn't cause me to rush out and buy any Meatloaf CDs but it did help me to appreciate him on a different level. I loved the Spin Doctors when they were new but after seeing them on the H.O.R.D.E. tour back in the early 90s I was convinced they have to be one of the worst live bands, ever. My first exposure to Barenaked Ladies was If I Had A Million Dollars but it was via some friends that would play the song around the campfire. It wasn't until some time afterwards that I learned it wasn't one of their originals but was a Barenaked Ladies song. I still like the tune, as well as some of their other early material but some of the latter day stuff, particularly the song that got used in a car commercial (One Week?) was annoying at best.
  22. Several years ago Kings of Leon were mentioned in a piece on "the new Southern Rock" alongside the Drive-By Truckers, My Morning Jacket and Gov't Mule. Well, in the interview, one of the members of Kings of Leon proceeded to slam the Drive-By Truckers. Recently, when the Kings of Leon had to leave the stage due to being shat upon by pigeons (one of them got it in the mouth), Patterson Hood (of the Drive-By Truckers) called them "a bunch of pussies". No truer words have ever been spoken.
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