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Posts posted by IpMan

  1. 4 hours ago, lynxwizard said:

    Dr Death is right, if Plant had said he liked Whitesnake  and was a friend of Davids a LOT more people here would have liked that record, That is a given, I Love Plants Voice along with Coverdales, they are both great. What I have not loved about Plant is how he bashes people over the years, and I think BledZabbath needs to chill out. Dr Death was not bashing Zep and if he was so what.

    So what? Are you serious??? There is noting wrong either in critique or calling something out for scrutiny and debate, however making a completely false accusation (Death claimed Zep & Plant in particular stole IMTOD) is both uncalled for and in bad form. Please see my post above whereby I clear up the brand new controversy regarding IMTOD and educate Death in the process.

  2. On 9/25/2017 at 5:27 AM, Bong-Man said:


    I enjoy watching history shows, but some of this footage still jars my earliest memories of watching television and life itself.  Dad jumping up during dinner to slam off the tv because of dead bodies....neighbors going off to fight....watching the draft.  Very interesting to see the war told from the side of the North Vietnamese.  Also quite a trip watching people like Morley Safer and Dan Rather as young men covering the events of this war in the field.  Knowing so many who fought, I bet they still struggle to watch this stuff 50 years later.  Ken Burns rocks ! 

    I love this series and every damn thing Ken Burns has done, the man is a genius! However, he really needs to do something about that ridiculous toupee he wears. Looks like a marsupial is sleeping on his head.

  3. 9 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

     Kudos to the voters of Ohio, where even those for the issue recommended a no vote for legalization because they smelled the elite trying to take things over.           

    This was the same reason recreational use did not pass in AZ on the 2016 ballot. I voted against it as well as it would have only allowed three corporations to manufacture, distribute, and sell the happy green. I was actually proud of my fellow voters for putting the common good and long-term open market ahead of the opportunity for recreational weed at any cost. Of course for all intent and purpose it is legal in AZ for recreational use as getting a medical marijuana card in AZ is beyond easy and costs about $250.00 a year. Not cheap but about the price of two ounces of primo weed. I am sure my local dispensary gets a nice chuckle when I show up post-workout in my gear...um, pain management...right. Well, my legs are a bit sore after my five mile run.

  4. This whole weed thing is starting a revolution of sorts. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about the subject, both full legalization and medical only and we both came to the conclusion that the end result will likely be the federal government removing weed from the drug schedule altogether and leaving the decision up to the individual states. The reason being, money. All these states are seeing the sweet, sweet tax money from weed overflowing state coffers in the states which allow recreational weed. States such as Colorado, Oregon, Washington, etc. are looking at budgetary surplus and, drug usage among those under 21 is actually going down in those states as well as the use of harder drugs in general. The big question is the players. You have big pharma on the one had who has done everything it could to prevent the legalization of weed, on the other you have big tobacco and other large corporate interests primed and ready to move into the production of recreational weed. Talk about a battle royal! In the end though I believe big pharma will get on board...better to get on the bandwagon and make some loot yourself vs. spending billions to fight a battle they have pretty much already lost.

  5. 3 hours ago, Dr Death said:

    I hate to be the one to bring you into reality, but on the original Zeppelin albums the songs were credited to Page and Plant, or as In My Time Of Dying, it was credited to all four members. So how is that getting permission and not stealing? You might want to read up on it... and here you go:


    I believe you need to do a bit more research mate on this particular tune. The reason why no one beside the band members were credited is because the original song was never copyrighted as it was a traditional arrangement going back to at least the late 19th century. It was a tune, or a variation of a tune sung by slaves in the 1850's and later evolved over time. However, as it is a traditional arrangement and they used a portion of the lyrics only (about 50%) and none of the musical arrangement, the song was for all intent and purpose a Zep song. Should they have listed traditional arrangement in the credits, IMO yes, however in the legal sense they had no obligation to do so.

    However I am sure David's lyrics in Felling Hot are far superior to anything Plant had written.

    So how about you quit the RP & Zep bashing. After all if you have such an issue with Zep maybe a Whitesnake forum is more to your liking.


  6. 6 hours ago, Dr Death said:

    No, Plant wasn't given permission, because on the original albums those songs were credited to Plant as a songwriter and that's called stealing. Royalties may have been paid... years later... but Plant was definitely not given permission!

    How old are you? I bought those album when they first came out and all those songs (except for NFBM) that you mentioned did indeed credit the original writers...Zeppelin were never sued over those songs.

    Please do not post nonsense or bullshit on this board. If I want fake news and stupid postings I will go on Facebook.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Dr Death said:

    Well, Coverdale's lyrics were good enough for Jimmy and he gets to the point in his songs. He doesn't sing so you can't understand what he's singing and he's got an extremely powerful voice, something Plant once had, but now Plant's band has to tune way down to accompany his vocal range. Robert probably wishes he had Coverdale's power.

    Dude, might I suggest an Ambien? You need to chill out. You don't come onto a Zeppelin board and start trashing RP over nothing. No one on here that I know gives a shit about what was or was not said about whom in 1988, its about the music, nothing more. As already pointed out, many don't like David's sophmoric lyrics and his cheesy approach but I have heard no one challenge his vocal prowess. BTW, the song you posted, Southern Comfort has IMO some of David's best singing hands down. Understated yet very emotive and powerful. Thank you for that. Also, all of the songs you quoted as Plant stealing the lyrics from (except for NFBM) were credited and royalties paid, thus, Robert did not steal anything in regard to those songs, he was given permission.

    Now...quit being a dick and relax. It's all good.


  8. Hey, I have heard Planet X or as some call it, Niberu is scheduled to slam into our lovely sphere on Saturday, September 23rd and destroy our planet. This Planet X supposedly is on one hell of an elliptical orbit which has it swing way out into the Ort Cloud and then back where its orbit takes it between Mars & Earth every 24,000 years.

    Question: If this were true would we have not experienced serious gravitational forces months ago? Second, being a week away would we not see this planet with the naked eye 24/7? Third: Why do I read this shit???

  9. Just found a great show out of Australia called Rake, up to season 3 and it is a cracker! Cleaver Green is the MAN!!!

    For those Orange is the New Black watchers, another Australian series which is similar but, IMO better, is Wentworth. Frankie will rock your world.

    Just started watch Son's of Anarchy because of Katy Segal and she really makes the show. I doubt I would watch it without her as she brings all the elements together.


    Re-Watching my favorite Sci-Fi show of all time, all five seasons of Babylon 5. Zathras says...just beast of burden, not the one.

  10. 8 hours ago, Boleskinner said:

    The only song I like by the firm was Cadillac. 

    The collaboration didn't work, as Page was too adventurous for Rodgers, who had a brilliant, but big old fashioned voice, and a bag of cheesy lyrics to boot.

    When it comes of vocalists, with the exception of Plant & Chris Farlowe, he tends to favor style over substance. Rogers and Coverdale are great singers but shitty lyricists and one-trick ponies. Should Page record again (I know, I know...) he needs to find an innovative and imaginative vocalist to push his effort over the top, or, just do an instrumental album.

    I personally liked the Firm as Jimmy's live playing was spectacular. I also prefer his work on the Tele to the LP as the Tele really brings out the best in Page.

  11. 1 hour ago, 2bitnogoodjive said:

    Part of the soundtrack of my life through most of high school:



    Same here, always loved Molly Hatchet. Though I often wondered why a southern rock group would have Vikings and Conan the Barbarian'ish stuff on their album covers. I mean, they were southern rock, I was expecting titties and Jim Beam.

  12. This sucks. Steely Dan is one of my favorite bands and the combo of Fagan / Becker was a dream. Becker was another one of those underrated guitarists, writers. producers. Gaucho almost broke the man but he came back strongly after a hiatus.

    Another great gone too soon.


  13. 2 hours ago, ZepHead315 said:

    There's been a mention of it on the New Mystery Soundboard thread, but I think this is worthy of its own discussion. I just got done listening to Heartbreaker and it sounds 1000% better than the soundboard. Much more lively, brutal, and in your face. For some reason, many of the 75 boards have left me feeling cold. I guess it was a combination of Plant's weak voice and Page's clean tone. I can definitely say that I'm going to be blasting this one repeatedly though. The matrix really makes the guitar come across rather loudly and I'm consistently blown away by Plant's voice at this show. He sounds almost as good as he did in 77 (or a good night in 73).

    Just an FYI. It's not so much that Page used a clean tone during the 75' tour, but rather the soundboard does not pick up a good portion of the effects as that is the purpose of a soundboard. The whole purpose of a soundboard recording is so the band have a document of which they can reference as a tool to polish their performance. They use this to hear what worked and what did not; where the mistakes and missteps were; pacing of the show etc. They prefer a board reference to an audience source as it will expose every little flaw whereas an aud recording is a much more accurate portrayal of what was heard live by the audience and is more forgiving. However, even the best aud recording is a mere shadow of what is actually experienced live. The combination of volume, effects, and ambient sound will mask most mistakes made on guitar and even voice as they are in a higher register compared to the drums and bass. You have a off night for the drummer or bass player and the show will sound like shit experienced live. The lower the frequency, the more difficult to hide the flaws. One would think it would be the opposite but that is sound waves for ya.

    I figure this is the reason why Page in interviews always said he "brought it" every night because in a sense he did. If you were there in 77' for an off night like some of the Landover gig's etc. you would not have noticed a thing. However, Tempe is a different story as the show is not only technically deficient on Page's part but also sluggish which cannot be glossed over.

    These new 21-3-75' matrix's are amazing, almost official release quality but without the editing...bonus!

  14. 4 hours ago, Mook said:

    I always laugh when I see people drawing so much information from a still picture, you can take a picture of the happiest person at the wrong moment & they can look fraught with worry.

    I'm not saying Bonham didn't have his problems or demons, he clearly did and he did look older than his years (the drink does that to people), however, I don't see the point in studying a picture to the nth degree to attempt to ascertain what was going on at that point in time. 

    We all know he was having trouble getting round his kit towards the end, it's more than likely that he was trying pretty hard to lose weight in order to remedy that.

    John Bonham had his ups and downs like a lot of people and died as a result of an accident. The remaining members of the band have kept a lid on things out of respect for his family and themselves I would guess and hats off to them.

    Did I ever mention I am into Phrenology???

  15. 15 minutes ago, porgie66 said:

    I assumed this was from Knebworth rehearsals or a soundcheck because I assumed they were outside on a hot night. Weird and unprecedented way to dress for a gig, like they're just back from a day at the beach.

    Fast forward ten years and the Red Hot Chili Peppers perform naked except for tube socks rubber baned to their dicks.

    I will take your day at the beach and raise you tube socks on our tubes...Give it away, give it away, give it away now.

  16. 19 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    Is this the pic you're talking about?  I always wondered what the story was with this pic. Must've been a hot night!


    Was this a rehearsal for the Copenhagen shows or was this an encore for one of the Copenhagen shows after they came back on-stage after the main set? I always thought it was the later and from the 24th.

  17. I saw posted elsewhere on this forum that Bonham was enduring stress related to possible family issues. If this was the case, it could make sense. Bonham doted on his family and hated to be away from them. If he was worrying about possibly losing his family his weight loss makes perfect sense. Also, he was suffering from stomach problems on the European tour which could have been stress related as well.

    It is all speculation but those pictures and stills IMO shows a man tired and sad. He does not look sick per se just tired and worn. A man of 32 looking more like 45.  These pictures truly make me feel sorry for him and his family.

    What a shame.

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