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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Thanks, if Nesmith was involved that might actually interest me in seeing them. I've heard nothing but great things about his solo work over the years but have never looked into it. Apparently, he is considered by many to be one of the pioneers of "country rock" due to his early solo material.
  2. This clip, produced by Michael Nesmith, came to mind when reading about the potential Monkees reunion in another thread.
  3. Seems like I heard or read something about this recently...Nesmith wants no part of it if I'm not mistaken. For that matter, has he ever taken part in any of these reunions?
  4. Considering this is also the Velvet Revolver thread I'm surprised there's been no mention of Weiland's recent troubles. The STP tour was slated to run through here a few weeks ago but has since been rescheduled for later this month. I have next to zero interest in seeing it aside from opening act, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
  5. Is this the most recent remastered version? If so, I'm just curious how it sounds on vinyl. I have the original vinyl but haven't given it a spin in years. I did pick up the CD remaster and it took me right back to when I heard that record for the very first time. I'm no audiophile but I can say it sounds a bit crisper but still maintains it's Murmur-ness.
  6. Everyone? Dylan is no doubt an influence and but those chords aren't unique to just Dylan, practically every singer/songwriter mode has employed them.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxGCMyxEtp8
  8. If artists that don't want their shows filmed or recorded are actually serious about it then they're going to have to have security confiscate everyone's cellphones. Otherwise they're never going to put a stop to it. I can certainly understand flashes going off being distracting to the performers but as long as no flash photography is allowed you'd think it'd be cool. Still, some bands (like the Black Crowes) have a strict no cameras policy. I ran into that at one of their recent concerts but someone somehow managed to film their 11 minute encore (a cover of a Velvet Underground song) which they uploaded to YouTube in due course. On the other hand, some artists have actually embraced the filming and photographing of their concerts. On R.E.M.'s last tour they set up a blog specifically for fans to upload photos and film clips. Even though that was R.E.M.'s policy, some venues still tried to stop fans from filming and taking photos.
  9. One local venue (the Durham Performing Arts Center) gets it, at least as far as being courteous to your clientele is concerned. Last year I went to see Alice Cooper there and was told there were no cameras allowed. When I got to my seat I saw everyone taking pictures so I asked someone with the venue if it was all right if I went out to my car to get my camera and they replied, "Sure! Just be sure to hurry up before he dies again!" When I returned, a member of security (Alice's people, not the venue's) watched me like a hawk and constantly accused me of filming the show. He never let up the entire concert. Having never seen Alice in concert, this was the equivalent of someone standing there taking a piss in my corn flakes. Meanwhile, everyone around me was continuing to take photos without consequence. Upon checking YouTube when I got home, I found no less than a dozen or so clips from the concert I'd just attended. When my situation was brought to the attention of DPAC management they were extremely apologetic saying that was not the type of atmosphere they wished to create at their venue. They then gifted me with a pair of tickets to any upcoming concert of my choice (I chose Jackson Browne). Do you think any of the Live Nation-associated sheds would have done anything like that? Hell no. All they are concerned about is their bottom dollar.
  10. I'm far from a big Tom Petty fan but I can't say I agree with the "copying Dylan" sentiment. Influenced by Dylan? Yes. Copy? No. Then again it's strange when the "borrowing from Zep" thing comes up because if anyone was ever guilty of plundering other artists' work, it's Led Zeppelin.
  11. I'm surprised there's no mention of the ticket scalping scheme Van Halen and Irving Azoff were accused of during their last tour. That aside, it would help the concert industry to not nickel and dime concertgoers to death with "convenience" charges, parking fees, overpriced food and beverages, $35 for t-shirts, "security" personel breathing down our necks, etc., etc. Yes, the venues and artists have to make money to survive but these days, going to a concert can get into the hundreds of dollars easily and that's without buying any food or merch.
  12. These are very different times. Back then rock radio actually supported new artists so they could get by with it. These days, even having your song featured in an ad (say, JC Penny) is but one of a myriad of ways to gain exposure for your work.
  13. I saw Gallagher II (his brother) once who did Gallagher's act down to a t. He walked in with a long PVC pipe he was using to squirt everybody. No one was safe, he made it clear that everybody was going to get something on them before it was all over with (and he did). I believe Gallagher has since put a stop to his brother's act. Even though it wasn't the real Gallagher, everyone still had a great time. I was so convinced it really was Gallagher that I went home and check on the innerwebz to find out for sure. That night, Gallagher was performing at Irvine Meadows in California so it definitely wasn't him. Over the weekend I saw Possum Jenkins, Kim Richey w/Mando Saenz and Whitey Morgan & the 78s.
  14. When and if Jimmy Page's new album ever comes out and he's out making the rounds to promote it the Led Zeppelin question is bound to come up. Will he then be accused of the same thing?
  15. ...and people wonder just how long musicians can keep on rockin'. Well, ol' Jerry Lee Lewis is a prime example that you can do it (and do it well) for as long as you fuckin' want to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEaeEwu8OM8&feature=related
  16. You'll probably need at least 3-4 hankies to make it through this one.
  17. Stipe guesting on vocals last night in NYC with Tired Pony, a new project with Gary Lightbody (Snow Patrol) and Peter Buck and Scott McCaughey of R.E.M.
  18. Anyone read this? How To Save the Music Industry
  19. He can be very hit or miss though. I like what little I've heard of the new record but I'm not quite intrigued enough to buy it. Yet. When you find yourself with an extra 40 minutes or so on your hands you might wanna give this a looksee, it's the full Le Noise film:
  20. Lucinda's great, I highly recommend the album this comes from called Car Wheels On a Gravel Road. Back to the topic at hand, love this one. "Tell the Children the Truth"
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