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the chase

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Posts posted by the chase

  1. ^ I would hope and assume Felder and Meisner aren't vindictive. I hope they would look at the good times and not focus on the negatives. Maybe they were able to reconnect and reconcile. 

    Anyhow another terrible loss. 

    Rest in peace Glenn Frey

  2. True story... I was having a hard time falling asleep the other night. So I put on vh1classic. Luckily, they were showing  a recent Eric Clapton concert. Even with the amazing Steve Gadd on drums, I was nodding off in a matter of minutes.. Slept like a baby. They should put his DVD's next to the ambien at CVS.. Slowhand the #1 cure for insomnia.

  3. For those interested in the names and stories of those killed this week here in Southern California here is an article from the Los Angeles Times with their names and their stories.  Sadly some of the people who died were from other lands who came here to seek a better life; a life that was cut short for reasons we are all familiar with.



    thank you. I'm trying to refrain from commenting on religious, political and controversial topics out of respect for what was requested by our web host.. I will say this sucks and is happening way too often. My deepest sympathies to these people and their loved ones.

  4. Yeah I love the Dio albums, but it wasn't Sabbath, Sabbath is Ozzy, Bill, Geezer and Tony, just as Zeppelin is Robert, Jimmy, John and Bonzo, no more no less.

    But, John Bonham would have never quit on his band.

    Bill Ward left Black Sabbath in 1980, 1983, & 1984, he turned down invites in 1987, & 1991, he  joined and left in 1994. He threatened to back out in 99, backed out of Heaven and Hell in 2007 and again on Sabbath in 2011. He's unreliable ... and I'm not even counting times his health prevented him from touring...

    there was a loyalty P P J and B had that you don't find in most other bands.

  5. I respect Zeppelin and their decision as well.

    But, Bill Ward made his own bed. He's not involved by his own choice. He wasn't going to make the same money as iommi or Ozzy and frankly doesn't deserve it. Even still he mentioned he was only going to get paid $80,000 for a festival show. I have a hard time feeling bad for someone who turns his back on EIGHTY Grand for 2 hours work..

    Ward has quit Black Sabbath countless times over the years. He's backed out in mid tour, he's backed out before studio sessions repeatedly.I would like him to be there as well, but it's his own doing. 

     He wasn't practicing when he wasn't with the band and his chops were way down. Ward maintains he was in studio shape, but not touring shape. There's only one shape and that's playing shape.

    Sabbath's situation and Zeppelin's were totally different. Ozzy was a non functioning member since 77. Finally the band had to do something in mid to late 79. 

    Zeppelin were in a different spot. They were much bigger, had much better management and more control.  Sabbath owed their label more music. Sabbath's changes in 79 weren't bought about due to anybody dying either..

  6. Is it really a stretch to equate Led Zeppelin and other Hollywood celebrities with Cocaine?  You don't think that it is possible that Robert Plant and Richard Pryor ever did Blow together? 

    Led Zeppelin.  Richard "Fucking" Pryor.  Hollywood.  Cocaine.  1977.  What am I stretching at?  Please elaborate. 

    Possible. But You have zero proof that Led Zeppelin and Richard Pryor ever did coke together....  Let alone freebased it. Why even "put money" on something you imagined. This is how unbased rumors get out there. That's where the stretch comes in.

    Maybe Pryor and Robert went out for a cheeseburger.  My guess is as good as yours.

  7. My short and quick response is:  Yes, I do believe that that line refers to smoking or freebasing cocaine.  However, it is my opinion and belief that Robert is singing "Try it, Fry it". 

    Try it = snort.  Fry it = smoke.

    On a side note:  I have read that Robert Plant met and hung out with Richard Pryor in Los Angeles during the 1977 tour.  Of course most of us know that this was the LA series of concerts known as the "Badgeholders" concerts.  Even though there is no known proof, I would bet a lot of money that there was some kind of "shenanigans" involving Robert, Richard, Jimmy and possibly even Bonzo himself involving the "try it, fry it" lyric/concept.   

    kind of a stretch king.

  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Collins#Criticism_and_praise

    Interesting quotes about the Live Aid thing in there. 

    Guitarist Jimmy Page, whose band Led Zeppelin gave a poorly-received reunion set with Collins at Live Aid that the group later disowned,[164] alleged that Collins "hadn't learned" his drum part. Page said: "You can get away with that in a pop band but not with Led Zeppelin".[165] Collins responded by saying that the band "weren't very good" and that he "was made to feel a little uncomfortable by the dribbling Jimmy Page." To avoid negative attention, he persisted with the set rather than leave the stage.[166] 

    Phil... imagine a Genesis reunion. The Genesis reunion.. Steve Hackett and Peter Gabriel come back for one show only..  and surprise.. Jimmy Page is going to sit in! Just flew over on the Concorde, sat in with Sting, Eric Clapton and did a solo set at both locations.. You know damn well he doesn't know the Genesis material. 

    I'm sure you'd make him feel uncomfortable.. 

  9. Thank you, Chris, for posting this. I'm still very sad over Gail Zappa's passing...it hit too close that I didn't even want to think about it on the internet. Every time I met her she was amazingly generous with her time and her knowledge and love of Frank Zappa was infectious.

    My friends at the Cinematheque had worked hard to get tonight's premiere of "Roxy: The Movie" set up, with Gail, Ahmet, and Moon Zappa appearing for a discussion along with Jeff Stein, John Albarian, and Alex Winter. When Gail Zappa passed away last week, it cast a pall over everyone.

    Needless to say, the premiere is still happening but alas, Gail will only be there in spirit. Rest in peace, gracious Gail.



    Thank you Sean. I never met Gail Zappa, but have always admired her for many reasons. It must be tough at times to live with a driven workaholic musical genius like Frank Zappa. She, from what I gather supported him unconditionally.

    I'm glad you got to meet her and confirm what a wonderful person she was.

    I saw ZPZ for the second time this past July. I kept thinking she was sitting off by the side of the stage. Turns out it wasn't her. The first time I saw ZPZ. the opening act was footage (about 45 minutes) of The Roxy show. This was  really cool because Napoleon Murphy Brock was in the film and in Zappa Plays Zappa.

  10. Rest in Peace Gail Zappa, age 70 to lung cancer. The rock that gave her genius husband, Frank the space and freedom to express his limitless creative musical vision. Gail also kept his brilliant music alive by running the Zappa Family Trust, releasing over 30 recordings Frank had ready in the vaults before his untimely passing in late 1993... which furthermore proved FZ as possibly the most prolific composer of the last 50 years.

    Wishing peace to Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet and Diva Zappa. 

  11. He can't please everyone.. There's some very cool stuff.. Some I agree might not be necessary, but I'd rather have it than not have it.. if Jennings Farm blues is a 2 track cassette or if the Master tape is messed up, there's no way in hell Page would release it.. The only real surprises that I have about what wasn't included was the extended All My Love and Swan Song.. I'm not going to lose sleep over either one..

  12. I didn't see this thread last night.. We've been on vacation at Myrtle Beach, so I haven't checked in as much this week.

    Anyhow, I hope you had a Happy 53rd Birthday Strider. You're one ahead of me..

    Best wishes. Chris.

  13. One of the great bad guys.

    I'll never forget him beating the crap out of fall guy Frankie Williams on one of his Piper's Pit interviews.

    "As soon as they think they know the answers, I change the questions!"

    I lost interest in Pro Wrestling shortly after this era, but "Rowdy" Roddy Piper was a definite highlight.

    Rest in Peace.

  14. Rest in Peace great character actor, Alex Rocco - aged 79.

    Best known as Moe Greene in The Godfather...

    "The Corleone Family wants to buy me out!!?No! I buy you out"!!!

    "He was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time! Customer's couldn't get a drink! What the hell's the matter with you?"

    He also played (among many other great roles,) Saul Siler, the head of the Playtone Galaxy in That Thing You Do!!

    "Andy!! What in the bloody hell is this!? Auditions during my lunchtime? Yeah, Like I got time on my hands! You want to get Fabian away from me..?"

    And many other great quotable lines.

    PS..I hate auto correct.....

  15. Maybe because Steve Howe didn't butcher "Mood for a Day" like Jimmy Page occasionally did "WS/BMS" in 1977 and 1980? If Howe has butchered it in the past, I haven't heard any audio evidence of same. And truth be told, there were several Yes tours I saw where Steve Howe did NOT perform "The Clap" or "Mood for a Day".

    "The Clap" I didn't care for, but I thought "Mood for a Day" was a lovely acoustic interlude...and brief.

    fair enough...Jimmy was occasionally butchering EVERYTHING in 77-80. The issue I was responding to was if it was boring or not. I saw Steve Howe play them back to back live and countless times on video. I saw him play Clap with Asia in 82. He played it / both flawlessly.. It was kind of boring to me .. very predictable and safe.

    WS/BMS was a brilliant way to mellow people out then stomp their guts out straight into Kashmir. For that purpose, it seemed to have worked quite well. Maybe by 80 the surprise element was gone because most everyone knew Kashmir was coming after, but it definitely worked in 77.

  16. How come no one ever got on Steve Howe's case about playing "Mood for a Day" and "The Clap" at every show for almost 40 years now ? If he were Jimmy Page....

    I don't get it either. First of all, it wasn't played at all in 71 72 73 or 75. It was bought back in 77 and was used with great effect before Kashmir. Could it have been shorter? Of course, but it just made Kashmir that much more powerful. Light and shade to the max. Mood for A Day and Clap are more difficult to play, but they bored me to tears when Howe played them live. I love Steve Howe, but he is capable of so much more.
  17. For an arena, Cobo shows were very intimate...especially compared to The Sulverdome. Not even a fair comparison. Yes was my first Cobo show, and left me with a great feeling about what a concert could be. Saw the Tormato tour the next year in the round....and The Union tour, also in the round. I know exactly what you mean Chase. There was a lot going on up there. The album was indeed a mail-in. The best show might have been ABWH...which Squire didn't participate in. Always felt something was missing without Wakeman.

    Yes a lot going on at times, but also spaces where they were trying to not step on each others toes and wound up not doing much. It was kind of weird at times and times where it clicked real well.

    Rick Wakeman and Trevor Rabin were on fire this night. Steve Howe was great but seemed to be playing it safe.

    Alan White and Bill Bruford seemed to have things worked out well where White was the drum muscle on a mostly acoustic kit and Bruford was more the enhancer on an all electronic kit. I still remember Bruford playing only cymbals on Heart Of The Sunrise.

    Tony Kaye was his safe solid self and Jon Anderson was the new agey master of ceremonies standing in the center of the round.

    And last but most.... Chris Squire looked like he was having the time of his life even from where I was sitting.

    This was at The Centrum in Worcester Mass (now known as the DCU Center) and it was in the round.. I'll be honest the round was a little distracting at times.. I remember during Lift Me Up, Tony Kaye looked like he was hanging on for dear life.

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