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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Syracuse winning a nail biter, 64-63.
  2. How many f'in 3's can Wisconsin make? Over 60%, they are...13/21! LETS GO ORANGE!!!
  3. Bro, it's not even worth addressing. He doesn't know if he's coming or going. Look at the posts, they are ALL about starting something and saying nothing.... The question is for you, KB, who will the Pats find to run the ball now that your #1 back has flown the coup? I'm sure the "Hoodie" will find someone, or three, to carry the workload! Glad the league took a tough stance on what Williams was doing in NO (and elsewhere allegedly). Word is Goodell is coming after some of the players next.....
  4. Shapes Of Things - Jeff Beck Group
  5. Classy man and one of the all-time great performers. His latest, duets II, disc is exceptional.
  6. Dancing In The Street - Van Halen
  7. Tampa Stadium was usually GA on the field. You would think there would be a tape of that show out somewhere.....
  8. Good stuff! Thanks for the updates!!
  9. I think it's a rip-off of Robert's symbol from LZ IV. It does look nice though!
  10. Are you contradicting yourself to start something or what? First you think Manning can make him into an HOF'er, then you say the only way he'll get in is if he buys a ticket.... If anything his mental ability to never give up is what got him the notority that he has, a strong finisher. His physical ability is what is lacking, mechanics. He has tried to change his technique but still has too much body movement when trying to get rid of the ball. I don't hate Tebow, he is a really good guy and role model for young kids coming up - what I do despise is this thinking that God is watching over him to win football games....I mean WTF, why isn't God watching over starving enslaved kids in Africa instead. Oh yeah, I forgot, to punish them for not being Christian! Denver should win the AFC West by default, the Chargers are getting weaker as are the Chiefs and the Raiders are, well, the Raiders. If they could stay healthy, the Raiders could make some noise - especially with Palmer being there for an off season and getting his speedy receivers back, along with McFadden. Man, it's only March and I'm ready to kick-off the season!!!!!!
  11. So were the Colts last spring when they signed him to a mega deal. Elway's opinion doesn't mean squat once Manning gets hit blind-side by Harrison on a play. I know every player is one snap away from ending their career, but Manning may not even have to be hit very hard to end his. I wouldn't empty the qb cart just yet in Denver.
  12. ...tick, tick, tick.....
  13. ^ Not so quick there! 4 surgeries on his neck and we still haven't seen him throw, take a hit or throw after taking a hit!
  14. Vancouver - 3/19/75 - "are you full of beans?"....
  15. DAS, how many times will you quote Strider's post and respond to it, seriously??? Plus Manning could not even begin to mentor him to become an HOF'er. He does not have the mechanics to be a great qb in this league. That's been proven over and over again. I think Miami might be timmy's destination, however I read a compelling argument that Philly might pick him up. Lefty, running qb who needs some assistance in his skills and game management. I'd take him over Young, that's for sure! Plus Vick is always getting banged up for a few games a season. I love my 'boys FA pick-ups, filling a number of holes before the draft is fantastic!
  16. Well, the fact that the person who posted them hasn't responded to your questioning of where he got them from is rather creepy, especially since he posted again here! BTW, your photos are beautiful.....
  17. ^ Mexico City? Just saw the story about a strong earthquake hitting there.....
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