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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. How much of the new stuff have you actually heard or are you still making blanket judgements just as you did under all of the various other guises you've used on this board?
  2. Jahfin

    MOJO Robert Plant

    Then, it is what you're saying. I don't believe YOU.
  3. I would tape MTV's 120 Minutes every Sunday. That, and Post Modern MTV introduced me to a lot of new artists.
  4. Jahfin

    MOJO Robert Plant

    It's just more bellyachin' from those that feel Plant and the surviving members of Zeppelin owe them something. Do people really want a reunion even though Plant's heart isn't in it?
  5. Evidently they tried working with other singers and for whatever reason, it didn't click. So, even without Plant they made an effort to continue on. I don't blame him one iota for not wanting to be a part of it. His heart just isn't in it, and for good reason. Do you want to pay through the nose to see a band going through the motions with a singer that doesn't even want to be there? I know I don't. If circumstances were different and Plant actually wanted to be a part of it that would be one thing but that's not the case. Leave that to the bands' who's prime motivation is cash. Lord knows, there's plenty of them out there along with plenty of clueless fans only too eager to fork over their hard earned cash to see some kind of approximation of the past. In the case of Led Zeppelin, I think it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. They did a reunion show that was clearly advertised as a "one-off" yet people still expect them to mount some sort of full scale tour that has never even been promised. They can't even get it together without Plant, what do you think it would be like with him onstage and he doesn't even want to be there? I'm not paying to see that. I've accepted that Led Zeppelin ended in 1980 and consider the few shows they've done together since then (especially the 02) to be the icing on the cake. They didn't have to play Live Aid, the Atlantic Records Anniversary gig or even the 02 concert but they did. I'm content with that. It's readily apparent that others aren't but to me that only means Zeppelin did their job.
  6. Miracle of miracles the surviving members of Led Zeppelin played together again at the 02 in 2007. There's your reunion. Is it wrong to want more? Any good artist knows it's best to go out on top, leaving the audience wanting more. Zeppelin accomplished that. Does it make you a "criminal" that you want to see them continue? No, it doesn't but by the same token, why are you so unwilling to accept the fact that they do not want to carry on without John Bonham? He was a very unique individual that cannot be replaced by anyone. Not his son, not by any of the world's top drummers. Let the man rest and allow the rest of band to follow their own individual paths as artists. Hopefully their decision not to carry on as a band will benefit Page in his upcoming solo project and subsequent tour. Personally, I'm much more interested in that than seeing a band try to rehash their past.
  7. Exactly. Maybe if this solo record actually comes out there will be a tour to follow. I'm much more looking forward to new music from Page than dwelling on the prospects of a reunion they've already made good on.
  8. No member of Zeppelin is "replaceable". John Bonham brought something to the table that can't be replicated. The same goes for Plant, Page and Jones. They announced their demise in 1980 for a reason. The same one Plant stands by today. Without John Bonham behind the drumkit there's no Led Zeppelin. They played one last show that no one ever thought would happen and still, folks like yourself want more. Just be glad they did that concert and let it rest.
  9. .38 Special was led by Ronnie Van Zant's brother Donnie Van Zant and included original Skynyrd bassist Larry Junstrom. Other than that they had nothing at all to do with Lynyrd Skynyrd. In other words, they weren't an off-shoot of Skynyrd, .38 Special was their own entity.
  10. You're missing the point entirely, I'm referring to the fact that Page is the one that won't let Zeppelin go. Maybe, finally he will be able to move on with his next solo project and will at long put the past behind him.
  11. It negates nothing. Other than Live Aid, anytime they've played together in the past, they've called on Jason to fill the drum slot. That doesn't make John Bonham "replaceable". When Skynyrd's plane went down in that Mississippi swamp in 1977 that should have effectively ended that band right then and there and did, for ten years. So, when they regrouped in 1987 with a new lineup does that mean Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and Cassie Gaines were "replaceable"? NO, it doesn't. Listen to the music they've made post-plane crash and it speaks for itself. Take John Bonham out of the equation and you no longer have Led Zeppelin, you have an approximation that doesn't even come close to the original chemistry created by Page, Plant, Jones and John Bonham.
  12. You haven't quoted anyone so I'm not sure who your comment is directed at but if it is indeed directed at me, I get all of my misinformation about Page from one Steve A. Jones. Just look at Page's track record post-Zep, it speaks for itself.
  13. Nor is replacing Jones or John Bonham possible. Zeppelin was made up of a very special chemistry that was only present when all four of them were there. Take one away and that chemistry is gone. That goes just as much for Bonham as it does for any other member of the band, none are replaceable. Right now you have bands like Molly Hatchet that tour with no original members and the fans are quite alright with that. I would rather Zeppelin not join the ranks of artists that don't know when to call it quits. For all intents and purposes Led Zeppelin ended in 1980 when Bonham died. If they were to tour they would all have to have their hearts in it as I have said. That ain't happening. Better no Zeppelin "reunion" than a half-hearted one. The impossible happened when they played the 02, let it go at that. We got our reunion whether all of us were in attendance or not.
  14. Considering you joined the board in March of this year and I only recently became active on the board again recently you seem to think you have some sort of knowledge of my history here (misinformed as it may be). So, just how many times have you been banned from the board since you're obviously not a new member?
  15. I am willing to accept that the 02 was it. That was all that was ever promised and they delivered. Still, that is not enough for some people. They want to rag on Plant and demand a tour for their own selfish purposes without taking into account the feelings of the surviving members. If their hearts were in it, it would be one thing but it's very clear that isn't the case here. Perhaps this will finally force Page to accept the fact that there is indeed life after Zeppelin. Jones and Plant haven't seemed to have any trouble with that, meanwhile Page wants to continue to recreate/live in the past.
  16. People just want their "Led Zeppelin" reunion, damn the feelings of the participants. Well, we finally got the long awaited reunion in 2007 and that's still not enough. They want to squeeze even more blood from the stone, at the same time continuing to lay blame at the feet of Robert Plant for not fulfilling their nostalgic needs.
  17. These guys will be opening for the Indigo Girls/Amy Ray on their upcoming tours in October & November, by all means check them out if they're playing in your area. Mount Moriah Willin' b/w Boomer's Story The vinyl release of Croweology has been delayed until August 31st but this treat is available now. Got a free copy at my local record store today.
  18. So Cash is only cool in a "post-ironic kind of way"? That's a new one on me. Who was cool during the "ironic" only time period? So, it's the finger that indicates sarcasm? That's also a new one on me. I could have sworn he gave the finger in that photograph 'cause he was pissed off. I don't see any sarcasm in that, I see Cash simply being himself.
  19. Yeah, they do. "Good" music isn't confined to just one era. I grew up in the 70s and love music from that time period but I'm also very fond of music from other eras, especially the present one.
  20. So, you'd rather see a yet another "reunion" where the artists involved don't actually have their hearts in it? I thought the Eagles would have shown everyone by now what a heartless proposition that is. Better no Zeppelin than a half-hearted one, not to mention the absence of one John Henry Bonham.
  21. Exactly, anyone using a Johnny Cash photo for an avatar should be immediately suspect. Any others I should be on the lookout for because you know it's best to judge a book by it's cover? It is? I had no idea.
  22. You somehow managed to miss this I'm guessing. I also called for my own banning since I'm apparently out of line for pointing out trolls (as if we need any help since the board is crawling with them these days).
  23. Yep, that's exactly what's going on.
  24. Let it go already. Nothing was ever promised beyond the 02 show, just be grateful they did that and get on with your life.
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