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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. Trump would of flown the family on his own jet to America and got him the operation, sick f$cks these liberals
  2. off topic, but reading your post and what Rogan is or does had me thinking about nascar and the 1990's in america. Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnhardt were two of the biggest stars and brought 100k fans to every race and millions of tv viewers and their fans hated each other, to go to a race was just brutal and these two drivers played it to perfection, had many business dealings together, made millions apon millions of dollars and years after Dale died Gordon said it perfectly about their relationship, they were friends and business partners who never cared much if 100,000 people were booing the shit out of you or cheering for you so long as they were making noise then we were making money! So surprised for that reason alone Rogan caved in, it really doesn't matter who is right or wrong just the fact that something big is brewing might as well capitalize on it , that and the fact that he had the numbers kind of surprised me with his actions
  3. my favorite is global warming as they swoop in on lear jets, grab some limos, fall asleep at the convention (Angry Grandpa Biden) fill their bags full of donations, back in limo to the lear jet we go, not sure whats worse, being these assholes or believing these assholes
  4. that sucks, no religous exemption? if all else fails maybe a lawsuit?
  5. don't watch him other than sometimes he is on a hunting show, meat eater, this was a very big mistake by caving in, always wonder if the left has compromising pictures or something to force their will, I mean how the hell did the Clintons never get thrown in jail? (off topic)
  6. and Brian Flores, fired coach of Miami Dolphins will manage all of them
  7. beautiful, Landry showing a little humor, today the whackos would try to cancel him, thanks
  8. loved Redskins vs. cowboys, anyone old enough here to remember the Tom Landry commercial for I believe American express? Landry walks into a western saloon dressed like Clint Eastwood and he's surrounded by redskins, guess those days are gone, to bad
  9. cooking on grill before more lousy weather, marinated Atlantic salmon, rice pilaf, with Broccoli spears, our healthy nite lol
  10. that maybe the best breakfast i've ever seen
  11. admire you threw out first pitch, wow, must of been a tremendous honor, i'm a little confused trying to follow, are you saying that guys who cheated should be allowed into the hall? I am dead against that and all it does is tarnish the memory of those who played the game honestly, I will admit baseball of course knew these freaks were using steroids like Mguire and Sosa and Clemens head and body gaine about 30 pounds, but they did nothing because fans were filling the stands and tuning on tv, but they were cheaters, freaks, I believe its already hard enough to compare players from different times mainly because of rules changes, night games, live balls, shorter walls, DH, how can one compare Hunter with Seaver or Gibson when AL pitchers never had to come out for pitch hitters etc.... but this also makes for great conversation, debating the merits of players, but once its confirmed they cheated then as far as i'm concerned they are done and their names should be wiped clean of any records, and all sports can be tied into diffrent eras and records, football Brady and Brees have almost every passing record in nfl history but are they comparable to Unitas or Staubach, Montana? more games, can't hit them, can't hit the receivers, that's why sports is fun, nobody is right or wrong, and as far as Ortiz I thought it was common knowledge he did test positive for steroids before the official testing, actually heard this on the fan in new york but he cleaned up his act and wasn't an asshole like Bonds or Clemens, so he got in
  12. but you need to block, he didn't have a second to get ball out, not a Garafolo fan but he had no time, offensive line let them down
  13. Herbert may prove over time to be the best of all of them, him and Allen may have the best physical tools of any qb in the league, wonder if Bills fans watched yesterday and said" oh that is what we should of done on defense" jury out on Tua? well has the jury ever been in on Watson? believe ownership wanted the potential predator Watson to come aboard and coach didn't agree so they fired him, unless criminal charges come watch Watson get traded to Dolphins which could happen because we know the nfl would never punish Watson, as a lifer cowboy fan they will never win with Dak, never
  14. would be nice to call them the" pro choice truckers" or the "convoy od choice"
  15. 2 quaterbacks with limited playoff experience, Rams have the bigger names but Bengals seem to figure a way to win against all odds, Stafford can't lose the game and Joe B will have to win the game, this kid has been a winner all his life, look for Bengals to bring home a super bowl!
  16. got pounded this weekend with lots of snow and brutal winds in ct. took me 2 days to clean up, currently its 2 degrees
  17. anti mandate truckers leaving canada and heading to washington dc? should get interesting
  18. so nailed it with the Bengals now lets see if San Fran can make it a sweep
  19. no, gangs and drugs and covid are just fine with the democrats but shit were going to defend Ukraines borders from that evil Putin at all costs, send the troops and supply a billion in weapons, we can't do enough to secure that border, and the fking media remind me of Colonel Schultz from Hogan Heroes " i see nothing "
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