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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 59 minutes ago, andrew r said:

    At the time was not considered a turd .I remember the excitement leading up to 

    the broadcast and the thought that JP AND RP were going to play together again.

    its an honest document of that period and the first release from any combination of the surviving members 

    for over a decade. It also rehabilitated James P as a guitar player and led to the Clarksdale lp 

    Which could do with an overhaul more, frankly, as its good material let down by poor production.

    So sorry no turd.

    You are right, it wasn't considered a turd, I fact I really liked it, bought all the CD singles to get the trax not on the album. But I recently put it on  and decided  it wasn't that good, it just sounded wrong. Ya never know one day I may change my mind again.

  2. 6 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Agreed. Do you remember Sports night with Coleman? I remember when I was very young my Dad woke me up to say there was a match on the TV. I won't tell your Mother. 

    Also The Home Internationals. Great times.

    Yeah the FA Cup. "Down Wembley Way" and beyond historic- FA Cup It's a Knockout.:thumbsup:

    Sports Night, I remember vaguely. TV in my parents was usually my mums choice (she did not like sport), dad was more often than not in the pub or the British Legion so any sport programmes (apart from Grandstand or ITV sport on Saturday) were a no no, unless dad was home.

  3. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    :D What a surprise !!! We could always go back to the Benifica game in 68? Hope your well man?

    Benfica 68, I remember that. Back then if there was a live game on TV almost everybody watched (Ok most people only had two TV channels) Live footie was a rarity and was a savoured whoever the teams playing were. The game wasn't Liverpool or Everton it was Man U, they were the next best thing because they were only "up the road" so to speak, plus they were English, the first to play in a European Cup Final.

    I'm well thanks, hope you are too.


    Thinking about it Footie today has sort of lost it's magic, there's too much of it on TV. I miss the special event feeling one used to get, like FA cup day when you would spend most of the morning flicking between BBC and ITV watching the build up, getting the feeling of fans from either side playing (again it didn't matter who was playing), the road to Wembley clips, then hoping it didn't go into extra time because that would clash with the then strict just after five tea time when it was TV off and everyone to the dining room, oh how times have changed,

  4. 7 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Does anyone over there across the bloody pond know why this damn game today did not count in the Premier League standings?  Tottenham over Chelsea?  Unless they are just lazy in giving them their 3 points.  Closing in on Liverpool

    Because it was an FA Cup game not a Premiership game. It's no big deal losing  that one. ( I assume you are refering to the Wolves v Liverpool game). It's the Premiership that is important, FA Cup games just get in the way.

  5. 5 hours ago, uduwudu said:

    I'd read somewhere on the web that the issue was one of curfew and (possibly) public transport. The account was from a stage tech. Grand Funk were going down very well. So well that their manager tried to keep things going (he had quite an interest). So did Grant and Co. They would get fined (and I think, did) and had visas etc to consider. So apparently the power was cut as Grand Funk went over time and then Zeppelin played resulting in going over time as well.

    Pitting Grant against the Funk manager and making an issue out of height and build etc merely creates false equivalency.

    Even now there is a lot of emotion; rock fans going out of their mind are not going to understand the the reason and certainly not when the "we blew Zeppelin off stage" narrative is repeated but unsupported by all the facts. Grand Funk did capitalize on the event.

    Did not read of Zeppelin taking an hour and a half between sets though . More grist to rock politics fire. First casualty facts.

    I used to do a light show for a cabaret band in the mid to late seventies. One time the band that was on before the band I worked for who were quite popular at this venue ran over their time, on the instruction of our Bass player I unplugged their amps/pa from the mains and gestured for them to get off.

  6. 1 hour ago, Strider said:

    I wonder if Plant was at that Liverpool vs. Wolverhampton match?

    I only watched the highlights on Match of the Day, maybe someone who watched the whole game can chip in.

  7. In the big scheme of things does it really matter, I don't think it does, I'm too old to care anyway. I don't expect there is going to anything that'll wow me,  it'll just be an "is that it" just like the companion discs. The only thing that will remotely excite me is the core albums remixed into 5.1, even ITTOD.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Strider said:

    Yeah, I bet chillumpuffer is miserable. 😜

    No doubt, it's swings and roudabouts  though, Liverpool dominated in the Eighties and beyond then along came Alex Ferguson with his Fergie time so Man U took the crown, now the pendulum appears to be swinging the other way and once again Liverpool are on the up again. I don't consider Citeh or Chelski to be up there because whatever they have won they bought. Liverpool and Man U are the two greats no one else comes anywhere near them.

  9. 12 hours ago, Strider said:

    Most of my teams sucked today. But at least The Reds came thru against Man U.

    A great win for Liverpool. Reds supporters consider the games against Man U as the second Derby, the first being of course against local rivals Everton.

  10. 8 hours ago, kirchzep27 said:

    I liked hearing that 2007 version of dazed and confused alot. Just from reflecting on this show being all electric, we know all zep electric songs are all heavy...so for a show for ahmet ertegun, why not another epic which is heavy and yet bright, just as in the evening would have been and a triumpth kind of feeling to see page, plant and john paul jones. But ultimately i think achilles last stand would have had that bright light effect, like it did in 77 and 80...so thats why it could have been sooo cool. Also could have been switched out for sibly for my 2cents. 

    Nope.. Dazed wins hands down. In even think including FYL was a stretch too far. For me LZ were past there best after PG. Presence and ITTOD have their moments but neither go anywhere near earlier stuff imo. Even with PG they are on the slide, PG being my sixth favourite album.

  11. 9 hours ago, pluribus said:

    I think the timeline still fits with Van Halen. The Eddie bootleg was released 1984-1985 (according to discogs and bootlegpedia), and the Van Halen quote about Page was  in Guitar World, January 1981 (according to wiki). 

    Van Halen (1) wasn't released until 1978 so who knew EVH in 77. I thought the title was directed at the Eddie at the Garden Tapes.

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