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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Everything is starting later this year Paul. Daytona 500 isn't until 2/22 and the season ends 11/22 (the weekend before Thanksgiving).
  2. Nice Tim Brown jersey, Strider. I think they will because of two things - 1. It was an on-side kick, which isn't a normal play anyway (the s.t. coach has since been dismissed) and 2. Rodgers was injured to the point he was not at all like himself for that game or the prior two games for that matter. Dallas has shown they can beat Seattle in Seattle, next year we get them in Dallas. That will be a good measuring stick. The Dallas defense should be better next year than this, and this is it was at least average towards the end the of the year and good at creating turnovers. As far as saying Brady is that close to being a 6-time champ, they could've gone the other way too! Overall, he has to be considered the greatest. Montana with 4 didn't put up the numbers Brady has in the regular season. In the clutch I'd still take Montana. But week in and week out you can't say Brady isn't the best.
  3. Another great post by you gg!
  4. You make some good points. I do seriously tip my hat to the Pats. Scoring 14 points in the 4th quarter and then one of the greatest picks of all-time, given the circumstances. They earned it. Next year it'll be Dallas vs. Green Bay for the NFC Championship, IMO.
  5. Oh man! When good times go bad! I was wondering why you didn't post until like 3 am....I guess it's a night to remember, or not so much!
  6. Sell more records + have bigger attendance at concerts = Bigger band of the 70's It's a Zeppelin sweep! Plus look at all the influence they had on future groups, the record industry, and concert promotion.
  7. Hope you had a great celebration last night KB! I mean that too - it must've been amazing to be on that side of it after that great play by your rookie cb!
  8. Yep, Paul. I don't care what is said otherwise, Lynch was getting 4 yards every time he touched it in the 2nd half. Run, run, run. I saw Striders stat on 109 1-yard pass completions - it still defies logic they didn't run it. It's not about stats, it's about game flow and attitude and at that time in that game, Lynch would not have been stopped 3 straight plays. What Green Bay or anyone else does, doesn't matter. Lynch would've been in the end zone. Plus the receiver wasn't even in the end zone when it was picked - what are you doing throwing it in the middle of the field, at the 1, with the box stacked? Nobody will ever convince me otherwise - it will go down as the stupidest play call in Super Bowl history. It'll top the list every time! I do believe we will begin hearing about disention over this. Comparing it to San Antonio in Game 6 of 7 in the NBA Finals doesn't hold water with me. Apples/oranges in every way. The second SB year is always tougher with free agents. It'll be interesting to see what this team looks like in the next year to two years.
  9. Popovich Chevrolet or Ford?
  10. Just heard Johnny Manziel entered rehab over the weekend....glad Jerry had some sense put into his before he drafted that turd! SAJ, you are correct about not having Lynch in the backfield. I still, for the life of me, cannot understand what the heck they were thinking. It still blows my mind!
  11. Lombardi Trophy for me Brady or Montana?
  12. You should go. I know they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but the vibe is very cool, laid back, and you get so close to the field/players vs. regular season games.
  13. Yeah Paul, I'm still baffled by that play call. Walter Jr. is a mess over it! I still can't believe they thought throwing the ball into the middle of the field would be a smart move, especially with Carroll saying they needed to stop the clock since they only had 1 timeout left. Throwing to the middle isn't stopping anything and it's not like he was in the end zone anyway. Run Lynch on 2nd down and then call timeout, if he doesn't make it then call timeout with two plays still to go and plenty of time to throw one to the end zone. There will be internal problems over this with Seattle's team. You're waiting for the 1st pitch, while I only have to wait 2 weeks until Speedweeks begin in Daytona. Do you ever go to Spring Training games, Paul?
  14. Me too! Too many wings, etc. Oh well, everyone else is out of it too today. Not expecting for much to get done anyway.... The grits dish sounds great!
  15. I'm saying that's ridiculous because no one is hating on New England, just bewildered by the Seattle play call at the end. The catch by Kearse wasn't that much of a fluke. Especially after watching the amazing catches this year. Whatever though. Bottom line, congratulations to New England. Carroll is trying to say they called it as a wasted play. Not in the middle of field at the 1!?! Dumbest play call ever! This will be a laughing stock for all-time.
  16. That's ridiculous, but congratulations none the less Kris. Enjoy it New England!
  17. Yes they do. They blew it big time! Whether it was a coaching call or Russell Wilson, who calls a pass on 2nd and goal at the 1, with 25 seconds to go and a time out left? They fucked up big time. This is the biggest choke job - either as a call or execution of a play - in the history of the Super Bowl. Bar none.
  18. for Seattle? I thought he was with the Pats.
  19. GOAT means Greatest Of All Time. I don't agree, but he's in the top 2.
  20. Unbelievable! Who ever made that call will go down into the Hall of Shame - forever! Seriously, this is a bigger joke than any other single play in the history of the Super Bowl. Maybe Pete Carroll will run away like after the loss to Texas in the Rose Bowl. I'm still just shocked they threw it all away. This will have a lasting effect on this team, mark my words.
  21. I've never scene a more stupid call than that!
  22. Dumbest call ever! Congrats New England
  23. Hell of a catch by Marshawn! 1:55 to go....
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