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the chase

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Posts posted by the chase

  1. btw ... That's Silent film great Mack Swain on the cover.

    Too bad about Pat Torpey. Excellent Drummer. I Hope he has a managable level of Parkinson's.

    He played with Robert on the Now and Zen Tour when Chris Blackwell hurt his arm or wrist..

  2. Interesting , and with all due respect , I entirely understand your viewpoint and don't much disagree .... but I have in no way harped on any particular point , much like washing your hands after going to the bathroom .... my words were more than appropriate for the conversation presented.

    My point of fact , was only conclusive to the misguided information , as given .... and that was just ONE time , in response to the "irrelevant" words quoted by one Mr. White on an unrelated to music matter , which you then decided to rebuttal.

    Here n now , with my first response directed toward the original directee , Mr. McNally .... it is only "relevant" and "appropriate" to , for only the second time , but toward McNally "the first" ... show I am in total conclusive agreement with him , for any other assertion would be ignorant to the facts at hand .... before I relayed my viewpoint for McNally not to f**k with The Dark Lord , as he is the man!

    I'm sorry if this is sensitive material for you , but do not falsely accuse my words for something they are not. Thanks brother

    you kind of lost me... I agree with you. It doesn't affect the music.. It affects how I would feel about the music..No other implications were made.

  3. John , love your passion for The Who , i enjoy them very much myself , fantastic artist!

    As are Zeppelin , very talented in there own right , sound musicians with a solid stage presence.

    I tend to agree with much of what you have to offer , and without question in the world of grading artist , one's personal life has zero significance at all in the outcome.... where that came from is just a lack of understanding of how people miss view musicianship , very common in fact.... I'm sure the individual who came up with that quote , meant no harm.

    As for The Dark Lord , he is a genuine man with a true love , backed up with impeccable knowledge for the band he loves .... He deserves nothing but strong respect , for he is the real deal.

    You keep harping on this point.. I get it. We all get it... It doesn't make his music any different.,.

    Let me clarify how I feel. I wouldn't support an artist into this crap. period.. no matter how good their music was.

    If proven true, it would negatively affect how I feel about him (or her) and their art form..

  4. Former Jethro Tull bass player Glenn Cornick dies
    Aug. 29, 2014, 6:38 PM EST
    By CATHY BUSSEWITZ, Associated Press

    HONOLULU (AP) -- Glenn Cornick, the original bass player in the rock band Jethro Tull, died of congestive heart failure at his home in Hilo, Hawaii, on Thursday.

    Drew Cornick says his 67-year-old father had been receiving hospice care.

    Cornick performed with Jethro Tull from its inception in late 1967 until 1970.

    The band's vocalist and floutist, Ian Anderson, says on the band's website that Cornick brought bravado to Jethro Tull's early stage performances. Anderson says Cornick made considerable contributions to the music scene.

    Drew Cornick says his father was brilliant and cantankerous until the day he passed away.

    In addition to his son Drew, Cornick is survived by his wife, Brigitte Martinez-Cornick of Hilo; a daughter, Molly Cornick; and another son, Alex Cornick.

  5. How tasteless can you lot get to reduce an argument about the artistic merits of both Led Zep and The Who to the level of referring to Pete Townshend’s arrest for accessing child porn on the internet. Is that the justification and depth of your opinions and analysis on why Led Zep is better than The Who?

    Pete Townshend was foolish without a doubt but was cleared was he not? However, I agree mud sticks. I can’t believe you lot have reduced a perfectly good argument to the level of what is worse: Child porn or plagiarism. I guess on that basis Led Zep is the better band.

    No one has offered a convincing argument as to why Led Zep is the better band. I don’t really think it matters but Led Zep fans clearly do.

    My argument was all about originality and the cultural significance of the 2 bands. I have already stated my opinion on both bands here. All I can be accused of is of being biased, which Led Zep fans clearly are.

    All I have seen here is a limited depth of analysis on who is the better band. Then as soon as a fan of The Who has an opinion the argument has now been reduced to personal digs at Pete Townshend, and all because someone has had the audacity to point out Led Zep’s substantial indiscretions and borrowing of other musician’s ideas.

    Admittedly everyone in the arts borrows from someone else as popular culture feeds on itself, however, Led Zep have been elevated to a status they hardly deserve. Led Zep had nothing to say except to offer except watered down versions (lyrically speaking) of Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf songs.

    Anyway according to some of you my opinions are irrelevant. If so why start this argument in the first place??????

    I don't think your opinions are irrelevant. It's a preference.

    Are you surprised to see most fans on a Led Zeppelin site prefer Led Zeppelin to The Who? If you come in here with guns blazing, you're going to the same reaction every time.. If I went on The Who.com and started shitting all over them... I'd get the same cool reception that you got here .. and you know this...

    For me I'll try my best to offer an honest breakdown of the 2 bands.

    Guitar - I consider Jimmy Page a better all around Guitarist, But Pete Townsend is perfect for The Who and an incredible Rhythm Guitarist. Townsend gave a lot of room for Keith Moon and John Entwistle to play around his solid rhythms.

    Bass - I consider John Entwistle possibly the best rock Bassist of all time.. He had a style all is own that has never been duplicated. John Paul Jones is less adventurous and bombastic, but always very musical, melodic and the ultimate team player.

    Keyboards - Jones no brainer there... Plus Orchestral arrangements ... a real musical genius here..

    Vocals - I prefer Robert Plant but would certainly not get all offended at someone who prefers Roger Daltrey.. who's also very very good. I prefer Daltrey's not ad-libbing as much as Robert used to live.. He knew when to put the mike down and let the band rock..

    Drums - I prefer John Bonham. He was solid and would play for the song, But he could also whip out stuff that Moon Baker and Mitchell couldn't ever dream of.. Some of Bonham's stuff sounds simple and basic till you try to play it. It's anything but. Keith Moon was like a stream of musical ideas and never played the same thing twice, he was always in pure react mode.. But he was hit or miss, At times unbelievably good and at times sloppy and erratic. His decline in the late 70's was far more obvious and sad (to me) than Bonham's.. Watch the Shepperton footage of Won't Get Fooled Again and Baba O'Riley and he's hanging on for dear life.. His playing on Young Man Blues is in my all time favorite drum footage. Bonham sounded excellent till the end.. He seemed to have lost some energy 1977 on but was still quite steady and powerful.

    Production - Jimmy Page no outsiders..

    Recorded output Studio .. Zeppelin.. The Who made some brilliant albums and some not quite so.. Who's Next is my favorite.. I will add I know every millisecond of Zeppelin's studio output, not so The Who.. But from I heard Zeppelin albums were more consistent.

    Live Albums - The Who - I'll agree Live At Leeds is one of the all time great live albums... I actually prefer The Kids Are Alright, which is also one of my favorite Rock Documentaries. Jimmy Page did way too much editing with the live albums for my liking. I'll take a real 2 track bootleg over a "live album" messed with.

    Songwriting - I'd rank Townsend as one of the best complete songwriters in rock .. He wrote 90+% of their music and lyrics..

    But Page / Plant also wrote some amazing music. Your dismissal of them lyrically to me is odd when Plant wrote amazingly heartfelt lyrics like Ten Years Gone, Friends, In The Light, and All My Love I'm Gonna Crawl just to name a handful..

    Plus, John Paul Jones added some brilliant ideas as well and a very strong songwriter ... as a one on one force Townsend is hard to beat but Zeppelin had more than one major songwriter...

    Lasting impact - a tie.. The Who were loved by the Punk Rock movement while Zeppelin were hated. I'm not British so I won't pretend to know all about the Mod movement and what The Who meant to the Punk Rock Movement.. But yes they had a huge impact..

    Led Zeppelin has influenced every hard rock band that has come along since their formation. Led Zeppelin has only increased their impact, legacy and legend by disbanding when John Bonham died.. I can almost understand The Who continuing without Moon.. but without Moon and Entwistle, it's just not right.

    There...I think that's a pretty honest appraisal..

    I prefer Zeppelin but also love and respect The Who.

  6. When discussing one's music , personal mishaps have no relevance.

    In fact , it shows the lack of understanding and unease one has in there "musical genius" , that in there rebuttal of a certain artist stealing music , the biggest "no , no" amongst credible musicians , is to revert to one's personal life , as if it has any merit at all.

    Which it very obviously does not.

    I didn't defend Page's actions... Did I? I take copyright infringement very seriously. Some of the claims are ridiculous, traditional arrangement, public domain old folk songs that nobody knows who originated. Zeppelin made them into something completely different. Some claims are legit and have bothered me for a few years now...

    The allegations made towards Townsend are far more serious. He admitted he tried to or did access a site with his credit card. He claims it was for research. The law accepted this and I sincerely hope that's what it was. But, I don't consider his personal mishap irrelevant at all. You do and that's what I reacted to. I would never support a musician who's into this crap is all I can say.

    We obviously aren't going to come to an agreement "Sabbath" so this is all I'm going to say.

    This is way too serious a subject to go back and forth about. I won't do it. Peace.

  7. Interesting comment , yet not relevant in anyway.

    The gentleman was probably searching through different musical forums , very common amongst fans of good music , saw a thread comparing his favorite band against Zeppelin , and read what he found to be utter non sense , and responded.

    As for the Townsend comment , that again is irrelevant , has nothing to do with music and creativity , where as Zeppelin's very well documented lack of credibility in some of there song writing , is extremely relevant.

    I will say this , Page's enormous love for his at times borrowed music , allows him to create some true magic out of other people's music , that may not have been all the listenable without Jimmy's talented touch.

    Well seeing you called it irrelevant ... allegations of a musical genius surfing kiddie porn for research or whatever have to be taken far more seriously than another musical genius not crediting an obscure music source from 1928 or 1968.. They're not even in the same ballpark..

    One act is worthy of a cash settlement and some embarrassment ...

    The other act is worthy of 10 years in jail and your name being mud for all eternity.

  8. This is very sad news. You could tell by her posts and replies that she was a very nice and positive person.

    That she thought to have a friend inform us here at such a time speaks volumes to her considerate nature...

    Rest In Peace pottedplant.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.


  9. John Bonham would be 66 years old today ... May 31st..

    Best wishes to Pat, Zoe, Jason and Debbie Bonham.

    You incredible Husband, Father and Brother is still missed by millions of music fans, and countless drummers around the world,..

    Today is also my kid Sister Kim's 42nd Birthday.. Happy Birthday Kim!

    and... last but not least ... Happy Birthday to all forum members that have recently celebrated their Birthday!


  10. Methinks this Mark Andes fellow is trying to cash in on anything he can get his grubby hands on - now he's suing the RORHOF for using his image during Heart's induction last year despite he and another member not being themselves inducted. Why wait a year to sue?


    This is very cheesy...

    More than the STH lawsuit but that's a close second.

    I respect the late Randy California a great deal. He died a hero. But his name does not deserve to be listed in the credits...

    There are many other artists that deserve credit from Led Zeppelin but Randy California and especially Mark Andes are not among them..

  11. Director of the worst Godzilla ever...and a night I will always look back on in horror. Seldom have I ever wanted to actually strangle the director as I was watching his piece-of-shit movie. The co-screenwriter of that 1998 travesty is now on record as admitting he and Roland screwed up. One of Jimmy Page's worst decisions, too, after years of being careful about letting Led Zeppelin music be used in films. I tend to blame his management at the time.

    As for the new "Godzilla", I want to like it...if only to wash the bad taste of 1998 out of my mouth. The initial posters and clips have looked promising. Godzilla at least looks like Godzilla and not some overgrown Iguana.

    But then those Taco Bell ads started popping up, with a ridiculous Barney-like cuddly Godzilla, and I cringed.

    No doubt it (1998) was very disappointing,, But the ones with Son Of Godzilla blowing smoke rings were far worse..

    I know they were made for 6 year old's, but I remember seeing them at 6 and thinking they were crap..

    The best will always be 1954 but I can't wait to see this new one. It's getting a lot of good press.

    Dawn of The Planet Of The Apes looks amazing... but it will never top the 1968 original.

    Peter Jackson's King Kong .... as well made as it was can't top 1933.. and on and on..

  12. RIP guitarist Nash the Slash


    Nash the Slash appears from 2:25 to 2:40 in Robert Plant's promo video for Burning Down One Side:

    Thanks for posting this Steve. I searched him out on youtube not more than a month ago.

    I've had a solo album of his "And You Think You Are Normal?" for years that is just great... plus 1 or 2 FM albums.

    I saw FM open for Rush in 1981, but Ben Mink was in the band at the time.

    Funny, I never connected him to Robert's video....

    Rest in Peace to the great Nash The Slash. A truly unique musician and performance artist.


  13. scottasheton_150.jpg

    Stooges drummer Scott Asheton dead, Iggy Pop says
    March 16, 2014, 6:52 PM EST

    By Todd Cunningham


    Scott Asheton, a founding member and the drummer in the rock band the Stooges has died, singer Iggy Pop said on his Facebook page Sunday.

    "My dear friend Scott Asheton passed away last night," Pop said in his post. Ashetonwas 64.

    Also from TheWrap: 'Seinfeld' Actor Wayne Knight Is Not Dead, Wayne Knight Confirms

    "Scott was a great artist, I have never heard anyone play the drums with more meaning than Scott Asheton. He was like my brother. He and Ron have left a huge legacy to the world. The Ashetons have always been and continue to be a second family to me.

    "My thoughts are with his sister Kathy, his wife Liz and his daughter Leanna, who was the light of his life."

    Asheton co-formed the Stooges in 1967 along with his older brother Ron, Pop, and Dave Alexander.

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