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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. One of several clips recently posted to R.E.M.'s website from their recording sessions in Nashville. There's also this news about the official release of their 2008 performance on Austin City Limits which is due out on October 26th.
  2. Thanks for the head's up. It's gonna be a busy week with Earl Scruggs, the Black Crowes, Drivin' n' Cryin', Megafaun and the Drive-By Truckers all playing in the area. Got turned onto a Swedish band during Hopscotch called Dungen. Have you heard of them?
  3. Looking forward to seeing this band, the Strange Boys and Gentleman Jesse in Chapel Hill tomorrow night.
  4. In addition to his new album, Le Noise, which is due to drop on the 28th of this month (Sept.), Neil will also be reforming Buffalo Springfield for this year's Bridge School Benefit in October. More info here, the lineup is listed below. Saturday Buffalo Springfield Pearl Jam Elvis Costello Merle Haggard and Kris Kristofferson Lucinda Williams Billy Idol Jackson Browne and David Lindley Modest Mouse Grizzly Bear Sunday Buffalo Springfield Pearl Jam T-Bone Burnett’s Speaking Clock Revue featuring Elton John, Leon Russell, Elvis Costello, Ralph Stanley, Neko Case and Jeff Bridges Elvis Costello Merle Haggard and Kris Kristofferson Modest Mouse Grizzly Bear
  5. During a recent episode of Tom Petty's Buried Treasure show on XM, he made a comment about playing all the best in Rock, Rhythm & Blues but promised no Jethro Tull tunes. What's Tom have against the Tull?
  6. The Americana awards aren't televised but it was covered by NPR and satellite radio.
  7. They get off on getting a rise out of people. They enjoy it particularly because theres no fear of retaliation since they're hiding behind a computer screen. It's been the downfall of many a board, too bad it's pretty much become the norm at this one.
  8. Megafaun performing at the Friend Island day party yesterday at the Pour House in Raleigh, NC as part of the Hopscotch festival.
  9. Just saw these guys (and gal) at Hopscotch, fixin' to head out for more.
  10. Maybe we should be thankful for threads like this since it gets all of the sick fucks on this board right out in the open. The truly unfortunate thing is, if the saying is true that fans are a reflection of the band they admire then this is a side of Led Zeppelin's fanbase I would never want to be a part of as they are a complete disgrace and an outright embarrassment.
  11. I think the influence that album alone has had on music in general pretty much speaks for itself. I love their surfin' songs as well as the more serious stuff. They set just as much a precedent for what could be done in a recording studio (practically using it as an instrument) as the Beatles did with Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. And yes, I know the critics just love to fall all over themselves in regards to both those records but there's a reason for that. They were both groundbreaking albums that are influencing artists to this day.
  12. Pet Sounds has come highly recommended to me for a long time so on the strength of those recommendations I purchased it a good ten years ago or so. I listened to it in nearly every conceivable environment in an attempt to understand what all the fuss was about. I listened to it on the beach with headphones, at 10,000 feet, etc. but I still didn't get it. I gave it another chance a few years ago. It was 3 am at the beach and finally, it came to me. To compare Brian Wilson's current work to that masterpiece isn't really fair. It's obvious the guy still has a lot of issues but mainly I'm just thankful he's still around.
  13. No, I wouldn't because all terrorists are either Muslim or of Arabic descent. It's a proven fact, just ask Rick Jethro.
  14. Have you listened to Joe Pug from that list? Go have a listen let me know if he sounds "emo, punky, trashy, yeah-yeah-yeahs-y". When you're done listening to him, check out the Drive-By Truckers and let me know if they also fit that description. I'll also add Josh Ritter and the Love Language to that list. None of them fit your description of "indie rock". That's what I mean by sweeping generalizations such as yours. It goes to show you haven't actually taken the time to listen to the artists in question before judging them.
  15. This fella look familiar to you? Terrorists come in all shapes and sizes, not just Muslim or Arabic ones.
  16. So, anyone that appears to be of Arabic descent is someone you immediately assume is a "terrorist"?
  17. Prior to social network sites like Facebook we went through life never seeing people from our past again. Now, it's easier than ever. That is, if someone wants to be found. I have not remained friends with the majority of people I went to high school with. After graduation all of us went our separate ways. I've been to one high school reunion and that's it. With FB I've been able to catch up with some of these people but for the most part the befriending has been just that. The ones I was truly friends with, I have corresponded with but after catching up on what we've been doing since high school there's been very little to no correspondence. I guess that's cool since it's something that wasn't possible before but after a year or so of no contact after "re-friending" on FB, I've deleted most of those people because that's all we have in common.
  18. I'm not judging anyone. You took the time to come into this thread to slam what you perceive as "indie rock" and I'm trying to explain to you that there is no such thing. It's like how people mistakenly refer to "classic rock" as a genre when it is not one, it's a radio format. So, when I see someone totally write off independent artists I want to understand why. Independent artists record a variety of different music that covers the spectrum so when one totally writes off all independent artists because of a misconception about the meaning of the word "indie" I have a very hard time grasping that sort of reasoning. It's like someone saying I don't like music at all. Yes, that person has every right to feel that way but it doesn't stop me from wondering how they arrived at that conclusion. As I mentioned, back in the 70s everyone from Led Zeppelin to the Grateful Dead reached a point where they were able to set up their own labels that freed them from the tyranny of working with the majors. To completely brush aside all independent artists is something I just don't understand. And yes, you may have "indirectly" answered this ("I don't like it's style, popularity, appearance, ...") but that's addressing "indie rock" as a genre, one that doesn't even exist. That even further confounds my understanding of how someone can make such a sweeping generalization regarding independent artists. So, I pose the question again, if Led Zeppelin were a new artist today that issued their first record on an independent label would you immediately write them off based completely on that?
  19. It's not a question of analyzing, it's a question of trying to understand why you disregard anything with the term "indie" attached to it. So, as we watch the record industry collapse and more and more artists choose to run their own labels will you just opt not to listen to music at all simply because they are free of the major labels and are considered independent? Swan Song was a label started up by Zep. If they were a new band today and issued their music solely on their own label (making them an independent artist) would you write them off based just on that? The Grateful Dead and the Rolling Stones also started up their own labels. If they were new bands today would you also not to listen to them based just on the fact that they're independent artists?
  20. The sooner this incarnation of G n' R implodes, the sooner Tommy Stinson can get back doing something musically worthwhile again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiCl0AyYxyM "Along came this band that wasn't even together, they were called Guns n' Roses" -Todd Snider from "Talkin' Seattle Grunge Rock Blues"
  21. Those are the very assholes that suddenly want to be "friends" that were never my "friends" back then either. With very few exceptions I don't know any of those folks anymore.
  22. That's like picking Bobby Sherman out of lineup of 1970s artists and posing the exact same question.
  23. Yes, it is your own choice but you are doing yourself (as well as the musicians) a disservice by being so close minded. An artist being "independent" doesn't mean they're untalented and/or not worthy of your attention. Apparently you don't like independent artists' "style, popularity or appearance", at least according to this quote: Speak for yourself, this is a message board and the topic is our favorite releases of 2010 and this has everything to do with that discussion because apparently you have something against "independent" artists. More and more musicians are choosing to go that route because it puts them in control over the record company weasels. For years artists have been screwed by record labels and the industry in general. Nowadays they want complete control and to be free of the major labels so they can call their own shots. Is that really such a bad thing?
  24. Sounds like you still have your mind made up that you're not going to like anything on that list. So, I have to ask, what is it about the term "indie" that you dislike so much? It is no more a term to describe a genre of music than "Classic Rock" is.
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