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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 26 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Yeah got a bit this morning. Funny as it didn't effect the South East the Met office didn't bother to dish out the weather warnings like they did last week. If it doesn't have an impact in London or the South east, everyone can go fuck themselves

    Today's snow was a surprise,  was not expecting the sight of the two inches I had upon opening the curtains,  I did not catch the forecast yesterday, anyway by 2.30 pm it was all gone and the pavements  and roads were dry..

  2. 1 hour ago, Mook said:

    Some people just want to see negativity wherever Robert Plant is concerned for some reason.

    In reality, he's the one who has ensured that the Led Zeppelin legacy has remained intact.

    Absolutely correct. 

    11 minutes ago, TheStairwayRemainsTheSame said:

    So who was the bloke pushing out all the remasters with cuts we've never heard before?

    A roadie?

    If it was up to Robert, Zeppelin's "mysteriousness" would of got bored quick and our favourite group would be a spirit in the sky nigh else.

    Page is conning us, the companion discs were proof of that, He is going to do it again with his upcoming ten year masterplan , just wait and see. He is now talking about the possibility of the core albums in 5.1, well that is what the companion discs should have been, I want them now, not in another "five years" (Jimbo seems to like that number) I'm getting old, it's alright for you, you're only about twenty (I guess).

  3. 27 minutes ago, blindwillie127 said:

    Watch Plants reaction to Page's talking about live Zep stuff...its fucking priceless. Page is keen to speak on the subject, but Plant starts twitching and then says: "well that happened a few years ago. I think we're playing better now than we did then". And watch how Plant gets his shit shut down by this interviewer and audience after his inane comment. :D

    20 years later and The Shit Remains The Same


    Don't know what your watching, Chris Evans did not shut down Plant at all, if anything the fawning fanboi shut the live question down.

  4. 28 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Same here JTM. Been snowing here for a few days now. Just been to the woodstore and the snow is over my boots !!

    Photo is a bit of a cheat, it was my Mums garden a few tears back. I did have a nice  three/four inches Tuesday morn of dry powdery snow that lasted most of the day before melting away. It's snowing now, looks like it'll be coming down for a while yet.. Local forecast predicts light flurries 'til 10pm..

  5. 4 hours ago, paplbojo said:

    Can you name one example of racism? Sh***ole countries comment was not racist...wasn't racist when Obama called them hellholes either...there are a plethora of factors that contribute to the countries he was referring to as being not nice places to live. Doesn't have to do with the color of people's skin. 

    Pretty unsubstantiated to call him unintelligent. He turned $10mm into $10bn. Lost it all and then made it all back and then some. Has had failures in business, for sure, but has been generally very successful, particularly as it pertains to NYC real estate. Took a stab at TV, created a wildly successful show. Took a stab at politics, became President of the USA on his first try. He is brash and, again, has some shortcomings, but he seems to be largely mischaracterized. Watch some interviews of him on YouTube from the 80s and 90s to get a fuller sense of this guy. Maybe in his older age he is a little more crass, but he's usually just calling it as he sees it, which is a breath of fresh air. Point is, largely, that he is not a politician. That is the point. Politicians are scumbags and liars, and can be bought. A private sector guy is exactly what this country needed to try and slow down the leftist onslaught that in the end will take this baby down. Calling him unqualified...I'd rather someone from the business world than someone who has spent their life in politics. The difference between these two types of people can't be overstated. Pre schoolers to grad students. 

    I'm not a blind Trump fan, but name calling is petty and makes you sound jealous. Trump is in many ways admirable. Try digging a little deeper than the headlines. Horribly slow start, but these last few months he has pushed out some of the best policy in the last 30 years. 



    To IpMan, more than 250 companies have pledged to raise wages and pay unanticipated bonuses. Head of Apple Tim Cooke and one other major, major CEO (can't remember) both recently said their hundred billion dollar plans to invest in the USA are a result of the tax plan. Many companies are bringing money back from overseas and it will now all be taxed. Who knows how many companies also made changes that will go unannounced. Small shops that now can afford to make even one new hire. Lastly, with regards to "83% of stocks are owned by the 1%". What dumb logic. First of all, the correct statistic is that the wealthiest 10%, not 1%, of households own 84% of stocks. Know your facts. More importantly, every American with a 401k, whose retirement is linked to the market, is better off. Half of all households own stock directly or indirectly via mutual funds, trusts, or pension accounts. Americans benefits from a rising stock market. All pensions (teachers, firemen, etc) are dependent on a growing stock market, where do you think their retirement money is invested. 

    Even if there is a correction mid year, the market will close on December 31 higher than it opened on Jan 1.

    Everyone should take a moment to be happy about what's happening instead of harboring such hate. I hope you aren't letting mass media form your opinions for you, or letting them do all your critical thinking. 


    EDIT: Want to add that, I believe, if you give people $10mm and tell them to turn it into $10bn, 99% of them lose it all within a year. 


  6. 14 hours ago, Darth Hoek said:


      As others have speculated this may be the chronological live set Jimmy has pretty consistently mentioned in interviews in the past.  Could this (text highlighted below in bold) be a subtle hint from today's jimmypage.com post?  I know nothing about this show although I am about to check youtube for it now...

    "On this day in 1973, I played the Old Refectory at Southampton University. It gave us an opportunity to play some of the newly recorded material live that was to be eventually released on Houses of the Holy. The audience celebrated our show with much enthusiasm and beer from the Refectory bar. This evening was recorded."


    Southampton Refectory has been widely available for about ten years now, a professional recording it maybe but the performance is not that good, a slightly off night some may say..

  7. 18 hours ago, IpMan said:

    Damn right it was, some obviously more than others. Berlioz & Wagner were seriously metal, and as mentioned before the diminished fifth from baroque.

    Then there's the Prog connection, I'm convinced that Robert Fripp/ King Crimson had inspiration from Igor Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring"

  8. 1 hour ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:
    1 hour ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:


    My copy and paste of the league table came out wrong, so second attempt here... 

    1   Man City 22 20 2 0 64 13 51 62
    2   Man Utd 22 14 5 3 45 16 29 47
    3   Chelsea 22 14 4 4 41 16 25 46
    4   Liverpool 22 12 8 2 50 25 25 44
    5   Tottenham 22 12 5 5 42 21 21 41
    6   Arsenal 22 11 6 5 40 28 12 39
    7   Burnley 22 9 7 6 19 19 0 34
    8   Leicester 22 8 6 8 34 32 2 30 (played 22, won 8, drawn 6, lost 8, goals for 34, goals against 32, goal difference 2, points 30.
    9   Everton 22 7 6 9 25 34 -9 27
    10   Watford 22 7 4 11 31 40 -9 25
    11   Huddersfield 22 6 6 10 18 35 -17 24
    12   Brighton 22 5 8 9 17 27 -10 23
    13   Newcastle 22 6 4 12 20 30 -10 22
    14   Crystal Palace 22 5 7 10 20 33 -13 22
    15   West Ham 22 5 7 10 25 40 -15 22
    16   Bournemouth 22 5 6 11 22 34 -12 21
    17   Southampton 22 4 8 10 21 32 -11 20
    18   Stoke 22 5 5 12 23 47 -24 20
    19   West Brom 22 2 10 10 16 30 -14 16
    20   Swansea 22 4 4 14 13 34 -21 16

    View full Premie

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