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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 43 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    So last season we won 3 pieces of silverware. Not bad for starters?

    Liverpool, I believe have not won The Premier League since since the 1989-90 season. That is a long time ago. In fact the last time their hands were on a trophy was the League Cup 5 years ago.

    I really hope for a great season where everyone at least tries to win games instead, as we did at Anfield last year, park the bus and play dull defensive football?

    Liverpool have never won the Prem unfortunately . The really good days are long gone. At least they have won Big Ears five times, a feat unequaled by any other British Club, eighteen pre-prem league titles is not to bad either,...

  2. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Rick. I don't understand a word you are saying ! What is 2 1/2 goals? MU -1? Draw minus odds and will I finally break through?

    I Googled "Vegas Odds" all things now explained (in a fashion), I also thought Rick was wondering if you would come through, then I realised he was talking about Crystal Palace..

  3. I only re-bought AJA last week, had not heard it in a while so I thought it about time it was back in my collection I only paid £3.50, it turns out according to Discogs my new copy is a saught after edition that goes for up to £40, deal, methinks..

  4. 20 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    Didn't realize that there was an extended recording of this in existence that's going to be seeing the light of day through Japanese bootleg label Wardour. Wonder how much more will be on it.



    Here you go...............Can't remember where I grabbed it from (Dime/TTD/Y/Zomb ?)

    Here' another JP rarity from the whotrader archives. According to the thread I read, Jimmy was in the area for Coverdale / Page rehearsals and joined in for some fun at the local bar. There is a little hiss, but otherwise a very nice sounding recording (although Jimmy is a little low in the mix) - check the sample

    ***** 44 khz / 16 bit version ***** (CD Version)

    Jimmy Page with the Solid Ground Band
    May 29, 1991 (1991-05-29)
    Crystal Bay Club
    Crystal Bay (Lake Tahoe), Nevada

    01.[01:37] Introduction
    02.[12:02] Spider in Your Web
    03.[02:42] banter
    04.[10:21] Steamroller
    05.[07:52] Johnny B Goode
    06.[06:23] Hound Dog > Blue Suede Shoes
    07.[07:04] Smokin' Again
    08.[09:29] Slow Down
    09.[08:41] Old Time Rock n Roll
    10.[07:53] Kansas City
    11.[11:46] Louie, Louie > Wild Thing > Hang On Sloopy

    Total 1:25:50

  5. 22 hours ago, Cruzsan said:

    Bottom line. If you continue to deny he was evil and that he had no allegiance to Satan, and you know so much about him, your a liar. It says in the Bible that Satan is the father of lies. Therefore I'm not surprised 


    Aleister Crowley was actually a nice guy with a good sense of humor.

    aleister crowley laughter

    “The common defect of all mystical systems previous to that of the Aeon whose Law is Thelema is that there has been no place for Laughter.”

    Just, not always at the same time. Aleister Crowley’s best humor was often at someone else’s expense, but overall he had a kind heart and a deep concern for the well-being of every man, woman, and child alive. Indeed, in 1924 he dedicated his life to serving humankind, and from then on he worked tirelessly and exclusively for the cause of human liberty.

    It would be impossible to survey Crowley’s extraordinary wit in this small space. Suffice to say, all of his prose is packed with humor. Aleister Crowley’s original writing is far funnier than any of the parodies of his work. Below are a few short examples of his excellent jests. If you have any other favorite witticisms from Aleister Crowley, please share in the comments!

    “One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must be already mad.” — Liber ABA, Part II, Chapter XVI

    “May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!” — Moonchild

    “Theosophist: A person who talks about Yoga, and does no work.” — Liber ABA, Glossary

    “Some men are born sodomites, some achieve sodomy, and some have sodomy thrust upon them…” — The Scented Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of Shiraz

    “[I adopt the phrase ‘Holy Guardian Angel’] Because since all theories of the universe are absurd it is better to talk in the language of one which is patently absurd, so as to mortify the metaphysical man.” — The Temple Of Solomon the King in The Equinox I, no. 1.

    Aleister Crowley inspired the counterculture movement of the 1960s.

    Aleister Crowley Timothy Leary

    Timothy Leary as Aleister Crowley

    Most people are quite aware of Aleister Crowley’s censored appearance on the cover of Sgt. Pepper among the Beatles’ other heroes. Few, though, have gone on to ask why Aleister Crowley made the cut. John Lennon made the connection clear in an interview with Playboy when he said that “The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right?  To take your own responsibility.” Lennon was paraphrasing “Do what thou wilt,” which is one of the central precepts of Thelema, the religion founded by Aleister Crowley. Thelema is the Greek word which means “will” and teaches that we each must discover our individual inmost nature, described as the “True Will.”

    The Beatles were only the first of many counterculture rock musicians in the 1960s to openly cite Aleister Crowley as an influence. Led Zeppelin‘s guitarist Jimmy Page was very interested in Aleister Crowley and he remains a prominent Thelemite today. We have even recently learned that Frank Zappa was reading Crowley in 1968.

    Apart from rock stars, who helped to popularize the writings of Aleister Crowley, we can also look at some of the people who revolutionized western culture in other, perhaps more deep and lasting ways. To start with, let’s consider where these musicians may have heard about Aleister Crowley. Perhaps the most likely candidate is Harry Smith, a Thelemite whose influence on folk and rock music cannot be overstated. Aleister Crowley also once dined with Aldous Huxley in Berlin, and the rumor goes that Crowley introduced him to peyote. Timothy Leary saw himself as continuing Crowley’s work, and said so on national television. Check out this clip:

    These are only a few of the major streams of influence that Aleister Crowley had in shaping the counterculture movement of the 1960s. There is much more to explore, including Crowley’s efforts to make Eastern philosophy more accessible to the West, which helped to inspire the whole New Age movement. For more complete explorations, you can start by reading the best biographies of Aleister Crowley

  6. 21 hours ago, Cruzsan said:

    I don't know how jimmy page or anyone can be a fan of aleister Crowley when he encouraged rape and murder of little boys during satanic rituals for power. Disgusting, I wouldn't be able to ignore that part of his writings and no one should. That's why all the satanic celebrities (Eddie veder-pearl jam, johnny depp, that lead singer witch from the Dixie chicks) rallied together to have the "west Memphis 3" released from prison because they were admired and idolized by the satanic community for actually performing the ritual. They raped, tortured, and mutilated the genitals, and eventually murdered three 8 yr old boys. All in the name and guidance of aleister crowleys sex magick ritual. Now tell me the dude wasn't evil or a satan worshipper !!!!

    Myth: Aleister Crowley advocated rape.

    Of course not. Aleister Crowley upheld the rights of the individual. These rights do not extend to violating the rights of others. See the quote and link in #9 above, and here’s another one:

    “To use legal or financial constraint to compel either abstention or submission, is entirely horrible, unnatural and absurd.”



    Myth: Aleister Crowley was a black magician.

    Few things could be further from the truth, and Aleister Crowley directly contradicts this myth.

    Aleister Crowley the poet“I have been accused of being a ‘black magician.’ No more foolish statement was ever made about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the existence of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it.”

  7. 22 hours ago, Cruzsan said:

    Since you guys know so much about Crowley, and claim he wasn't evil or satanic, how do you reconcile with the fact that in his sex magick book he encourages the rape and murder of a young boy(of high intelligence is best he writes) to gain the strongest and most powerful magic from Satan in a ritual? How can u say he wasn't evil and Satan isn't real? What about him and his wife going to Egypt to summon a demon in a pyramid? Was he just kidding? I think not. 


    4. Myth: Aleister Crowley sacrificed male children.

    In his book, Magick, Aleister Crowley referred to masturbation jokingly and dysphemistically as child sacrifice. See our post, Guide to the Aleister Crowley 2012 Campaign Ad, for more details.

    According to Crowley’s diaries, he performed this “sacrifice” about 150 times per year from 1912-1928. That is a moderate amount of masturbation, but it would be an impossible number of murders which would make Aleister Crowley dozens of times more murderous than the infamous Countess Elizabeth Báthory.

  8. 13 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I have read the above and still call upon you to start a Premier League thread and a World Cup thread?  Unless you want to discuss both here?  The World Cup looms just next June.  And I have seen the odds.  Nobody is a glaring favorite.  And England has a real shot.  I do not think the usual teams that are highly regarded like Germany, Spain, Brazil and Argentina are unbeatable by any stretch.  If their is  a huge sleeper to me its Mexico.  And England but I doubt you can call them a true sleeper.  

    I would rather continue using this thread, I doubt a Prem specific thread would take off, participation would be too sporadic posts would likely be few and far between. Besides I don't think there are enough football fans here to keep a prem thread going.

  9. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Sky have "Gillette Soccer Saturday" - well that's Sky for you. Grandstand had "Football Focus" back in the day - that's the BBC for you. I personally call it footie or going back to school Togger?

    Let's call it Football please?

    My predictions for this season:

    1. Manchester United

    2. Tottenham Hotspur

    3. Chelsea

    FA Cup: Manchester United

    Champions League: Manchester United

    So another treble year for us and we will leave everyone in our wake. Anyway must get back to reality.......................

    Togger, yeah. I'd forgotten that one..

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