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Black Dawg

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Everything posted by Black Dawg

  1. The Lunar/ Jupiter Conjunction form my front stoop.
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/post/inaugural-beacons-jupiter-and-the-moon-convene-monday/2013/01/18/121200ea-61b5-11e2-b05a-605528f6b712_blog.html
  3. The Jupiter Lunar conjunction is so awesome. Even through the cloud cover it is visible. I am going back out in about an hour to check it out again. Incredible.
  4. My shrink would disagree with you! For some reason my mind is being controlled and I keep going back to her and it cost a pretty penny.
  5. I think that's because your IQ is so High. Maybe with an average IQ like mine they have considerable influence.
  6. I remember the Ghost to the post game. Dave Casper of the Oakland Raiders in Old Memorial Stadium beat the Colts to go to the Super Bowl. That game still haunts me. But I find this alien life mystery very interesting. Do you think they have mind control to keep us from understanding their plan?
  7. The String theory is was divised to account for the fact that the accepted model, Einstein's equation does not fit black holes. What the string theory states is then there must be an alternative universe that has different rules. It is all hypothetical and needs a shitload of work on the model to be considered valid. Maybe your 4.0 mind can shed a litte light on the likelihood of intelligent life. What say you Rick?
  8. Intelligent discourse involves sticking to specifics, Not meandering through generalities. HTF are people going to keep track, if you continue to go down a path and nobody knows WTF you are talking about.
  9. The article makes no mention of intelligent life. That's quite a stretch. Maybe you're confused by the Tim Burton movie from 1996 that explores this concept.
  10. Strong evidence for life on mars found in crater. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/9814256/Strongest-evidence-yet-to-there-being-life-on-Mars.html
  11. ^great shot. Beautiful sky. The large one has lady Liberty with drawn sword on top is the Pennsylvania Monument and the smaller one is to the First Minnesota Infantry. They are on Cemetery Ridge this was the position of the Union army that Pickett attacked on the final day of the Battle. If you face in the direction of the statues, you can see the long slow sweeping fields that the confederates attempted to cross and attack the North's position. Longstreet lost almost his entire division. Simply outrageous to consider the carnage in that battle. What do the Brits say about Anzac? Lest we never forget.
  12. I am sure you nailed it!! Good luck that is awesome news.
  13. It is Sunny and 45F in Charm City. Warm enough for the thongs on my morning dawg walk. What's the temp in Bean town? I hear they are joining in on Ray's last ride. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtCAhb5QGSo&sns=em
  14. Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is. Sir Francis Bacon
  15. I have explained that I have refrained from referencing kooks since You asked me not to. So you go back to an old post prior to your request. That's brilliant. I don't really think you are capable of an intellectual debate . The only thing you are interested in is post that agree with your point of view. What I am saying is your reasoning is not intellectually sound. A blatant miss interpertion of evidence can only mean that you accept ' the it has to be a ufo explanation.' That's not really a valid argument. Everytime there appears to be something in the sky that is unexplained does not mean we are dealing with aliens. Why is that you have such limited capacity for acceptance of being wrong? Why is it that you UFO fancy types immediately jump to the same conclusion?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wwAH5vJq6g&sns=em
  17. Hang in there. We have Caps tonight, Raves tomorrow and hopefully you will get Monday off.
  18. Oh to the contrary. I did not put words in your mouth. My post says nothing to demean you. There is no reverence to kooks. I have refrained from belittling your beliefs since you ask me previously. I offer justifiable scientific inquiry as a way to observe the unknown and cited a case where popular religion has yielded to the process. Can you please tell me how basing my observations and conclusions on scientific process is insensitive? I don't know what types of manners you are claiming exist in this format but you constant claims of personal attacks is getting old. .
  19. A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. David Hume (An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 1748)
  20. Rick, I thought we went over that one. They are not theories, just propositions being investigated by science. The mass media and education systems take a little bit of information and propose them as fact. This is not he work of the scientific community. It is a misunderstanding of the process. There are many times when newspapers print a study conclusion as fact but the sample size may may be to small to present the findings as conclusive . Once a test or experiment has had a positive conclusion it must be reexamined. The problem with Chariots of the God's and Alien Astrunaut explanations is they haven't with stood scrutiny. The hoaxes that you chronicled in early posts Bigfoot and loch Ness can not be duplicated. Therefore they are dismissed by scientific reasoning. “You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe” Dr. Carl Sagan.
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