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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 5 hours ago, Strider said:

    This may surprise people but I have never liked William Stout's cover art for "Bonzo's Birthday Party". I usually love Stout's bootleg art but not this one.


    Another cover I thought was particularly bad was the reissue cover for "My Brain Hurts". It's like a bad 1980s fashion ad. The original art for "My Brain Hurts" was far superior.


    Yeah BBP, I got the first one out of the box from my boot "dealer" the day new stock arrived. TMOQ pastel green sleeve double green vinyl. Once the shrink was off the "Pig Flyer" got tucked away inside the sleeve.


  2. 4 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Yeah bummer. Couldn't get tickets for the original Manchester shows and they added an extra date . Tanz der Youth (apparently) supported them and we were in the pub with Geezer, Tony and Bill before the show. Ozzy wasn't in the pub (un) surprisingly. Van Halen got removed from the tour again unsurprisingly. Sabs were great. I was 4 rows in the stalls in front of Ozzy.

    Ah, Tanz der Youth, is that who it was (I did catch some of their set). The Sabs though I thought to be just going through the motions.

  3. 7 hours ago, Strider said:

    Any live footage of Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac is priceless but this clip from ABC's "Playboy After Dark" shows what a culture clash television could be in the 1960s - 1970s


    Blimey, so phony looking, and that "Norbert" sucking his thumb....

  4. On 7/25/2020 at 4:46 PM, Brigante said:

    Thing is, producer boy insisted that 13 sounded as much like 1970 Black Sabbath as possible - even down to rejecting riffs if they didn't fit the 'immediately post-first album' vibe he was after. I don't think 13 is the album they'd've made if left up to their own devices.
    I'm ok with Zeppelin putting a full stop on it after the O2.

    I like 13, it's their best album since Sabotage imho.

  5. On 7/21/2020 at 8:43 PM, Mattius said:

    Today I received Evolution is Timing 3. Oddly when I put in Disks 9 & 10 It says on the menu that the gig is the 4th but is actually the 11th. Likewise Disks 11 & 12 says 2nd day, 11th in the menu but the songs are from the 4th! Seems like a silly mistake for EVSD to make! Just wanted to check that I don't have a weird pressing. Can anyone with this set please verify? Thanks.



    Don't expect perfection on a bootleg.

  6. 22 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    The latest one is good.  The case in France of Dupont de Lugonnes, who killed his entire family, buried them behind the house and then left on camera leaving the cops a trail, ending with him walking into the French woods near the French riviera, after dumping his car at a hotel he stayed at in 2011.  The last sighting of him (and carrying the rifle into the woods, making it look like a murder suicide).  He went through so much to fool the cops, its not likely he took his life but its possible. A massive search of the woods was done over several months. He is the most wanted man in France.  He had a great family.  A wife, two sons, one biological and a daughter that was a model.  The reasoning behind it is still crazy.  He was in great debt. But no money was to be gained by this.  No life insurance.  No reason.  He gave them sleeping pills and put two 22 caliber bullets in each as they slept.  It took suspicious neighbors and about 3 weeks to find the bodies.  The cops fount them on the 6th trip to the house. Crazy case.  Like Jon Bonet but no doubt who the killer is.  Some suspect he is hiding in Latin America.  His English is good and his Spanish is passible.  He even paid the rest of the years tuition at the Catholic  schools the kids were attending!  He took out about 30 Euro's on camera on an ATM that last day spotted.  Very very strange

    I did start that French episode, just before meal time a few days ago  (I'll get back to it). I have remembered one of the  couple I saw. The episode about the woman who disappeared from the hair salon, I take you have seen it. Anyway, I think the husband is guilty as hell, his smugness is revolting, talking about how he loved her, bollox I say. Titling this series as "Mysteries" is a bit of a misnomer, not much mystery imo.

  7. On 7/4/2020 at 12:41 PM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Unsolved Mysteries came back on, the show that was once hosted by Mr Stack who passed away in 2003.   Anyway, some very good episodes.  The most gripping is the 9 year old Nantes, France mystery of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes.  Horrifying story as his wife and 5 children were finally found on police 6th visit to the home.  So incredibly detailed was his coverup, not a single drop of blood was found in the house.  He has put them to sleep with pills, even killing his two black labs, all with two bullets to the head, 22 caliber with a rifle he has recently purchased with a silencer.   He leaves a deliberate credit card trail, is on camera at an ATM, taking only 30 euro, and then after discarding of his car at the hotel  to the South of France, walks into the woods never to be seen again with a rifle. Dogs and police searched the hills and woods for a month.  No sign of him.  This is worth a watch.  You will need to watch the caption at the bottom of the screen unless you can speak French.  I would like any opinions?


    OH.  its on Netflix.  Not sure if its on other channels?  Likely.  I am streaming now.  The French neighbor does a magnificant job of narrating this along with a friend and a cop or two.

    I watched a couple of episodes from that so called "Mysteries" series, hated it, what a complete waste of time. Don't ask me which episodes because I've forgotten already.

  8. On 7/21/2020 at 8:19 AM, Decker70 said:

    Hi everyone, I am a massive Led Zeppelin fan ever since I heard Black Dog for the first time on the mothership album when I was young. As I got older I was jaded to Zeppelin until I started registering to music I loved growing up as a junior in high school. I listened to Led Zeppelin 1 and it blew me away then I was randomly taken to a streaming website where I watched Zeppelins legendary performance at Royal Albert Hall in 1970 and I haven't turned back since. Over the years I have been absolutely obsessed with this performance. Footage, photos, bootleg audio, you name it and I have done it pertaining this performance. So when the 50th anniversary came this year, I got extremely excited. January 9th came and nothing was announced. I was genuinely shocked and it seemed that a lot of people we're surprised there was no news about FINALLY releasing this as an offical album and maybe remastering the footage/releasing it in hd. Well since this is my favorite performance ever I finally want Led Zeppelin to acknowledge that we want that to be released. So I started a change.org petition so we can have our voices heard that we want this to happen. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it truly means a lot to me.



    A petition, you're kidding. I'm happy with DVD and my fan made download. Each to there own. EDIT, 12 sigs I see, on your way there kiddo, good luck.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Klape said:

    Electric Ladyland - Hendrix

    Are you experienced - Hendrix

    Bold as love - Hendrix

    Band of Gypsys - Hendrix ... just two words : Machine Gun

    Deliver - The Mamas & Papas

    Disraeli Gears - Cream

    Sticky Fingers - Rolling Stones

    Surrealistic pillow - Jefferson Airplane

    So tonight that I might see - Mazzy Star

    L.A Woman - The Doors


    Machine Gun, the single greatest live performance committed to recording tape EVER.

  10. My fiirst favourite was II because it's the first one I heard, then it was I, followed by HOTH, then back to I then II again, back to I  So for years it alternated between I and II, nowadays it's HOTH, has been for years, not a tune on it that I don't like. None of the other albums have ever made my top three.

    HOTH is special because it's the first LZ album I bought the week it was released. I didn't even have a record player when the fourth album was released.

  11. Ten random albums that have meant a lot to me over the years, ten of many...  UK/US 50/50 split.

    Jimi Hendrix - Band of Gypsies.

    The Who - Tommy.

    CSN - CSN.

    Spirit - Spirit of 76.

    James Gang - Bang.

    The Rolling Stones - Let it Bleed.

    Bob Dylan - Desire.

    Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon.

    Eric Clapton - EC Was Here.

    Rod Stewart - Every Picture Tells a Story.

  12. 2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Yeah that was before the climate got fucked. Is it me, but weren't the summers of the 70's and 80's long and great? Only a year later in 79 that first weekend of Knebworth was glorious also

    They're seeding the clouds Man......;)


  13. 2 minutes ago, duckman said:

    Me too, their last show ever was my first encounter with the SB phenomenon and my first CD set ever (in 1990!!!)..."Bonzo at  Last" (On Seagull).

    Since I had very little experience with audio fidelity on CD's, I thought it was quite OK. Obviously sourced from a cassette, but I was desperate to hear all those post TSRTS tracks live. I was not disappointed. The second SB  by the way was the April 27,  Fillmore W...That excited me even more, since it was the first time I heard a strange song Howard Mylett mentioned in his little paperback back in the seventies; "As Long As I Have You". Destroyer, Dallas 75 and Osaka 71 followed a few weeks later.  

    Pretty sure 27/04/69 Fillmore is not a SBD, it's far too wet a recording be a soundboard. The recording was made with overhead stage mics, the reason why Plant's vocal sounds a little distant.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Moby_Dick_Ale said:

    I haven't sort out which ones are the SB's but these are the Moonchild '77 and '80' releases:


    My blood is boiling, all the great work Winston does for free, then these gobshite scumbags come along to steal his work for profit.

  15. 39 minutes ago, ADK-Zeppy said:

    Love this post!!  being from Massachusetts where we threw your King's tea (by the case) into Boston Harbor because of His Majesty's tax increase, I have developed a love for imported Teas.  At least two cups each morning and it helps me make my ancestors' ancient connection to Hampshire over where you enjoy your tea, daily.  My question is: Is it true that arguments can get carried away over there as whether it's “Milk in first”?




    Milk first ? it depends. When making teabag in the cup the milk goes in last but when making tea in a teapot the milk goes in the cup before the tea is poured. Brewing tea in the pot is a rare thing these days, we have two teapots but rarely use them, depends on mood.

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