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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 4 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Only a game?  Since when?  Not in England it is not just a game. Its a way of life.  Go Leicester City and Go MC

    Yep, only a game imho. There are far more important things in life than ones favourite footie team. Yeah I like to see Liverpool do well, it's not the end of the world though if they don't.  I admit though I almost got upset that Liverpool didn't clinch the Prem title season just gone, but I soon came to my senses, it's only a game.

  2. 6 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Man City I see are the solid favorites to win the league again and Liverpool the 2nd choice.   I am guessing you hate Man City something like I hate Miami and New England in the National Football League here in the USA?  American football.

    I don't hate any team, I just keep my fingers crossed that Liverpool do well. If they don't, they don't, no big deal, it's only a game.

  3. 6 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Thanks for the info.  So you believe Man United will have a better year?  But do you still think Man City is the best team?   Or Liverpool?  Are MacGuire and Vardy still with Leicester City?

    I will never consider Man City the "best" team, no matter what title/cup they win, Liverpool will always be the "best" team imo. Not sure about Vardy's situation, Maguire though will most likely move somewhere else.

  4. 10 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    When does the Premier League start up again?  Please tell me who you believe will be good this year?  Who will take a step back?  Were there any major moves?  How do you think Leicester City will do?

    Prem season starts Friday 9th of August, Liverpool v Norwich is the first game. Who will do well, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Tottenham maybe Chelsea. Leicester will finish mid table or below. Moves/Transfers I've no idea, couldn't care less tbh.

  5. 12 hours ago, LedZed66 said:
    very nice game. Congratulations to the USA, they were the better team.

    Best moment of the final: when the audience whistled FIFA villain Blofeld, um, Infantino.
    The men's game is faster, the technical skills are much better, but in women's football there is no injury faking, no time wasting, no spitting, no wimps - just football 👍👏

    They do spit, just not as much, maybe they swallow.

  6. 3 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I believe England and Sweden will win today.  So the jinx is on you.  But I know this US team is not of the caliber of the teams with Abby Wambach and Mia Hamm.  England can win this. 

    I've just turned on, the whistle has just blown for half time, so it's 1- 2 to USA, a long time to go for a turnaround yet. Three great goals so far. Second half coming up. Kettle's on for a brew and rolling papers at the ready.

  7. Dilemma, tonight it's the World Cup Semi Final at 8pm between England and USA, but without wanting to sound sexist it's womens football. I've caught the odd few mins here and there of this tournament, it's quite entertaining to a point but it doesn't have the same edge of the seat power of the  Men's game, it's ever so slightly limp in comparison. There's a lot of coverage of the lasses game these days, it's very on the up here in Blighty, no longer something just mentioned I passing, it's popularity is  stronger than ever, attracting larger crowds year on year. For quite a while The BBC has been broadcasting "The Women's Football Show" albeit tucked away in a late night slot... I'm rambling now. Anyway, should I bring out my National Pride and give England's Ladies my support. So I think I'll just grit my teeth, put my bias aside and tell myself "well it is footie" C'mon England, C'mon England..

  8. 5 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    No. It was started by Craigled who is British and we call it football. Keep your "SOCCER" to yourselves. We don't ask that your NFL should be Rugby. And Baseball, which was first played in England, is basically rounders.

    :hysterical: Oh man, I've got tea on my keyboard now.

  9. 2 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Someone please re name this thread SOCCER

    Please don't, virtually no one calls Footie soccer in the UK. I also must add footie is played with feet, whereas your game is mostly played by hand. Anyway why don't you lot call your game Rugby which essentially is what it is.

  10. 4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    The vast majority of people I'd be even remotely interested in connecting with or hearing from are all dead. Occasionally, I do use the Facebook messenger feature to chat with fellow collectors or whatever but for the most part I only use Facebook as a news feed for the groups I'm interested in. Posting pictures of what I had for lunch, sharing cat memes or birthday wishes-- I have got no use for any of that bullshit.    

    Indeed, the groups are the most useful thing about Facebook, messenger for contact with family or friends in far away places, the rest, as you say is bullshit.

  11. You work with people for thirty plus years often knowing little about them beyond work, then comes retirement or redundancy maybe. So you're on facebook. you find yourself getting or sending out "friend" requests to former work acquaintances, then what do you know, you finally find out when they have a birthday, cos facebook sends out the annual reminder, it seems so fake but you feel obligated to respond, weird isn't it.

  12. I get them all the time, they amuse me they are so obvious.  Calls about my internet being corrupted are the most common either by person to person or recorded message. The message type I just hang up the P to P I play along with them until they hang up. I get some that tell me I'm going to be arrested for non payment of tax, calls informing me my internet is going to be cut off within 24 hours. I've had calls supposedly from the police, I just tell them to send me a letter and hang up. I'm not going to be taken in by anyone who calls me by phone. I didn't get any at all for a while when I had my call blocker turned on, for some reason I turned it off, just not got around to switching it back on. As SAJ said their target is primarily the elderly who are more likely to be taken in by these scum bags.

  13. 3 hours ago, Walter said:

    I have as well.  All of what you said.  Here are a few pages from Nick Mason’s book describing the day.

    Edit: The order of the pages changed it’s 1st, 3rd, and then 2nd if you’re trying to read them with continuity. 




    Thanks Walter.  There's much more detail on Syd's visit than I've seen before.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Walter said:

    45 years ago today, the infamous day Syd Barrett walked into Studio 3 at Abbey Road Studios while Pink Floyd were recording ‘Wish You Were Here’ lp.  Richard Wright said they were working on “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” at the time...



    I've often pondered how Syd knew his former band were in the studio, who told him, how did he even get in there, was there no security..

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