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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. The Song Remains the Same and Mothership are also available on cassette, 8-track, reel-to-reel and DAT? Damn, I must have missed that.
  2. Then what are you doing on a Plant/Krauss site or John Paul Jones' site? You obviously know about Plant's time in Led Zeppelin so what's the big deal? I believe Sam that runs this site also runs that one so perhaps you'd be best to take up that issue with him. That is, if he can keep from laughing in your face.
  3. Yes, you do. "Don't try to describe a Kiss concert if you've never seen it" -Jimmy Buffett from Manana
  4. I'm not "up in arms", I just got the (false) impression from the thread subtitle that some fake interviews with Page where in circulation. Dated quotes are one thing, entirely fabricated interviews are entirely another.
  5. "scs" is Rick? May be but my money's on one of the board's newest members, "Jaws".
  6. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    When did I ever compare Led Zeppelin to other bands or how they ended? I didn't. Zeppelin's demise came about because of John Bonham's untimely death. If you get anything else out of what I said it's because you're reading things into my comments that I never said.
  7. What "news"? The keyword to this thread is right there in the subject line: "Rumors". There's already been discussion of Plant and Krauss collaborating further which comes from an actual reliable source, T Bone Burnett himself.
  8. Sounds more like you're just disgruntled that Plant isn't regrouping with Led Zeppelin. Do you seriously think the very critically well received Raising Sand album and tour would have anything in common with a Jagger "rap" record? I hate to break it to you but Led Zeppelin ended in 1980. Anything they've done after that is just gravy. Perhaps you need some sort of reality check.
  9. No problem, glad you're enjoying it. As a R.E.M. fan it's very cool to see them playing much more than just the well worn hits.
  10. Plant/Krauss have also sold out other venues. I'm not sure why so many are so quick to blame the shows not selling out on the type of music they're playing (which is much more far reaching than just bluegrass), you also have to figure the high cost of gas into it as well as the state of the economy in general. ...and, who the hell is "Rob Stewart"?
  11. Be careful about throwing actual facts out there it won't give their already shaky legs any room to stand on.
  12. That doesn't make the interview any less "real", dated yes but not any less "real". From the thread subtitle one would get the impression there were some totally fabricated Page interviews floating around.
  13. I realize automated stations have been around for a long time, I worked at one myself during the 80s and it was totally joyless experience. I'm just saying the station I last worked at (and many more) have also become mostly automated these days as well. Satellite radio also follows a format but it's not nearly as strict or limited as commercial stations. I'm not saying there are "freeform" AOR stations, I'm saying there are ones that don't strictly adhere to playlists like many Clear Channel stations do. They play music outside the norm like many old album rock stations did, they're still following a format.
  14. This is more than just a Led Zeppelin board. If you want to discuss their solo projects there is a section for that. There's also a section to discuss other artists and bands. In addition to that there's also a section to discuss other things besides Led Zeppelin.
  15. Why did Page do Zeppelin songs at the ARMs concerts, with the Black Crowes, etc. Why has John Paul Jones done Zep songs on his solo tours and with other (gasp!) bluegrass acts such as Gillian Welch, Uncle Earl, the Duhks and others? Perhaps they all simply enjoy playing some of those tunes. Plant and Krauss is a "side project" to what? Led Zeppelin? I think not, it's just a continuation of Plant's solo career. For all intents and purposes Led Zeppelin ended in 1980 when John Bonham left the planet. The show at the 02 was done out of their love and respect for Ahmet. They've made no further commitment to record or tour beyond that.
  16. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    I'm not talking about the past, I'm talking about the present. I could give a shit who held up any Led Zeppelin activity since their demise. As far as I'm concerned Led Zeppelin ceased to exist when the surviving members of the band issued a press release on December 4, 1980 saying they would not continue without John Bonham. Anything they've done since then is just icing on the cake. They don't owe me or anyone else any type of "reunion". Not to mention, how can they even be "Led Zeppelin" without John Bonham? The fact of the matter is, they can't nor will they ever be. They performed one final gig at the 02 out of respect for Ahmet. If that's it, it's fine with me. They don't owe me or anyone else anything.
  17. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Can't say I ever cared much for Rhinestone Cowboy but I like some of Glen Campbell's work, particularly his covers of Jimmy Webb songs (Wichita Lineman, Galveston). As for current commercial country I don't care for very much of it at all but there's more to current country music than what's on the radio or CMT. Dig a little deeper and you'll find stuff like the Gourds, the Old 97s, Whiskeytown, Steve Earle, the Backsliders, $2 Pistols, Tift Merritt, Cheri Knight, Ryan Adams and lots and lots of other artists that don't stand a chance on commercial country radio. Thankfully there are outlets like satellite and internet radio that play them though.
  18. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Quite the opposite. I understand that Plant has a commitment at present to tour with Alison Krauss and isn't holding up anything. There are no plans for a Led Zeppelin album or tour. I "get" it, do you?
  19. It's been a while but I've heard cuts on from it on both Deep Tracks and X-Country.
  20. I've been listening to Raising Sand and it sounds very "vital" to me. Perhaps you're a bit biased since you've admitted you don't care for the record. Have you heard Emmylou Harris' Wrecking Ball where she covers everyone from Cash to Gillian Welch to Neil Young? People didn't know how to describe that record either because it covered so many styles of music that it defied simple categorization. That's exactly how I feel about Raising Sand.
  21. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Just how much "country" have you heard? Obviously not very much if you are so quick to categorize Alison Krauss as strictly "country". She's a far cry from most of the crap that passes for "country" these days.
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