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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 37 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Well done man. Not had one for about 10 years. How are you going to celebrate?

    Already done, an early day fat one. I could have paid it off years ago but as the payments were less than a ton a month I just kept it going. Feels nice though, put a smile on my face.

  2. 3 hours ago, Kiwi_Zep_Fan87 said:

    Spending a quiet day at home, reading, watching test cricket and listening to music.

    I am currently recovering from a horrific work schedule. These past 5 days have been absolutely brutal. I had to work for approximately 18 hours a day, survive with 2 to 3 hours of sleep and to top it all, my boss expected me to show up at the office on time at 10 AM :wacko: 

    18 hour days, wow that's not right, I'm sure that would be illegal here in the UK Bet you wish you were back in NZ sometimes.

  3. 1 minute ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Still dark, still raining and thoroughly miserable. 4 weeks before we go to Portugal for some sun and Golf:suntan:

    Here on The Wirral the ground has been sodden for a couple of weeks now making cutting the grass impossible, last year my last mow was the end of October..

  4. 2 hours ago, Strider said:

    Angelo Badelamenti is this generation's Ennio Morricone...Master of Mood.

    Today's agenda at the record shop...Heavy Metal reinforcements.

    Kerrrrangg  ba dum.. I'm staying out of record shops for a while I'm trying to cut back, I'm waiting for a few things in the post over the next month. Tomorrow David Gilmour ''Pompeii'' deluxe box will be here, The Stones  "Sticky Fingers" Blu-ray next Monday, Jeff Beck "Hollywood Bowl" Blu-ray a week Monday, also coming soon Robert Plant's new one, The Who "Tommy live at the Albert Hall"  Blu-ray, King Crimson "Earthbound" DVD/CD and of course The Yardbirds "Live" 2CD set and a couple of others I can't recall at the mo.. Some cut back  :-) 

  5. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    And these last five I just bought last night.

    Beach House "B-Sides & Rarities"


    The return of Grizzly Bear after five years is most welcome.




    "Windswept" from the TW Soundtrack album has been on multi play here in the JTM household, even my daughter likes it..

  6. 1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

    One of the reasons why I like the Hamburg video I posted is I think it provides an accurate representation of the overall experience. There's no question Keith struggles at times, but I don't think his playing has degraded to the extent that Berry's did in his late 80s. I don't think Mick is phoning it in at all. If anything, he's attempting to compensate for the band's diminished  energy and physicality onstage and for the most part succeeding. They've added some new tracks to the setlist and incorporated a fan vote, which is about as much can be expected at this point. They're not gonna play deep cuts from the back catalog. The prices are outrageous, but people seem to be paying them. All that said, I do think it's time they draw the curtain down on the band before the Reaper does. In so doing, they can be very meticulous about how they go out. I'd like to see them do one last tour, but it would be kept short (about six weeks) and limited (about six cities, with three dates in each city). Each of the six cities would get a theater show, an arena show and a stadium show. I'm talking NYC, Chicago, LA, Tokyo, Frankfurt & London. Mick Taylor & Bill Wyman would be part of the London shows. This is my suggestion.    

    It's about time they came back to Liverpool, I'm sick of traveling for gigs,  even Manchester which is only an hour away (traffic dependant) is too far. Liverpool Echo Arena is only twenty mins/half an hour away (again traffic dependant).  No way am I ever going to London for a gig again, too far too expensive and too time consuming..

  7. Uber have lost their lisence to operate  in London much too the joy of the City's Black Cab drivers. Black Cab drivers spend a fortune training for their jobs, they have to learn the streets of London off by heart, known as learning the Knowledge.. Then when Uber came in with their sat navs, their price undercutting and their drivers many of whom can't even speak proper English, the well trained "Knowledge" Black Cab drivers started to lose work. Personally I would never use an Uber car, I don't care that they are cheaper...If in London I would want to be driven by someone who knows what they are doing not by some sat nav reliant amateur.

  8. 8 hours ago, anniemouse said:

    Did the movie do well box office wise.

    Not where I saw it (The Futurist Liverpool)  at the first showing on the opening day Nov 10th 76 give or take a day. There must have been no more than twenty people in attendance. I spent almost the whole showing moving from seat to seat trying to find the sweet spot for the Quad surround sound..


  9. 2 hours ago, marlam said:

    In last weekends race in Singapore Vettel's agressive move at the start might have cost him the championship. Hamilton is now 28 points ahead. Poor Kimi, once again the mistakes of others ruined his race. He probably would have been leading after the first corner.

    Sectacular crash, F1 can be really boring (Monaco). Glad no one got hurt. 


  10. 1 hour ago, LedZed66 said:

    Why does England have two cup competitions? I've always wondered about that. And the League Cup is now called Peekaboo Cup?

    The League Cup was once known as the ''Giant Killers Cup''. I have a vague memory of a player named Don Rogers who I think played for Swindon Town putting in a few in the final against a top side. ( I can't remember who)..

  11. 3 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Underestimated? Nah they played Liverpool;)

    Liverpool have got to sort their defence, they keep playing zone defence instead of man on man marking, added to the fact the contempt Klopp has given to the  League Cup  by putting out too many young players. Last nights game was so frustrating Liverpool had 77% of the possesion, they should hae won.

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