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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Waking up to see a picture of the fat cheat Maradona being treated by medics, only to find he is still alive. Come on grim Reaper his time has surely come?

    Fucking drama queen, c**t has to be the centre of attention..

  2. 5 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Vardy is not in the same league. I am going off for a shower as I am still in this mornings golf stuff. Final score will be 6-1. Vardy to offer oranges afterwards

    Haha, teaser. Anyway, Southgate knows his strongest team now and it doesn't include Delph or Vardy.

  3. 19 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    To my surprise it seems England has more players on its squad from Tottenham than any other premier league team!  Its 1-0 with a PK coming

    There were England games in the late Eighties early Nineties when there were seven Liverpool players on the pitch.

    Anyway, this is looking good so far,...yesssss a goal as I type England 3 Panama 0..

    Edit...(and) Another goal....4-0 come on England...

  4. 12 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    What are you getting for 50 notes man? Green i take it? If all goes to plan should get 6 oscars by October then another lot over the winter. Can't get enough of organically grown erb?

    The one I have now is called "Banana Ice Cream" a mellow hit, seems to be more CBD than THC, what some might call daytime pot. I prefer something a bit stronger really.

    I find with pot these days it's nowhere near as good as some of the stuff that was around in the mid late seventies.  I haven't had a whitey for over thirty years, longer probably.

  5. 5 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Same here I almost dropped my skins. I celebrated with a spot of cheese and a glass of ice cold white port.

    Next up is Sweden. Now make my week and do the Germans. It will cap off a great week. With summer in full swing, 2 Diesel seeds popped, golf all weekend and maybe a Panama thrashing. Can it get any better?

    I'm salivating, I'd love to get a grow on, can't do it outside though too risky I have  a cop living next door and there's no room in my loft,  I'm condemned to forking out fifty rips a quarter every fortnight or so it seems for evermore.

  6. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Great stuff Croatia. We have never enjoyed a second half of football so much. 

    Enduring memory of the cheating, fat, coke head Maradona crying will live with the CP's all summer. Fuck off Argentina and take that fat twat with you.

    Love it, well said man. No Englishman should ever forgive or forget that fuckhead beak bonce's cheat goal.  So come on Iceland do your stuff make sure Argentina are on the aeroplane home early next week. I jumped out of my chair three times last eve when Croatia scored, fantastic game..

  7. 14 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    Go Canada. Unfortunately, not even a top 20 topic here. Not on the radar AT ALL.

    But the good news is: attitudes here. :)No fucks given by ANYONE. Parents now statistically smoke pot more than the younger generation does. So no one really cares anymore. There is no fallout from "pot abuse" at all. It does not exist on a scale that makes it "newsworthy" - not even to feed the shitty sensationalist tabloid media that we have. Alcohol abuse is often a 'front page' issue, but despite the occasional attempt to lump pot and alcohol together as a problem, there is practically no negative attitude as to the use of Mary Jane (media, pretend media, my circle, my larger circle, social media). As usual, it will take the Government 10 years to catch up to what we already live and breath culturally/socially.

    so it's not ideal, but it could be a lot worse.

    I think it's the same here, walk around most towns and you are going to get a whiff of the green. Ignoring it is the best policy, the tokers get to toke and the complainers are happy that it's still illegal.

  8. 57 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

    You poor bugger....

    Thanks for sending us criminal types out to the new world. Turns out the new world is a corker! ;)


    Maybe,  except for all those poisonous snakes and spiders.

    Anyway back to the weather, big grey clouds, looks like rain is coming yet when I got up at seven AM to take the missus to work it was gloriously sunny..

  9. 5 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    Jeebus it was freezing today. I fucking HATE the cold.

    Will be cold now until late September. (early September if we are lucky).

    This Friday night I will have 2 or 3 braziers (fire pits) running to sit outside and enjoy some tunes.

    Did I mention I hate the cold???

    I wouldn't sit outside with half a dozen braziers in the English winter. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Remi said:

    Victory 2-1 versus Australia,

    Australia playing very well, but we was so bad in the other way.

    Argentina - Islande, next  can't wait to see Messi prestation.

    France were garbage, Can't agree with the VAR decision, the Aussie guy touched the ball leaving an element of doubt, but hey, I'm not the ref..

  11. 9 hours ago, Remi said:

    What a match!!!


    Indeed, best so far.


    9 hours ago, Walter said:

    Amazing match! Ronaldo is a God! 

    Oh Man that free kick for his third goal, I just knew it was going in, he did that sort of thing a lot when he Played for Man UTD, spectacular goal..

  12. Three extremely dull games so far, Russia/Saudi Arabia,  Egypt/Uruguay,  Morocco/Iran. Now the fourth game Spain/Portugal (on now) this is more like it, good game up to now...

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