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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Whether an artist is "special" or not isn't the question at hand, it's the assumption that "X" artist is "the best". There is NO way to prove that. It's only a matter of opinion. I have favorites but have never once proclaimed that any one artist, song, album, etc. is "best".
  2. Even the news story refers to Run DMC as a "rap" duo. Therefore they're not "rock n' roll". I don't think they or Madonna belong in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. You also have Bobby Womack being inducted who isn't exactly "rock" but I feel he belongs in for the same reason many other Soul/R & B performers do, because of their profound influence on rock n' roll. Rap and dance music like Madonna makes have no place in there. I do understand why they've been inducted though, it comes down to two words: Jann Wenner. His definition of "rock n' roll" defers very greatly from mine.
  3. I'm a fan but why would some of those groups even belong in the Hall? I understand Kiss, Alice Cooper and the Faces since they were true pioneers but I'm not so sure the others even come close to meeting the criteria for induction. For instance, what were Grand Funk Railroad doing that tons of other groups weren't already doing that were far more influential?
  4. While consistent throughout, I think he's been coasting on his last couple of records. Whereas prior to that, his albums at least included some real standouts. His setlists as of late have also become extremely predictable with him and the Cardinals playing nearly an identical set night in and night out. Before the release of Easy Tiger his sets were wildly unpredictable and you never knew what you were going to get. That also had it's downside but I'll take that Ryan over the Ryan who's currently coasting.
  5. So the Bee Gees and Abba are better than the music that's coming out now? Just how far do you have your head up your ass?
  6. A "bit whiny" is an understatement. I'm a fan and will continue to be but anyone that's followed Ryan's career any at all is well aware of his antics by now. This is merely the latest chapter. I'm just glad I got to see him with Whiskeytown and early on in his solo career before he slipped entirely into mediocrity.
  7. Jahfin


    Quite the contrary, I was just expressing my opinion. And I have to laugh at your "loves a fight" comment. You've been banned from this place so many times you can't even remember how many screen names you've had. That's what happens when you go around speaking in absolutes such as "Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever" or "IV is the best album ever made, bar none". I love Led Zeppelin or I wouldn't be here myself but they aren't my favorite band.
  8. Jahfin


    It's more than evident you didn't read a thing I wrote. I was referring to fans that are demanding of a "Zeppelin" tour who are being selfish, not your opinion of Raising Sand. What I took offense to was your reference to Raising Sand as a "bluegrass" record when it's anything but. Of course you have a right not to like the album, that was never my point.
  9. I still go to lots of club shows but R.E.M., Wilco, Plant/Krauss were worth every fucking penny I paid to see 'em this past year. Van Halen weren't bad either.
  10. http://www.nme.com/news/metallica/42076 Guitarist Jeff Beck also makes the list of 2009 honourees Metallica and Run DMC are among the artists that will be nominated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year. Both bands formed in the US approximately 25 years ago and are widely considered to be among the most influential bands in their genres. Run DMC were pioneering hip-hop artists in the early 1980s and achieved great success when they collaborated with Aerosmith to remake 'Walk This Way'. The rap duo Joseph "Run" Simmons and Darryl "DMC" McDaniels lost their DJ, Jam Master Jay, in a 2002 shooting. Metallica have been an enduring force in heavy metal, releasing their first album in 1983 and their latest album, 'Death Magnetic', in 2008. Their self-titled album reached the top of the US Billboard chart in 1991, and they have been one of the most critically acclaimed heavy metal bands in the US. Guitarist Jeff Beck, who has collaborated with the likes of Mick Jagger and Stevie Wonder and is widely considered one of the world's best guitarists, will also be inducted. The complete list of 2009 inductees is: Jeff Beck Little Anthony & the Imperials Metallica Run-D.M.C. Bobby Womack Early Influence Category Inductee: Wanda Jackson Sidemen Category: Bill Black DJ Fontana Spooner Oldham The induction ceremony is set to take place on April 4 and will be held in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's home city of Cleveland for the first time in more than 10 years. It will be broadcast live in the US on Fuse TV.
  11. Poor Ryan? Really? I have to wonder just long you've been a fan. This is just more of his grade school dramatics.
  12. So, even if one were able to determine an artists' ability on a certain instrument, does that make them the "best"?
  13. I get the impression from a lot of posts here that are either directed at Plant (or Krauss, or both) and now Page that there is a certain contingent of so-called Zeppelin "fans" that are most definitely selfish because they are not getting their Led Zeppelin reunion. One that was never even planned to start with. As far as Page's health, I haven't read anything about it in the press reports relating to no tour happening. My point is, if he wants to continue to perform there seems to be nothing holding him back. If he needs to perform sitting down, so be it. It's not like he hasn't had to do that before.
  14. Good point and nice post but I still don't think the "test of time" determines if a certain artist is "best", at least the way Yukon chooses to define it. If Nirvana records are still being played regularly centuries from now do you think he would agree they are "best"? I think not because he will continue to base his criteria of what is "best" on technical ability alone and everyone knows Cobain was far from a technically proficient guitar player. By the way, I have nothing whatsover against Nirvana or Kurt Cobain, I'm merely using them as an example for those that base what is "best" on one's technical ability.
  15. Jahfin


    Did you even read your own fucking post? Define "Americana". It's just another catch all term like No Depression, Y'allternative, Insurgent Country, etc. that's never been clearly defined. I have no problem with someone expressing an opinion especially if it's a well informed one but yours seems ill informed at best. It also comes across as saying that Plant/Krauss didn't make the record you wanted them to make which I read as being selfish. So, what if the next album is a continuation of Raising Sand stylistically? What type of record should they make that would meet your needs?
  16. All of which is totally beside the point. I'm saying Page can mostly definitely still perform live at his age. Going by some of the people here, just because they didn't get their so called "Led Zeppelin reunion" (which wasn't supposed to happen anyway), Page should retire to a nursing home. It's either that or blame Robert Plant or Alison Krauss. Why not just accept the fact that the 02 was a one-off show just as it was advertised?
  17. All of which has exactly what to do with Page not being able to perform live any more? I fully believe he can whether it be with Jones and Jason Bonham or not.
  18. Jahfin


    And you're yet another clueless fuck on a board that's nearly full of them. So, you believe Raising Sand is a "bluegrass" record? If so, just how big of a fucking rock are you living under?
  19. Faces reunion a no go: Tough Times for Ron Wood
  20. Angus Young and Keef could dance circles around Jimmy Page. Nothing says he has to act like he's 22 again. If the others mentioned can still do it at their age, so can Jimmy Page. He's not as much of a wuss as so many of you are making him out to be. Seems like most of y'all would sooner see him in a nursing home than gracing a stage again all because you're so fucking selfish over your proposed "Led Zeppelin reunion" which was never supposed to happen anyway. The 02 show was it. Even Jones said they weren't going to perform as "Led Zeppelin", that the singer wouldn't be Plant soundalike and they would be recording new material to tour behind. Even if all of those things were to happen (and they all very well still could) you'd still be complaining about it.
  21. It's painfully obvious you're entirely missing my point. How does one go about determining technical ability? Even if there was a way (which there isn't) would it mean that a certain artist is unequivocally the "best"?
  22. Ryan Adams quits....something
  23. You're reading things into this that I never said. I stand by my statement that music isn't a competition and it's up to the individual as to what they like. I could give a shit about a Playboy poll or the Grammys, they don't have a thing to do with my point. I'm referring to individuals and what they chose to listen to. The bigger point being, there's no way to determine who the best artist or instrumentalist is in any given category in music. That's why conversations such as this that pit The Who against Zeppelin (or whoever) as the "best" are completely inane and utterly pointless.
  24. Jahfin


    Like Col. Tom Parker? Page wasn't quoted once in that article. That's not to say there's no truth to it but nothing came straight from the horse's mouth. It also shouldn't sound the death knell on the future of Page's career with or without John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham. From some of the posts I've read here you would get the impression some fans think he should just go ahead and check into a nursing home. They're as full of shit as the ones that continue to blame Plant for Zeppelin not continuing when all along the O2 concert was clearly advertised as a one off concert. Get the fuck over yourselves already.
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