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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 6 minutes ago, Xolo1974 said:

    Yeah mate of course. Guy in front of me left at half time and came back at the end celebrating. I couldn’t look at him 

    Daft beggars.

  2. 4 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    :thumbdown: Don't talk bollocks man.:D Nou Camp 99 was far better (and you know it). Fair game man the Miracle in Istanbul was pretty special.

    I had a butchers this morning at the penalty. Tenuous to say the least. Hey I'm not complaining. About time us English had a bit of luck on the penalty front. As I type Xolo1974 has posted. Not read it yet but chances are it won't be favourable towards us woollybacks?

    Wellllll, Nou Camp 99 hmmm yeah a good one....

  3. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    One of the, if not THE most remarkable turnarounds in Champions League history. A fantastic night in Paris and well done to the lads, Ole of course and the wonderful VAR that made it happen. 

    That was never a penalty, no way was that deliberate handball. I'm glad for Ole though he's doing a great job, it'll be a crying shame if he doesn't get the job. As a Liverpool fan I really shouldn't be giving Manure any praise at all, but hey ho credit given where credit's due.

    Oh and THE BIGGEST  turnaround in Champions League history was the 2005 final, you know that FITH Big Ears trophy won by you know who...😉

  4. 5 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    Less than six months old, cheapo.


    Man that is one overpriced cheapo piece of crap. Glue it back on and use it as a Pen/pencil and other knickknack holder. Or carefully drill a hole in the bottom and use it as a Plant pot.

  5. 1 hour ago, pluribus said:

    I listen to them all the time, which is probably why I have the opinion I do. I’m always hearing something new too. Blueberry Hill still gets lots of listens, after all these years.

    You’re proving my point too. People aren’t really listening to these shows that frequently. So why should EV or anyone else put out 20 of them at a time? They would sell even less, and everyone would probably agree which ones were the ones to buy/download, and which were the ones to avoid, which means that EV would lose money. Again, look back at the Fort Worth soundboard. Standard 75 show, not too many surprises. Quickly forgotten. Now it’s all about “Where’s Houston 75???”

    These bootlegs are like a TV show that you will always keep watching, no matter how good each individual episode is. Doesn’t matter if this one or that one wasn’t so good, there’s always the next one to look forward to. And with the casual fans, there would be plenty of people who would be disappointed if the show suddenly ended.

    Whenever I see these re-do boxsets or re-releases, I just assume that these are the episodes between the really good ones.

    Blueberry Hill, now that is one I listen too fairly often, others that get regular revisits are Mudslide, Going to California, Bonzo's Birthday Party.  They are the ones  I played to death, from the days when the choice was limited, so they actually  got listened too properly. In fact when I first got the Web in the mid nineties they were the ones I first looked for on the file sharing sites of the day, Napster, Audio Galaxy, Win MX etc..

  6. On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 1:03 AM, pluribus said:

    But what does it really matter to anybody anyway? The EV people have given us so many soundboards, which 99.9% of the people paid zero for. And all the people dreaming of a new soundboard are usually the same people who wouldn’t spend a single cent to get it, even if it was a show that everyone really wanted (how many of you actually bought How The East Wasn’t Won?). Are EV expected to be a charity?  

    20 years ago I would’ve KILLED for the soundboards that we have today. There was a time, kiddos, back before the soundboard revolution. It was nothing but gen’d up tapes of unknown origin, with songs deliberately left off, rumors of stuff we never got to hear, people holding on to tapes and refusing to trade, and then paying out the nose for things that ended up being the same stuff you already had.  When things did get around, it would only ever get around to people via these long and painful trees and mail jobs. And still those discs had errors, with the clicks and pops. Oh yeah, and things took FOREVER. 

    No affiliation. It just amazes me that, given the sheer volume of treasures that have come from EV alone, that people would still complain. 

    Treasures ? Be honest how many times do you play them. I've got dozens, soon as they are out I download them, burn them to disc, print a cover play them for a week or two then forget about them. None of them  are really that great.  If they stopped coming out because the returns were not worthwhile I could not care two stuffs. I've heard enough boots over the last forty five plus years to last me a lifetime, the majority of them are only worth a cursory listen.  As for gen'd up tapes I don't know, my earliest boots were all LP's, in the days when prices were good, only a few pence/cents more than an official release, not the rip off prices asked for today. If anything there are way too many, there was a special magic years ago back when they were a rarity one had to seek out that secret place that sold them, now it's just click and you're done.

  7. 10 hours ago, grasbo said:

    Ok perhaps I was a bit heavy with the piss take quote and yes they were fans of JB but as Page has mentioned about The Crunge “nobody saw the joke”.Yes the drums are sensational laying down a great groove but I just feel the whole track is poorly executed and yes Plant’s vocals are recorded too close giving that claustrophobic feel.All this sounds so much better on the remaster.I still have my original pressing from the 70s and I am sorry I don’t like it.Sorry just my honest opinion.BTW I always liked Hot Dog which is more fun.

    I'm going to say it again, there is nothing claustrophobic nor  is there anything poorly executed about "The Crunge". I really don't get your comment about the vocal being recorded to close.


  8. 8 hours ago, grasbo said:

    Yes The Crunge was a piss take on James Brown that just didn’t work.I like it a lot better on the latest remaster because it seems to breathe better than claustrophobic production on the original vinyl.Still it could do without that cheesey keyboard riff and somebody could have found that confounded bridge instead of falling in a heap at the end.

    You jest Sir, My UK RL Sterling A3 B3 pressing sounds absolutely fantastic, claustrophobic production my backside. l love the sound of The Crunge on this LP, a superb sounding album. Wow, claustrophobic, I’m reeling.

  9. 4 hours ago, Xolo1974 said:

    For me, the Graf Zeppelin version just shades it 

    I'm liking this "Golden Eggs" version. I'll compare it with the Graf when I find the file (must have it somewhere). It's a bit confusing these days 45+ years on from the first TMOQ and Dub Taylor versions, so many labels throw their takes out.  Back in 1973 (for me anyway) it was what do I play, the coloured vinyl stereo or the black vinyl mono, so simple then, not now though.

  10. 5 hours ago, pluribus said:

    Funny, I know. The “A Sweeter Blueberry” from years ago was done by a guy named Doinker. That turned out to be an inferior transfer of the same old Cobra stereo source. The Graf Zeppelin version of that tape is now the one to get. This new Golden Eggs bootleg has the same “A Sweeter Blueberry” title as that Doinker one, but is a completely different thing. It’s the newer/alt stereo source with patches, and sounds good.

    Right, cheers. I think I’ll grab myself a copy.


  11. 3 hours ago, pluribus said:

    The Golden Eggs release is actually the other stereo source. The “newer” one which didn’t come out in full until the 2000s. The same one used on Winston. Graf Zep used the old Cobra stereo source and patched it with the newer stereo source. Eggs has the opposite mix, with the newer stereo source as the base and the Cobra source to patch. Both sound really good to me. 

    So now there are two different "A Sweeter Blueberry" ? I have the "A Sweeter Blueberry" DVD-A, which is mostly source four, I've had it a long time, at least five years I think.

  12. 6 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    If you get Netflix, give "Mindhunter" a shot.  Only one season so far, but it was great!  Series about the beginning of the FBI's serial killer section and how they developed.

    I binged that one when it was a new release, I liked it.

  13. On ‎2‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 9:34 PM, hummingbird69 said:

    Don't think so,  It doesn't sound like Bonham to me but here is what the wiki says


    That little word in brackets next to Personnel [edit]. That's the trouble with Wiki, anyone can edit anything they like. for instance. I just did this.


  14. 10 hours ago, kingzoso said:

    I think that the whole "Homeland" series was spectacular and awesome. 

    Try the "Americans".  That was a great series also.

    I'm not familiar with The Americans, not sure if it's been shown over here.  But yeah, Homeland, it's all been great.

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