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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Just heard In the Light and Boogie With Stu back to back on 97.1FM The River. Not ones you hear everyday on commercial radio!
  2. If anyone would know, it would likely be you. (BTW I've been subscribed to your YouTube page for a long time, kudos!)
  3. Looks like your wish has a good chance of coming true. Neymar out of World Cup with fractured vertebra http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/neymar-taken-to-hospital-after-getting-a-knee-in-the-back-223454503.html Remember Thiago Silva is out also!
  4. Yeah, that was wishful thinking. Maybe the release of the Olympia show is a sign he is becoming more willing to put out non-multitracked material?
  5. BTW, he could just have a segment of the Seattle 77' shows, like he did with MSG, Earls Court, Knebworth.
  6. Any live release would be welcome from me.
  7. I have been on the Dutch bandwagon as well. Just something about them feels right.
  8. I get a sense a lot of folks think Brazil will fall.
  9. For that matter, what ever happened to Ronaldinho? Wasn't he supposed to be the best in the world a few years ago? Kaka? Must be hard to keep a spot on the Brazilian side.
  10. You're welcome! Pretty interesting article, I actually didn't know a couple of those things!
  11. I love the bit at 3:44-4:17! Bonzo's fills are amazing as well! Cheers!
  12. I've been keeping my fingers crossed for 'Led Zeppelin DVD II' Seriously, they could cover some eras that the first one didn't such as 1977, 1980, etc. Wouldn't that be something!
  13. Yuck. I actually un-programmed Fox News from my tv, so when I'm channel surfing it doesn't even come up.
  14. Without sounding overly dramatic, that DVD changed my life. I still remember the day me and a friend were browsing around at a Best Buy in 2004 and I made the one of the best purchases of my life. That day I went from being a fan who had most of the studio albums to being a die-hard, collecting every live recording, book, magazine etc. I could get my hands on. I never understood what was so great about live music until I viewed it. They way they improvised, added parts, the medleys, was a revelation for me. I literally wore out that copy and purchased another a few years later, and wore that one out as well! Led Zeppelin DVD=The greatest piece of media ever released.
  15. https://music.yahoo.com/blogs/music-news/you-learn-something-new-every--hard-day-s-night---the-beatles--classic-turns-50-022345865.html
  16. I agree. Jimmy's guitar tone sounds much better to me on the alternate version as well. The original sounds very 'thin' in comparison. BTW, how the f did Hats off to Roy Harper beat Keys to the Highway/Trouble in Mind onto III?
  17. Lol. By the way I think your country has a good chance to take the Cup.
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