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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I don't think it's always the fault of the artist when an old photo is run. I see it happen all the time, especially with bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd who've had more lineup changes than most people can keep up with. Lots of bands still tour that may only include one (or sometimes even no) original members. Two prime examples would be the Marshall Tucker Band and Blackfoot. Folks that only know them from the radio and are attending as casual fans probably have no idea and don't even care who's in the band, they just want to hear the songs performed as their used to hearing them on the radio. The more diehard fans that keep up with such things probably have no interest in seeing them or at least know going in that the band they're forking their hard earned money over for is just a fraction of it's former self.
  2. Used to, I could almost sense when the local "classic rock" station was going to play Journey. Thankfully, that sort of predictability hasn't been a problem since I signed up for satellite radio several years ago.
  3. I've never heard the Tosh thing in relation to Bob Marley's music. I'm not saying it isn't true (though I doubt it), I'm just saying I've never heard that or read it anywhere. In regards to rap, no matter your opinion of it, it owes a lot to reggae. A lot of early rap was inspired by the Jamaican practice of "toasting" (rhyming over instrumental b-sides).
  4. I'm a huge music fan, have been since I was a child in the 70s but I can't play a note. That doesn't mean I don't know anything about music or am not entitled to an opinion since I'm not a musician.
  5. I'm a pretty big Elvis Costello fan but I can't say I've ever thought of him as "underrated" . Then again I've never understood exactly who is doing the "rating". He's definitely received plenty of airplay over the years and nearly always gets rave reviews for his work so I'm not sure if he's someone I would consider "underrated". Some of my favorite artists who aren't exactly known by the masses: John Prine Tift Merritt Ryan Adams Tres Chicas Goose Creek Symphony Steve Goodman Jerry Jeff Walker Caitlin Cary Billy Joe Shaver The Old 97s Whiskeytown The Itals
  6. I didn't see last night's episode so I can't weigh in there but I do agree that SNL is usually worth tuning in for these days although for me, it's for the first ten minutes (which is of a political nature) and the Weekend Update segment. The other skits I've seen lately are a huge tune out factor and aren't usually enough to keep my attention for an entire episode. It's not long before I've switched over to the Austin City Limits on PBS.
  7. Jerry Douglas is a magnificent player. I had the pleasure of seeing him perform with a variety of artists at MerleFest several years back. They guy definitely gets around and is in great demand as a session player (for obvious reasons). Hell, it would probably be easier to name the artists he hasn't worked with. My most recent purchase:
  8. The same thing was said about a lot of artists in the past that are now revered. These are also very different times. Music reaches people in a variety of ways these days so it is hard to judge who will be remembered ten minutes from now much less ten years from now. That doesn't mean significant music history isn't being made or significant performances aren't taking place. I have no trouble finding music and concerts by current artists in the year 2008 that mean something to me but that's a hard point to get across on a board where so many seem caught up in the glories of the past and/or only seem interested in artists that sound like what they're accustomed to. I know that doesn't go for everyone here, plus it kind of comes with the territory on a board dedicated to Led Zeppelin which obviously attracts a lot of music fans that are only interested in them or artists that sound very much like them.
  9. Plant is a "selfish ego maniac"? At this point I have more admiration for him for following his own muse than I do for his bandmates who seemingly only want to repeat the past. Oh, and as for it not being Led Zeppelin without Plant it's also not "Led Zeppelin" with Jason Bonham. Led Zeppelin as we know it ceased to exist when John Bonham died. I do hope they'll go under another name and nothing close to Led Zeppelin ("The Dead" makes me cringe in comparison to the "Grateful Dead"). I am interested in the project but it all depends on who they choose as a lead singer and how much their live show will rely on new, original music and not that made famous by Led Zeppelin. As has already been noted, these type of projects are oftentimes failures and not successes. I do hope it's the latter if and when it ever gets off the ground.
  10. Many of the things listed above are why I tend to avoid shows at big venues altogether (unless it's someone I really want to see). I much prefer the club going experience over the megadomes/amphitheaters any day of the week. On the other hand there also some big outdoor events (which I previously mentioned) where there is more freedom. As for security; yes, some of that can seem like a big hassle but there has to be some order in case of an emergency.
  11. I was born in 1962. I'm here to tell you you really haven't missed out on anything. Yes, there was lots of great music then but there was also lots of shit (same as it is now). Movies and TV based on the 60s and 70s (or any era for that matter) tend to paint an overly rosy picture. Don't believe everything you see and read. So, you would have rather grown up in a period rife with social unrest, riots in the street and the Vietnam War all because you think it would have been a more desirable time to live in simply because you like the music from that era? Look around, there's a war now (though you'd be hard pressed to know it from turning on the TV) and dire economic times. Also not a very desirable time to live in. I prefer to live with my feet firmly planted in the present. As the saying goes, those that choose to live in the past are doomed to repeat it. As for the best year for music, there is no "best" year but I'd go with 2008 as there's been lots of good records released this year: R.E.M.'s Accelerate, Chris Knight's Heart of Stone, the Black Crowes' Warpaint, James McMurtry's Just Us Kids, etc. Not to even mention lots of great live shows from R.E.M., Wilco, Plant/Krauss and many others.
  12. Extremely short notice but Ryan and the Cardinals are on Letterman tonight. A clip of Cobwebs from the new record is up on Dave's site
  13. Peart was a great drummer? Last I heard Rush are still actively touring and recording. As for comparing the two, I've never really understood the need to do that. I enjoy both drummers, I don't think of listening to my favorite artists as some sort of competition. I listen out of enjoyment for the music itself, not to determine who is "best" (not sure how one would determine that even if it was possible).
  14. The new record came out yesterday but was leaked several weeks ago. I'm not all the way through it but like what I've heard so far. It doesn't seem to be nearly as adventurous (or uneven) as past efforts and seems more in line with the safeness of Easy Tiger. As for the long awaited box set, I wouldn't hold my breath. It's been promised many times but has never been delivered. That's not to say it won't be released someday but it seems like every time it's announced that it's coming out, another announcement follows quickly saying it's been delayed (again). It was supposed to be out this year but Ryan was recently quoted as saying it wasn't the "right time". I don't think there's any way in hell he could have released all that he's recorded (not just solo but dating back to Whiskeytown and before, not to mention all of his many side projects) anyway since there's so much. Most of it is available to download online. The Answering Bell site does a very good job of tracking all of his many projects but it hasn't been updated in over a year.
  15. I beg to differ: I don't see any moms and dads in suits politely clapping in the photo above (which was taken at Bonnaroo, more photos here). I'm guessing folks here aren't familiar with concerts such as Bonnaroo, the Austin City Limits Music Festival, Telluride, Coachella or any host of other festivals that are held annually (and that's just name a few from the U.S., there are tons of other similar fests held in other countries). Or maybe some of the people posting in this thread aren't attending the same concerts I've been witness to. I agree the concert going experience has definitely changed from the 60s and 70s but not all of them are as corporate or clean cut as people are making them out to be.
  16. It's already not Zeppelin with Jason Bonham on board. That's not meant to be disrespectful towards him but Led Zeppelin as we know it ceased to exist when John Bonham died.
  17. I agree with you, I was just adding my two cents to the conversation. I recall a lot more impromptu outdoor festivals back in the 70s where people could get away with pretty much anything. Things are much more controlled at concerts these days (outdoor and otherwise) since they're much more organized. There's pluses and minuses to both situations. Today, concerts can be safer events which I think is a good thing. The downside was the "pit" situation I experienced at a R.E.M. concert in Atlanta over the summer. If there had been any sort of medical emergency (or a fight) it would have been next to impossible for security to get there in time due to the overwhelming crush of people. Thankfully none of those things happened but I hope the venue in Atlanta got wind of how iffy the "pit" situation was.
  18. I may be in the minority but I think it's a very cool thing to see several generations of fans sharing their love for the same artist. It's also like I mentioned in a previous post, some artists have been around long enough now to attract many generations of fans. If you go see a newer artist you don't necessarily see such a wide age range so it's not like all concerts are now settings for "family outings".
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