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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I've heard Fu Manchu, Monster Magnet, Queens of the Stone Age, etc. all referred to as "stoner rock".
  2. Country & Western music all sounds the same? That would mean Toby Keith sounds exactly like Ernest Tubb. Far from it. In fact, the sound of those two artists couldn't be more different.
  3. I have no doubt they may read it from time to time but what I meant was actively participating in the discussions on the board. I'm aware of artists that have joined discussions on their own boards, usually with disastrous results. This isn't always the case but I know it's something their PR people try to persuade them against.
  4. Not really a fan but I'm curious as to what you think of The Body. I posted one of their tunes in the Current Music Recommendations thread recently but I'm not sure if you've had a chance to listen to it or not. They're not really my thing but I did hear their set recently which closed out the Hopscotch Hangover party in Raleigh.
  5. The Gourds' original cover of Snoop Dogg's Gin n' Juice.
  6. Try these Takeaway clips when you get a chance and let me know what you think.
  7. I've been trying to track down some DeYarmond Edison (the band Justin Vernon was in with the guys from Megafaun prior to forming Bon Iver) but it's out of print and very hard to find. I have seen Bon Iver once before (opening for Wilco) and really enjoyed them. If you haven't checked out Megafaun yet, I think you would like them.
  8. Jahfin

    MOJO Robert Plant

    What people that make this argument tend to forget is that the tour with Alison (as well as the record itself) were already in the planning stages well before the concert at the 02 even came up. Talk about contradictory. Plant's earned the right to sing that song (as well as any tune from the Zep catalog) any way he pleases. Ever heard Unledded? Those songs were also radically rearranged. Guess who was on board with that as well as Plant? That's right, Jimmy Page. Not every song on those records are covers. In any case, the songs that are covers aren't particularly well known. In fact, in most cases, they're fairly obscure. That would be the huge difference between those albums and the covers albums Rod Stewart has done.
  9. Thanks for posting. I do love me some Mumford & Sons.
  10. They're here this week. I've never seen them so I may have to catch this show. Over the weekend: Sounds of the South Megafaun & Fight the Big Bull feat. Justin Vernon of Bon Iver & Sharon Van Etten The members of Megafaun moved from Wisconsin to Raleigh with Vernon as the band DeYarmond Edison. After Vernon went back north to record as Bon Iver, the Cook brothers and Joe Westerlund stayed on in the Piedmont, crafting a timeless folk-pop that “drinks deeply from the well of the past but could only have been made today” (Drowned in Sound)—an archive of rural America's ghosts. In this exclusive live recording event, the rustic avant-gardists team with Fight the Big Bull, the “thrilling” (NPR) 9-piece jazz collective from Richmond, VA, along with Vernon and the blisteringly talented Van Etten. Together in Durham for three shows only, they'll cut a live album based on Alan Lomax's collection of shape-note songs and dirt-floor hymns, Sounds of the South, gathered during a two-year trek through the American southeast (1959-1961). Recast through Megafaun's experimental Americana, FtBB's brass jazz, Vernon's "chilly, rusty grandeur" (Village Voice), and Van Etten's haunting soprano, the folk songs Lomax immortalized will live again at Hayti, once an AME Zion church and now a semi-sacred venue whose acoustics rival any studio's. 1. Bulldozers and Dirt 2. One of These Days 3. Feb 14th 4. Gravity's Gone 5. Hell No I Ain't Happy 6. Zip City 7. After The Scene Dies 8. Birthday Boy 9. Girls Who Smoke 10. Sinkhole 11. Marry Me 12. Santa Fe 13. Women Without Whiskey 14. Charlie Drag the Lake 15. Ronnie and Neal 16. Where The Devil Don't Stay 17. Dead, Drunk and Naked 18. Guitar Man Upstairs 19. (One Day It's Gonna Be) I Told You So 20. Buttholeville > State Trooper (Springsteen) Encore: 21. Everybody Needs Love (Eddie Hinton) 22. Ghost To Most 23. Let There Be Rock
  11. I don't know if I'd call it his "best" playing but I love this record:
  12. Axis: Bold As Love is my absolute favorite Experience record.
  13. I'm amazed there was so much unreleased material (live and otherwise) left in the vault, and it's still being released. In addition to the upcoming boxset, apparently there's even more but it may never see the light of day due to litigation. This, according to something I heard on XM's Deep Tracks channel recently.
  14. You're in for a treat as I saw them last night in Raleigh. They have reaffirmed my faith in rock n' roll.
  15. For those of you into the heavier stuff, this may be right up your alley. These guys played last Sunday night as part of the Hopscotch Hangover party at Slim's in Raleigh. I was there but never ventured inside to check them out, I could hear them just fine from outside. To my ears it sounded like a murder occurring inside the club. That's not a slight, it's the sound the band aims to project (especially since they cite Charles Manson as an influence).
  16. You guessed it, and they were fighting over one of these:
  17. Elf Power with Let's Wrestle at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill.
  18. Tonight, at the new Raleigh amphitheater. No opener, all Crowes.
  19. You really should get out more. These are just a few, there's many more.
  20. I don't rule out everything post-El Loco as there is some good stuff there. It's just that after a while it all starts to sound the same. Thanks for the info.
  21. That's what folks get for judging a book by it's cover. Johnny Cash (and this particular photo) are representative of him and what he stood for. As a fan of his, that's why I chose this photo for my avatar. That's not me flipping the bird, it's Johnny Cash. Go by my posts, not my avatar. Again, you can't judge a book by it's cover but that doesn't stop folks from doing it.
  22. I never said it wasn't an opinion. This thread is about first impressions and I gave mine. If you want to read something more sinister into it (which seems to be your wont with each and every one of your posts) then go right ahead. Once I've had more time to spend with the record I'll have a more thorough opinion of it. Until then, that's what I think of the album after just one listen. Twist and turn that any way you want (and I'm sure you will).
  23. It means I've listened to it once and don't have an opinion formed about the record yet other than I do like it. I don't see anything pretentious about that.
  24. I was familiar with a good many of the songs on the collection but after getting done hearing it for the first time my impression was, these are the bands that slipped between the cracks while the Stones, Doors, Kinks, Who, etc. were riding high and getting all of the publicity. Nuggets is definitely a must for anyone that wants a bigger picture of what was going on in rock n' roll at the time. BTW, I recently read that both Lenny Kaye and Patti Smith are going to be on the next R.E.M. record. Add New Orleans' horn-heavy Bonerama to the mix and you've very much piqued my interest (as if it wasn't piqued enough already). Apropos of nothing, check out their cover of When the Levee Breaks when you have some extra time:
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