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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 45 minutes ago, kipper said:

    late to this discussion after a long absence but here is my list:

    JFK:  it was Oswald on his own...    NO

    Moon Landing: real  ..       YES

    other life in outer space:  none that is intelligent-- if at all …  ?

    pyramids: built by the Egyptians on their own …  YES

    OJ: did it.....DEFO

    9/11: Al Queda terrorists.... NO

    WMDs in Iraq: Saddam moved them to Syria....   NO

    Al Gore: full of shit, climate change is natural....   YES

    pot: gateway drug....   50/50

    chemtrails: ….. NO

    Vince Foster: killed by the Clintons …  WHO? (I'LL GOOG IT)

    flat earth:  .. OF COURSE IT'S TRUE 😉

    pro wresting: fake  .. .Shhhhh, kids might hear you...








  2. On ‎7‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 8:37 PM, IpMan said:

    I dunno about that one as the method of her death was not exactly what a hit squad would try due to way too many possibilities. Causing a wreck in those tunnels did not guarantee death first of all and second, the hit squad could have just as easily killed themselves in the process. 

    Side note: As much as I admired Diana for her good works she was also a very complicated person and no angel. Why would she associate, much less become engaged to Dodi El Fayed? The guy was s scumbag coke addict with very dubious business associations. The whole thing was just weird.

    I agree a "staged" accident would have an unpredictable outcome but "Lady Di's" cards were marked. Her relationship with Dodi could have caused all kinds of complications, pregnancy for one. The possibility that the future King of England could have a half bro/sis to someone of Dodi's background/culture/religion ? It was never going to be allowed to happen. In my opinion the order was given, an "accident waiting to happen".

  3. 28 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Neither will I. Clive Tyldesley and Glenn Hoddle !! Fuck that. I'll be on the golf course

    It has been tough having to watch live commercial TV this WC (we usually record advert TV to watch later). If I ever have to watch another Ray Winstone Fred Bet "Gerrrrmbalin'' advert again I'll put a brick through the TV (metaphorically of course)… Enjoy your afternoon on the Green(s).

  4. 6 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    ....... or watch

    If it was on The BBC I might have taken a look, but it's on itv. As I have a outright hatred of commercial TV I will not be watching.

  5. 7 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I think they thought the 1-0 lead would hold up like it did for France and Belgium was far more dangerous then Croatia. They should have put them away when Lingard had the shot at the top of the box and nobody was in his way.  Kane just missed also.  They were not as good as they had been the entire tournament and I do not have a clue why.  I wish they had put Vardy in far earlier.  That guy is a killer.

    If Vardy is as good as you think he is he would have been in the starting line up every game. He obviously didn't fit in with manager (coach) Southgate's plan. I think he might shine in the 3rd/4th place play off, good chance he'll get a start in that game, the obligatory game nobody wants to play in.

  6. 12 hours ago, Strider said:

    Alas, the ugly side of England winning. Of course, I know chillumpuffer and JTM are too intelligent and classy to be among these yobs.





    I could feel my blood boiling when I saw this on The BBC news page, there is absolutely no need for this sort of mindless moronic behaviour. 

    Should England reach the final I shall be watching from the comfort of my living room. My worst nightmare would be to be in a crowd of obnoxious drunks spraying beer around every time England get the ball, so I'll be staying away from outdoor big screen events. I don't drink so it'll be  a few fat ones for me feet up on the sofa..

  7. Alrightee then, if tonight Russia beat Croatia, Russia will go on to win against England in the semi, if Croatia win tonight's game then England will beat Croatia and go on to the Final.  France to beat Belgium in the other semi.

  8. 20 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Fucking Neymar, dive artist he is, can run all day.  Belgium coach should have more fresh bodies.  

    His constant diving did him no favours, when Belgium's Vincent Company did actually foul him the ref didn't give it. Replays showed that it was a clear penalty.

    Like the boy who cried wolf he played it once too often and it came back to bite him, serves him right.

  9. 2 hours ago, Zepfan2001 said:

    A reliable source sent me this photo the other day with a story about it. He left a lot of details out so I don't know the whole story but it kinda bummed me out.

    This photo is of some freckles on a man's arm. The significance is that this particular 'constelation' of freckles became the blueprint of album cover artwork. What had happened was that the leader of a certain band secretely spied on this man and his family and used details of their lives in his songwriting and band art, all without them knowing. Ironically this man was a fan of the band that used his freckles as inspiration. To top it off, even when he bought the album and saw the artwork, he didn't notice the connection. He had no clue the spite and hate this professional musician had for him. He couldn't imagine that in his wildest dreams that a rock star was spying on him. He didn't know any rockstars.

    Apparently this actually happened numerous times over many years where he and his family were subject to rockstar parody.

    He was a teenager of 15 when this particular incident happened where the rockstar used his freckles as the basis for album art. He apparently had just started learning guitar himself and this new interest and hobby of his was actually the subject of one of the songs on the album.

    I wasn't told who this person is or the band that used his freckles as artistic inspiration, so if anyone can make those connections for me that would be cool.

    Additionally, when this person became aware that all these bands were spying on him and his family he started to fight back. This situation escallated and those musicians conspired to ruin his life and break his family apart. The resulting clash between him and a large number of celebrities left him destitute and hopeless. It took him years to get back on his feet and today he is alive and well and still rebuilding what they destroyed.

    My sources are reliable, I mean, why would they bullshit me about this? We've known eachother for years and they never bullshitted me about anything like this before. Why would they?

    So, if anyone can clue me in on what album cover these freckles were used on, that would be cool.


    Paranoid delusion or complete bollox imo… Both even..


    1 hour ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Man, sick over that. i thought we were dead.  Unreal.  Great freakin save by Pickford.  Dumb ass stupid shit letting them tie it with a minute to go.  That goal cost me money.  I had England to win in regulation and extra time.  Fuckers.  But I am happy they won, have them on parlays.  And I want to see them win it all.  Big time.  I say they can beat Sweden.  It was smart coaching putting a ton of second stringers in vs Belgium. If not, instead of having to beat Sweden and likely Croatia, they would have had to beat two out of three of Brazil, Belgium and France.   No fucking thank you. 

    How do you pack 70,000 Columbian taco benders into a Russian stadium across the ocean when England had about 1/7 of that in the stands?  Lots of "white lobsters" found on the beach!😀 Ie  a kilo of coke, tickets, both airline and stadium funded by drug lords.  A good  cause I guess?  LOL.  When that taco bender hit the crossbar I think the Lord was smiling down on us.  I mean, whew!!!  When you go down a goal in PK's kiss your ass goodbye in most cases.  Pickford was great.  Denmark to me has the best goalie.  That guy stopped 3 PKs at least, and one in the opening game to advance that was miraculous.  I forget who it was against.  The division Croatia was in.  

    GO ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!   🥅

    Have you forgotten who Denmark's Goalie is. He's Leicester's Goalie Kaspar Schmeichel.  He helped Leicester to the Championship title just much as Vardy by keeping the ball out of the net, he made some fantastic saves in that title winning season, saves that have just as much value as Vardy's goals..

  11. 10 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    One of these filthy Columbian's needs to be escorted off via red flag. Thank God the American ref is smart enough not to give in to their pandering.  

    You are bang on there, where is the Red Card... My heart is in my mouth, come on England, hold on..  Ah, here comes Vardy..

  12. 3 hours ago, Walter said:

    Enjoy. I picked up a bootleg of a show from Oz. Was looking forward to it big time but was left very underwhelmed. Only the Animals songs you stated were the highlight. Otherwise, snoozer...  Hope it’s a good show for you! 

    Thanks Walter. I'm sure I will enjoy the show, there's a big difference to listening to a few bootlegs than actually being there. Besides I've paid £200 for my ticket (the most I have ever paid for a single ticket) that's face value not some secondary tout/scalper price. So I'll get that negative vibe out of my head and  'Have Me a Real Good Time'. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    A  good outcome for England, as Spain is out.  But as far as I am concerned its pure crap.  Spain are the better team, dominated totally, and lose because if incidental contact on a corner on the back of the guys arm.  He did not use his arm or hand intentionally.  Its a joke how they allowed Russia a free goal

    Pique had no reason to raise his arm, in doing so he impeded the direction of the ball which was 99% certain of going in the back of the net, whether intentional or a stupid mistake the ball hit his raised arm therefore it is a penalty.

    Spain may have been dominant in the attack but Russia were equally dominant in the defence it made for a slightly boring game. Anyway, Russia have progressed just as I thought they would.

  14. Roger Waters this coming Monday at the Liverpool Echo Arena. I don't think I have ever not been looking forward to a concert ever. I'm going on my own, Mrs JTM can't stand him, my usual concert going friends didn't want to go either. The set list isn't that great apart from Dogs and Pigs (three different ones). The current touring band aren't doing much for me from the shows I have downloaded. The good thing is though, I'm in the seventh row just left of centre so the sound should, WILL be fantastic, I'll also have an unobscured view. I've also decided that I'm leaving before the encore, I've heard enough Dave Kilminster  Comfy Numbs to last a life time, give me Gilmour CM anytime..

  15. 42 minutes ago, Ross62 said:

    Enjoyment level?

    10/10, I'd forgotten how great AFD is. It must be over twenty years since I sat through the whole album. In the day I had all the related singles (for their non album B-sides), I played this album to death, too much probably. I felt old (I was thirty) when it came out and questioned myself about listening to a bunch of "kids". Now I'm sixty one and right back into it. Can't fault the 5.1 mix at all. Can't say the same about the book/slipcase (binding) quality/ephemera etc, that is imo complete crap..

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