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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 8 hours ago, Tea41 said:

    The 2 are not even close, unless you need a hearing aid.  Real musicians like Rik Emmett explain why in this video, he plays both and explains how they are not even remotely similar. But you know more than Rik Emmett, right? Go to 2:38, and also 5:30 and learn something..


    Yawn, if you say so..:beat: Who the f is Rick Emmett anyway.

    EDIT,  I watched, what he actually said is "they are not the SAME" which they are not, they are SIMILAR =  {having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical.} Oh and please don't tell me to (go and) learn something, thank you.

  2. 14 minutes ago, NYR said:

    Are you kidding me??  It's a chord progression that's probably been played by different artists hundreds of times over for their own material.  No way in hell should the estate get anything. 

    I don't know who's post you are quoting but you obviously have not read this thread properly, nobody has said "Spirit" should get anything.

  3. On ‎3‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 11:13 PM, Tea41 said:

    Translation of what Maloify is saying in laymen terms: "Can we please have just .000001% of anything having to do with the incomparable masterpiece Stairway to Heaven, even though it sounds nothing like the hoky, cringeworthy elevator music called Taurus?  I swear you'll never hear from us again"...

    Of course  STH  lends it's intro from Taurus (I've thought so for about forty years, right from the first time I heard it). Though it's not the same it's similar, so many people are blinded by Lovezeppelinitis they refuse to see any similarity. I'm not in favour of the remaining members of "Spirit" having a winning day in court though because they also borrowed the  "chordal sequence" too.

  4. Just watched half an episode of a thing called "American Vandal" on Netflix. It's set in a High School, basically the story is about a disgruntled pupil who  laces the school lemonade with a laxative. As you can imagine those that partake of said lemonade and can't get to a toilet shit themselves, the brown stuff is everywhere. Half of this repulsive, distasteful juvenile garbage was enough for me. The person who does the lemonade lacing calls himself "The Turd Burglar", here in little old England "turd burglar" has a completely different meaning that I shall not reveal here, it's not hard to work out.

  5. 2 hours ago, IpMan said:

    No worries, we all have those days. One time I was having a bad day when my boss called me into his office to give me some advice. He wanted me to deal with a particular person in a less than honest manner just to make them happy. As I was already pissed off I thought stating to my boss, "so, you want me to lie to them" was a good idea. You can only imagine how that turned out. Talk about losing ones shit, it was almost comical were it not for the fact my job lay in the balance. I calmed him down and apologized and all was good.

    He retired shortly after

    I'd hate to be put in an uncomfortable situation like that. Closest I got was after I'd made a f*** up at work, my foreman wasn't to happy (rightly so) and  started calling me all sorts for it, shouting his head off, waving his arms around, he wasn't losing it but he was trying to make point. My shop steward saw what was going on and came over to see if I was okay I told him I was and not to worry about it. He then had a go at the foreman, (who was only doing his job)  a head to head kind of thing with the foreman giving the shop steward the lightest of shoves. So the ss now wants the foreman in the office, when we get there I'm asked my version of the events I said I had not seen the shove, I had but I wasn't going to let the foreman get reprimanded for something that was my fault in the first place, he was a decent guy but the shop steward was a complete a-hole. Like your guy who retired the a-hole took redundancy money a few months down the line.

  6. On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 12:58 AM, IpMan said:

    What an absurd and ridiculous post

    Yes it is, I apologise for it. I'd like to take it back, what was I thinking. I ought not to post when  "other things" are stressing me out.

  7. On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 1:59 AM, SteveAJones said:

    The objective is to PREVENT damage, not document irreparable damage after it has occurred. Jimmy's never said his neighbors cannot modernize their homes, he's merely pointed out they need to be very careful about how they do so. It was so damn foolish to bring in excavation equipment to commence digging within a few yards of the foundation for Tower House.  

    I want to retract my ridiculous comment, I didn't really mean it. I was being unnecessarily facetious, don't know what came over me.

  8. 44 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Stop whining you say?

    The house we own is well over 100 years old and has a stone foundation.  Over the last 30 years, the town we live in has allowed developers to literally insert 2 whole new neighborhoods of 35 to 40 homes to be built right on top of the old.  Construction started at the furthest corner from my house and over the years it got closer and closer as they put in more homes.  Every day for 15 years straight my house shook all day every day until it started to affect the foundation of my house and forget the noise.  Now there are cracks in my walls and not too mention the sheer madness of being shaken all day long for years on end.  The money needed to shore up the foundation and repair the damage inside was huge forcing us to take another mortgage.  Unless you've lived right in amongst new developments one should not cast stones.

    I think there is some exaggeration (nimbyism too) in your post, 35/40 houses took fifteen years to build and your house shook everyday for those fifteen years, hmmm. You should be glad you don't live in a earthquake/fire hazzard zone, you could have lost your house completely. Ftr, I know what it's like to have building going on around me I've only ever lived in new builds with construction around me lasting only a couple of years until surrounding builds are complete. [and] a minor point I said "whinging" not "whining", same meaning, different words. As for Jim's residence watching the show around vid there does not seem to be any damage caused from work done on Williams place or from the other neighbouring property. JP did point out a minor crack in his plasterwork but that looked like it had been there ages, show me a house that age that does not have a crack or two, you won't be able to..

  9. 20 hours ago, Paganini said:

    What sort of twat buys a house next to Jimmy Page and then does his best to piss him off ?!!!

    Page comes across as bit of a petulant nimby, as long as  Tower House does not sustain any major damage through fat boy's alteration work on his own property Jimbo ought to stop whinging. If I owned TH as long as it wasn't a listed building, didn't have any kind of preservation order on it I would gut it and completely change it's interior. That current interior is way to gaudy for my tastes, I'm afraid it'd have to go.

  10. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    I can just see you standing there, tapping your foot and asking her "Haven't you moved out yet?" 😏

    Oh yes, you'd better believe it I can't wait.  Don't get me wrong I love her to bits and I'll miss her muchly, but she's twenty five she should be long gone.

  11. 10 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    Went and got a package of fifty plastic record sleeves for about twenty bucks and replaced the cheap paper ones in a lot of my records. like the Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes live at the Greek red clear and blue record store day release. It has really cheap paper sleeves with no plastic inner lining that basically scratches the vinyl up faster.

    It's not the sleeves that scratch the record, it's the way people insert them. Hold the record with one finger on the spindle hole, thumb on the edge of the record, hold the sleeve open and gently place the record in said sleeve. A record's worst enemy is soft furnishing fibres (carpets, armchairs, sofas and that sweater one wears on colder days) floating around the room, The number one rule is keep your records clean. Ideally keep your TT and vinyl in a dedicated room with no soft furnishing at all, a big walk in cupboard for example, if you have the space of course. My daughter is moving out next year so I'm going to turn her bedroom into a dedicated Vinyl/system room, it's right next to where I have my main HiFi so I'll just run the speaker cables through the wall.

  12. 2 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Oh come on.  What a kill joy!


    Now you Brits need to get this right.

    The lingo

    Match = Game

    Nil = zero

    Squad = Roster

    Football = Soccer.

    That is today's lesson!!!      Go Leicester City


    Fucking Everton/Pickford.  Could not hang on to the 2-1 lead even though they had 10 men.  Pricks.

    Here is my lesson for  you Defence is one word not like your two word Dee fence, same goes for offence, one word not two like your off ence.😉


    The Kill Joy 😜.


  13. 15 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Can one of our fellow Brits tell me if this Leicester City vs Manchester United match is the start of a new season?  And the weekend games?  If so, why don't one of you start a new thread?  Like a 2018 season thread?

    Yes, Rick. Man Utd v Leicester is the opening game of the 2018/19 Premiership Season . I don’t think we really need a 2018 season thread this Football thread will do just fine for me.

  14. 3 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    When is your B day  Sean?  Mine is today?  Do we have the same B day?  Happy B day nonetheless

    Wow.  I see the creator of this thread.  My old friend Electro, NOT.     Gone With the Wind.


    1 hour ago, Strider said:

    I can't believe this thread survives. Wonder where Electrophile is now? Thanks again to the last group of well-wishers...King, zepscoda, badgeholder, Rick. You really needn't go to the trouble.

    Happy birthday Rick! I'm the day before you. Always have and always will be. 😏

    Happy birthday(s) guys.

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