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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 1 hour ago, redrum said:

    Me and a friend saw it at the theater. There were about 6 people there total. Must have been the geezer matinee.

    Grumpy Golf Geezers – The Relative Observer

    Geezer matinee, funny. On the subject of matinees and small audiences, there were only about fifteen people at the first showing of TSRTTS on the day it opened in Liverpool, I arrived at the cinema early expecting to join a queue. It being the afternoon many fans would have been at work or college, school even. 

  2. 7 hours ago, pluribus said:

    Which was invented by one of the players who Page lifted from the most: Davy Graham.

    Besides the Stairway to Heaven intro being lifted from Graham’s rendition of “Cry Me a River”, Page took Graham’s playing and turned it into White Summer, Four Sticks, Over the Hills and Far Away, Kashmir...

    Yes indeed, that's correct. Everybody borrows from somewhere else.

  3. 8 hours ago, Moby_Dick_Ale said:

    I guess that's something we have to deal with nowadays. When it's on the net for free, within a month you can buy silvers. Just like all the work Winston has done: free for everyone to download, also for the guys at Moonchild Records who ask $ 11.- for every cd.

    Even $11 is too much. I rarely ever burn to CD these days, straight to a HD or USB. One time any worthy download went to CD with printed off cover art, I have boxes full in my attic, if I fancy listening to a show that is up there I just download it again (if it's still seeded), I can have it again in less than the time it takes to go up into the attic.  I do have about twenty favourites on shelf in my man cave.

  4. 7 hours ago, ZepHead315 said:

    The problem is that it's a butchered transfer. Sure, it is free, but I'm saying don't bother because there are better versions of the show out there. The problem is mainly in the high frequencies, and as we age, we lose the ability to hear within that range. If you're a baby boomer (and I'm not saying this to insult you, just stating a fact) then it's possible your ears cannot detect the excessive brightness. If so, enjoy it by all means. To my ears though, it's not worth listening to.

    I'm 63, I no longer listen to music LOUD loud, 11 o'clock on the volume dial is enough for me, on top of that I also have tinnitus that I've had for getting on for eight years now.  I got the tinnitus listening to HTWWW at an ear splitting volume level in my car on the less than ten min drive to the supermarket Oct 2012. I always had the volume up driving (on my own). I'd get out of the car and if my ears weren't ringing a little it hadn't been loud enough, this particular day  I got out of the car and the ringing never stopped.

  5. 49 minutes ago, ZepHead315 said:

    Don't even bother with this. The DAT transfer was horribly done. Listen to IMTOD and TSRTS. There's so much top end that there's a compressed sound on the guitar, vocals, and hi hat. At times, it's actually distorted, resulting in a "fuzz" sound. They uploaded a "flat" transfer without Dadgad's processing and it has pretty much the same problems. Terrible.

    Are you referring to the new Dime upload ? If so why say "don't bother", it's free isn't it, so what's the problem. I've listened to it twice today, sounds pretty good to me. Horrible it most definitely is not.

    Edit. I just noticed two versions were uploaded to DAD, I just grabbed the Flat transfer which I will listen to and compare tomorrow.

  6. 1 hour ago, Moby_Dick_Ale said:

    According to BlimpLife there might be coming a Mike Millard recording,  JEMS / Dadgad remastered release of the LA 03-11-1975 show.

    今回のインフォ "led_zeppelin_long_beach_arena_long_beach_ca_1975_03_11_Millard_JEMS" には非常に興味深い内容が書かれている。特に、Nakamichi550とAKG451がLed Zeppelinの1975年ツアーのために購入されたことや、この日が車椅子のデビュー戦(厳密に言うと友人の車椅子)だったことが面白い。
    待望のミラードマスター、1975-03-11 Long Beach が上がった! その昔、初めて聴いたときには「これは SBD ではなかろうか?」と思ったほどの高音質音源のマスターが聴ける幸せ。。。Led Zeppelin, Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, March 11, 1975
    Mike Millard Master Tapes via JEMS and Dadgad

    Google Translate:

    This info "led_zeppelin_long_beach_arena_long_beach_ca_1975_03_11_Millard_JEMS" has very interesting contents. In particular, it's interesting that the Nakamichi550 and AKG451 were purchased for Led Zeppelin's 1975 tour, and that day was the wheelchair debut (strictly speaking, a friend's wheelchair). Long-awaited Mirrored Master, 1975-03-11 Long Beach is up! A long time ago, when I first listened to it, I was happy to hear the master of high-quality sound sources that I thought, "Is this not SBD?" .. .. Led Zeppelin Long Beach Arena Long Beach, CA March 11, 1975 Mike Millard Master Tapes via JEMS and Dadgad

    Thieves, shame on them. MM must be turning in his grave. MM taped for free trade, not for some maggots to profit from his work. It's not hard to find his work for free, that's how the boot labels got them. Oh yeah, they're on silvers with some nice pretty picture art work, big f'in deal. In honour of the memory of MM everybody should only download them.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Strider said:

    It does feel weird winning under these conditions and all...sort of anti-climactic. I didn't even know the EPL was back to playing matches. I haven't been following sports news since the leagues shut down in March.

    Figures after a 30 year wait, Liverpool would have to endure a little more waiting as the season was interrupted.

    Hearty congratulations to the Red!

    It's such a relief that the season wasn't null and voided, which at one point seemed a possibility. Even ending the season on  a "how they stand" basis would have seemed like a hollow victory.

  8. On 8/21/2019 at 8:02 PM, Strider said:

    I was afraid it was Ian McCulloch.

    So...obviously you know yourself better than anyone, and if you think you would fall asleep during "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and want to wait until it comes out on dvd or whatever, fair enough.

    Personally, I find it easier to stay awake during long movies in a theatre than at home. In a theatre I can concentrate and the size of the screen and the sound immerses me into the film's world and I forget about the outside world. At home there are too many potential distractions. With the look and sound of "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", a big theatre showing a 35mm print is the best way to see the film, in my opinion.

    You didn't say how old you were...I am nearly 60 and regularly sit through Godfather 1 & 2, The Good, Bad & the Ugly, Once Upon a Time in America, Once Upon a Time in the West, Lawrence of Arabia, 2001, and sitting through the Tarantino was a piece of cake. The movie flew by for me and that wasn't the case for his previous movie "The Hateful 8". 

    But there are a couple of things that I think will determine whether this movie is for you.

    1. Do you like other Tarantino movies? If you didn't like any of his other movies I doubt you are going to like this one. Although in some ways this is his most relaxed and less caustic (especially compared to "Django Unchained" and "Hateful 8") movie in years, it still has some of the hallmarks of a QT film. Long scenes of dialogue...digressions and flashbacks within scenes...bare feet...vintage automobiles...sudden eruptions of violence...retribution.

    The camera is not zipping all over the place. There aren't edits every two seconds. The camera lingers allowing you, the viewer, to take in the faces and scenery in detail. There aren't spandex-clad groups of people and cgi-monsters fighting each other and destroying cities and planets willy-nilly.

    The first two thirds may seem aimless...it is the very definition of a hangout-movie. But the ending validates and ties up the movie's themes nicely.

    Demystification. Resurrection.

    2. You will definitely appreciate and understand this movie more if you a) grew up in Southern California in 1969; b) have a love for old TV westerns such as Gunsmoke, Wanted: Dead or Alive, etc.; and c) have a good knowledge of the Manson murders. 

    Apologies for taking so long to respond. I didn't get to see OUATIH at the cinema, I waited for the Blu-ray, I did fall asleep watching, not a fault of the film, me, I'm so unfit/unhealthy (I'm 63 btw). I made it through at the second attempt.

    I do like Tarantino movies, I've seen most with the exception of Four Rooms and Grindhouse, I have half a dozen on DVD, Blu-ray. I have though not watched any of them more than two or three times, Pulp Fiction maybe half a dozen views. So I can't say I know any of them that well.

    Anyway, I've just got "Hollywood" back off a friend who borrowed it so I'll stick it in the player over the weekend. Oh, that ending, genius, never saw that coming.


  9. Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool CHAMPIONS.

    Forty three Major trophies, more than any other club in English football history,  right now World Club Champions, League Champions and European Champions.

    Something else , nobody has ever won the league title with seven games still to play.

  10. Oh fucking YES, back on our perch. Evans couldn't do it, Houlier couldn't do it, Raffa couldn't do it, Brendan couldn't do it, they all came close. Jurgen Klopp is a genius, a man of passion, dedication and belief, he's up there with the great Liverpool managers of the past, Shankly, Paisley, Fagan, Dalgish. Watch out Alex we are going to take our league record back.  Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool YNWA.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Moby_Dick_Ale said:

    So, I must presume you have no hard copy whatsoever of any MM recording? No LTTE? No Led Zeppelin official DVD?

    It was not as much as a question as "...where are they?..." but more like "...they release Bob Dylan, The Eagles, Bruce..." why won't they release Led Zeppelin (when available)

    Why would I have hard copy of a Millard, the ones I have burnt to CDr, the cover art says "FOR FREE TRADE ONLY".  LTTE is one of them, all downloaded of course.

    I did, in the early mid seventies  have on LP, Mudslide, Blueberry Hill, Going to California, BBC Broadcasts, Bonzo's Birthday Party etc. The only  CD Silver boot I bought was "Eternal Mystery"

    {and} Yeah, I have got DVD, I was first in the queue at MVC the day it was released, so naturally I bought HTWWW too. I've got everything else too, multiple times, I bought my first Zeppelin album in 1972 (late starter, I know, apologies for that) fwiw.

    Edit. Multiple times except Super Deluxe boxes, I only have the first.

  12. Absolute rip off, MM must be turning in his grave. This  completely goes  against the spirit of free trade which was what MM was all about. All his work is available for free on the likes of Dime, Y, TTD, RuT etc. Shame on anyone who buys these things.

  13. 11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I don't see Porky/Pecko in the photos, but IF correct then likely a fourth pressing of the album, with Porky/Strawberry relegated to being a fifth pressing and Mary/Pecko relegated to being a sixth pressing. First (A2/B2), second (A3/B2) and third pressings have STERLING RL on both sides. A Porky/Pecko with a WEA logo is a reissue. 



    My copy is a STERLING RL A3/B3, it's extremely battered, but it sounds fantastic underneath all the crackles.

  14. 11 hours ago, The Only Way To Fly said:

    This show is on fire! Never heard before today and I've been listening to Zeppelin boots since 1985!

    Newbie ;), I've been listening to LZ boots since late 72/early 73. I must say though this latest version of Vienna is pretty good, didn't think I'd get all the way through it (a rare thing these days).

  15. I  grabbed it, not listened to it yet, like many other boots on my HD's, in fact all I probably will do when I get around to it is skip through it. Far too many boots these days, oh for the early/mid seventies when there were only a handful, all the best ones too imho (pre 75 that is).

  16. On 11/20/2013 at 2:56 AM, SteveAJones said:

    My hunch is this thread may become locked or pulled as your proposal, though noble, does directly constitute piracy as well as bootleg production and as such is generally discouraged on this, the official forum. Having said that, bear in mind one reason the fantasy sequences exist in the first

    place is to cover gaps in film footage. The reality is one will never find enough outside source film footage to cover those gaps in their entirety.

    How times have changed, bootleg "links" that never would have been allowed are posted regularly. Normal at the Hotel but never here until recently.

  17. 3 hours ago, kipper said:

    I was being sarcastic. The other guy said he was shocked by his passing.

    You'll get used to me. I have a sharp mind and an even sharper wit.  😎

    We need a "sshhwwmmmfff" that went over your head emoji.

  18. 5 minutes ago, zepster1979 said:

    So what's the fuckin' problem by your side? Did you suffer from fact he opened his vaults eventually? You should be grateful for that, as if not, we would eventually stay with mediocre quality aud tapes, that's all. My comment reveals exactly of what the capitalism is. If you want something, just pay for that! I can agree that bootlegs are illegal and if someone's selling them, it's a theft but hell, we all thefts as we all listening to something that couldn't be even discussed when shown from perspective of any musician/owner.
    So get you off, pal!

    I'd be wasting my time, there is no cure...

  19. 41 minutes ago, zepster1979 said:

    They were cheaper a lot, but none of them contained unreleased board tape. I really do not see any further point of explaining this as, from what I see, lots of you'd probably won't buy even a complete soundboard because you tend to think it should be for free. If I could sit on any uncirculated stuff, I wouldn't hesitate to make money on it. It's the real world we're living in, bro! Or maybe you should go and eventually ask North Korea for permanent visa? ;)

    I could not care less whether something is an unreleased board tape or not, no boots were board tapes until Page left himself open to "the theft". Your comment  [''If I could sit on any uncirculated stuff, I wouldn't hesitate to make money on it'' ]  is flabbergasting, I bet you would sell a "Winston" if you could get away with it.  One other thing, don't call me bro. 

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