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Everything posted by TypeO

  1. If it had been some old liberal fart like Ed Asner doing the same premise, it would have been lauded and slobbered over as "edgy" and "brilliant". Oh, he didn't have a perfect flow and paused and had a lot of "ah"s and "uh"s. More impressive that at 82 he still had the balls to ad lib rather than rely on the teleprompter. And to blow it off as "talking to a chair" is being disingenuous. Anyone that doesn't understand the "empty chair" premise or what it references is a lot dimmer than Clint at 82. It's an apt and deserved reference. How pathetic is it that candidate Romney visited Louisiana before Obama did? Romney had to finish at the RNC, but O had no such obligations. Unless you count the 7 fundraisers he attended before squeezing in a visit to the damaged area. I seem to recall another President getting hammered pretty hard for not responding to hurricane victims quickly.
  2. Just watched The Hunger Games with my 12 year-old daughter. Wasn't bad at all. Not great, but it was OK.
  3. OK, not sure if I'll be ridiculed for enjoying such a mainstream film, but it doesn't matter. Just saw this last night (unfortunately not in 3D), and it was kickass. I like both of the 2 previous versions, but this is by far the best of the 3. Josh Brolin absolutely NAILS IT as a young Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones), and they do a fantastic job re-creating 1969. Most of all, Boris the Animal is a truly intense and legitimate badass. I can't imagine anyone who liked either or both of the previous movies not absolutely loving this one. Quite a few pretty serious mind-fucks throughout, and they keep you on your toes. They go for some sappy stuff, but I can forgive it in light of the overall awesomeness of the movie. Highly recommended for a fun escape. And a decent buzz when seeing it will really pay off! /just sayin'
  4. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    That was always the topper. lulz.
  5. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    May have posted this way back - thread's too large to check. Also a classic. For a while, you couldn't find this on YouTube except for live versions. That's probably why this one only has 74 views.
  6. Happy Birthday, muh man! Hope it's a good 'un!
  7. So I can infer by this your admission that there exists non-crappy, i.e., good CGI? lulz, I keed, I keed.
  8. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    Thanks. I didn't get it either.
  9. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    Kinda cruel, but it's hard not to laugh at the results. http://youtu.be/OfIEPpIN_JM
  10. Purchased Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy on OnDemand Sunday, and fell asleep halfway in. It was a 2-day rental, so I gave it another shot last night (because I'd heard a lot of good things, especially from this thread and Strider in particular) and watched the whole thing. I did like it, but I can't remember ever having to pay so close attention to a movie, it was almost exhausting. I think they did an incredible job reconstructing that time period, it even LOOKED like a movie from that era. I now wish I'd read the book so as to have a better understanding of what was going on. Strider, if you're out there, I have a couple questions if you don't mind. I kinda suck at symbolism and whatnot, but I'm fairly certain the random shots of the trains and train tracks meant something, I'm just not sure what. Is there anything you can offer that would explain this, or am I completely "off-track", as it were? OK, I guess that's really just a single question, so yeah.
  11. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    What is your fucking deal? Are you just a chronic complainer? You find something to bitch and moan about in practically every thread, it seems. What kind of control freak are you that you feel the need to dictate the direction that a thread takes? The thread is Make Me Laugh, not Tell A Joke. See how much more inclusive that is? It allows for the telling of jokes, but also takes into account that sometimes a simple picture can be found to be humorous. You are one of the most narrow-minded motherfuckers I've ever encountered who wasn't actually trolling. Take a fucking pill, "for fuck's sake".
  12. Off-duty police officer, ex-military or even active-duty military on leave, or just an avid gun-owner who trains on the regular? Most people who make the effort to legally carry a weapon are the type who are generally capable of reacting to a "situation" should it arise. It's not that hard to imagine someone who - had they been armed - could have taken action that would have reduced the amount of destruction this person caused. We can theorize all we want, but I'm dropping it in this thread, as it's a great thread that has nothing to do with this topic.
  13. Only problem is the shooter kicked in through an emergency exit. If a few people in the show had actually been "packing heat", maybe an off-duty officer, many lives might have been spared. We'll certainly never know since it was a gun-free zone.
  14. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    Random album generator at 4Chan.
  15. OK, guess what. I'm unsophisticated and I'm OK with that. Battleship was fun as hell! It had a lot of cheesy moments, but I'm a sucker for shameless tugs at your heartstrings. Yeah, anyone could see where it was going when they boarded the USS Missouri - so what! Seeing the old-timers lining up ready for action was fun as hell, and I'm sitting here smiling as I write about it. I enjoyed it, and it was well-worth the $1.99 I paid at the second-run theater in town. It was funny, it was hokey, and it was exciting enough to keep me interested. Also not sure where all the Rhianna hate was coming from - she played her part OK, about what I'd expect. It's not like she appeared to be trying to upstage anyone, or taking herself too serious.
  16. My knees are weak. You old sailor, you.
  17. I love the reference in 30 Minutes or Less Nick: I don't know how to rob a bank! Chet: You know exactly how to rob a bank Nick: What are you talking about? Chet: Point Break, that movie's a 'how to guide' for bank robberies. You just bust in, masks, guns, move fast, stick to the tellers and don't bother with the vault.
  18. TypeO

    Make me laugh!

    Reminds me of this one I did a while back after going to a local show that was painfully pathetic.
  19. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Over.

  20. Oops, poor linkage. Image in original post updated. 21 Jump Street.
  21. To quote a comment I read on Facebook - This movie has no business being as funny as it is. This was hilarious from start to finish. Awesome cameo by who else? :win:
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