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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 30 minutes ago, Xolo1974 said:

    Come on the reds - the reds that have won five European cups 

    :yesnod: It's about time Liverpool won the prem, it's far too long since they won a league title. Fair play to Man U for ''stealing'' L'pools title record under the great management skills of Alex Ferguson, (Glazier money does not count) but maybe if Chelsea and Man C hadn't had the ability to buy their prem wins L'Pool might have had a chance. Until the Russian came along Chelsea were mid table nobodies even in the Ken Bates/Matthew Harding days, same goes for Man C they are only where they are with the massive overseas investment..

  2. 39 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    A long premier league season looms just ahead.  Maybe one of you guys in England should start a new thread for this years season?  Just a thought.  Any ideas on who is going to be very good?  Will Chelsea or Man United be the best teams?  What can I expect of Leicester City?  I thought baseball and hockey were long seasons. And they indeed are.  Premier league goes from August until May.  

    The new season will be same the same old same old top teams as per usual Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man U, Man City, Totenham. As for Leicester, who knows they have had one good season in the last thirty years or so, their title win in 2016 was most extraordinary.

  3. 9 hours ago, Charles J. White said:

    BJH wrote a ton of GREAT songs - dude you got to look into the catalogue some more - great band 

    Though I say I'm not really a fan at one time I had half a dozen or so of their albums on vinyl, I have recently bought the "Gone to Earth and Octoberon" three disc deluxe sets, both have DVD's with the albums in 5.1 surround sound. I also have a fan made  Quad DVD-A of their "Once Again" album. I suppose the not really a fan thing comes from back in the late seventies when they were touring the XI album (the butterfly sleeve) a bunch of us had tickets to see them at the Liverpool Empire, we were in a pub before the concert and decided to stay there and sack the concert, so half a dozen or so tickets went to waste. 

  4. On 7/20/2017 at 7:43 PM, Stryder1978 said:

    He IS a scumbag murderer!  And because he's a celebrity, they will reduce his 30 year sentence to time served (9 years)..... 

    There is no reduction in sentence, he has served the minimum nine years of a 9 to 30. A rather severe sentence no matter what you think when after all  it was his stuff he was trying to retrieve and that has been proven.       

  5. 13 hours ago, Walter said:

    That's why I use Directv, for their sports. They do that type of coverage with every major, tennis, and they have Sunday Ticket - which covers (almost) all NFL games. 

    I can't believe I didn't remember the Open being there 3 years ago. I do remember it now though - especially the amount of time since the '67 Open.

    Spieth is going to be tough this weekend. He really reminds me of the Golden Bear in the way he conducts himself and his game. Really good kid and Cowboys fan! ;) 

    Fleetwood just made the cut, CP!

    I could add Sky sports to my TV package for an extra £18 per month (about $28) but I'm paying £44 already. As the majority of our viewing is via free channels  I'm paying that £44 per month for things like Game of Thrones, Twin Peaks (the return) etc, basically HBO, Showtime programmes, a lot of money for very little. 

  6. 46 minutes ago, Walter said:

    Is Royal Liverpool Hoylake part of the Open rotation? I don't think I've heard of that course. Very cool that you guys have a travel pass that allows you to get around for free, without adding to traffic, etc.

    Luckily with Directv over here (satellite) we have 5 extra channels for the Open. One spotlights a featured group exclusively, one shows a couple of high interest holes exclusively, one does an international broadcast. 

    Spieth is up to a 2-shot lead with the weather letting up a bit.

    The Open was last at Hoylake in I think 2014 and previous to that in 2006 then before that along way back in about 1967. Birkdale though not far from Manchester is  closer to Liverpool, there's not much in it though, fifteen to twenty miles difference maybe.  I'm slightly envious that you have five channels for the Open, I'm stuck with the nightly two hours of BBC highlights..

  7. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Appearances can be very deceptive Chuck. The sun will not be making a showing for the rest of the tourney. It will be brutal today. Windy and wet. 

    The local lad Fleetewood - I think expectations were too much for him 6 over I think

    The course is magnificent. They have kept the rough fair. I reckon the best links course in England. It's not that far from me actually. About an hours drive.

    I was supposed to play the course next door "Hillside" this year but we couldn't arrange it. It is too expensive to play Birkdale and hard to get a tee anyway.

    Today will be a real test of skills. As always with a links it will be the weather who wins

    I'm not far away from Royal Birkdale either, in fact I could use my free local bus/train travel pass to get there, oh the joys of being sixty. Now if the tourney was at Royal Liverpool Hoylake I could drive there in just over five minutes.

    Anyway I'd forgotten that last year I watched the Open via a bad Fire Stick/Kodi stream, couldn't get it to work yesterday so the two hours of highlights on BBC Two last night had to do.

  8. 12 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    You will not believe that some halfwit complained in "The Sunday Times" that the BBC had blanket coverage of Wimbledon ! 

    £1.75 million sheets for presenting Match of the Day and that balding Geordie £400.000 for being a "punter", and they only work in the football season.

    Worse still Chris Evens 2 million !! Fuck me. Says all you need to know about this country?

    Things need to change, I don't care who the presenters are,  as long as they report in a coherent manner, no need to shell out ridiculous money on so called "well knowns"

  9. 7 hours ago, IpMan said:

    I always loved the mix on Presence and think the overall production is one of Page's finest moments.

    It's all subjective, we like what we like. Then again, ITTOD did have a horrible mix upon initial release in 79'. If ITTOD sounded as good in 79' as it did on the new remaster, I believe the album would have more admirers. 

    I absolutely hate the sound of ITTOD, imo Polar studios was the wrong choice to record.

  10. 31 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Same as last year JTM. At least that fat bore Alliss will not be broadcasting on my box !!

    Sky promised only to have 1 ad every half hour or so. They lied of course. Look, the BBC had the chance to keep it but wouldn't cough up the dosh. Too busy making absolute shit programmes like Poldark and Dr who etc  and paying top executives and presenters ( that awful Bruce woman) obscene amounts of money. Our money. Just how many times does it consider necessary to have some nobody to make a travel/food show in Asia? Or pack off some has been actor to swim in the tropics? Or worse some "bake off" winner to make home cooked food? The BBC can go swing anyway. I mean man, you remember when the BBC had Cricket, Football, Golf, Rugby Union, The boat Race, The Grand National, The Derby. Need I go on? 

    My predictions for this years Open? Anyone who can master the awful conditions facing them. Rickie Fowler could, Sergio could or an outside bet the local favourite and hair stylist Tommy Fleetwood. A local lad who is playing really well and he knows this course well and was brought up playing in filthy conditions. 

    Can't see the big hitters doing well unless they can use irons and hit it straight. That counts Rory out ! I for one am really glad i will still be asleep for the 6.30 am start on day one but as a matter of schadenfreude will be having a sneek peek as they battle the wind and rain.

    I remember the days when people complained because The BBC showed too much sport, they did so because it was cheap, only the cost of sending out a camera crew and "A" commentator. As for todays news about BBC salaries, fucking outrageous, part time "workers" paid tens of hundreds of £££, for what, talking..

  11. Bummer, this years British Open starting this week is being shown live only on Sky sports, an overpriced subscription channel. The BBC will only have highlights..

  12. 3 hours ago, Strider said:

    So now we're gonna harp on Jimmy for knocking back a couple slugs of Black Jack? A perfectly legal substance, by the way. Jesus...the man was playing three hour shows with a broken finger and you want to begrudge him for numbing the pain with some good ol' Tennessee sour mash?

    This was the 1970s...when rock stars were our collective hedonistic ids released. We didn't want them acting like namby-pamby R.E.M. wimps.

    Yes, Jimmy did some bad shit in the 1970s. Yes, he is lucky to have survived. But there is no reason to be embarrassed by this photo.

    Fair enough, though if the picture had shown Jimmy swigging on a bottle of beer I'd think nothing of it, JD is not meant to be swigged.                                               I look at the picture and I'm reminded of someone I knew who would do that sort of thing, always had do more than everyone else, he never knew when to stop.         Alcohol wrecked his liver, killed him at thirty five years old. The twenty second anniversary of his death was on the 11th last week. I used to call him a knob head to his face, often pulled him about his going to far, he would just laugh.... 

    Apologies for being a bit morbid and sounding like an AA lecture.

  13. On 7/13/2017 at 9:05 PM, dandak said:

    Of course Bonzo was an integral part of the band. But if anybody thinks Jason could not fill in....listen to the O2 concert. Now tell me again how Jason could not fill in. That concert to me is better than most of zeps live stuff from the 70s and especially the 60s.

    Ok, ''Jason could not fill'', there ya go, your question answered, yes he's a decent skin basher but he's not Bonzo... Besides, everybody needs a mate in the ''gang'' and Robert lost his, game over, end of etc etc...

  14. I video and audio taped the whole thing, TV and the Radio simulcast, all eighteen-ish hours, even the pre Wembley build up stuff like BB King from somewhere in Europe and whatever else there was. All those recordings stayed mostly unplayed, half a dozen or so VHS tapes gawd knows how many C90 cassettes. A fantastic event, a real eclectic mix of musical styles, some great but a lot of shite. The sound and vision went awry now and again but overall things were good. Unlike for you guys stateside over the pond who got bombarded with commercial breaks our broadcast was on The BBC TV and Radio, not one break, not even for the news iirc.  Somebody gave me copies of the DVD's released ten years or so ago, don't think I ever played them, the VHS tapes and cassettes are long long gone...

  15. 8 hours ago, in_the_evening said:

    Hard to believe the same guy who did "Maggie May" goes on to do crap like "Do You Think I'm Sexy".  

    He sure had some hits though.  His earlier stuff is way better.

    I love the early stuff, his first four solo albums, the two Jeff Beck albums, (the) Faces albums, all great, then along came Smiler, that was the end for me.

  16. On 07/06/2014 at 3:07 PM, chillumpuffer said:

    Focus live at The Rainbow is an excellent album.

    I Love Focus LATR it was recorded on 5/5/73 my sixteenth birthday. I bought the album the week it was released, anyway move on a few years and I no longer have the album, I wasn't sure if I'd sold it or had it pilfered. (a few albums had gone missing at a party I had when my parents were away) Then, a few years later I was at a party at a mates house, looking through his albums I came across LATR, I knew straight away it was/had been my copy, In the early days I used to stamp my initials on the sleeve and on the label. So I said to the guy whose party it was "Hey Chris I had this once, I sold it (being diplomatic) to Skeleton Records, this one used to be mine", then he got a bit defensive "Nah I bought that new" So I knew he was lying, I didn't argue the point and let it go. Somehow sometime later , I don't know how I got it back, so now it sits in my loft, no matter I have the CD.....So called mates eh..

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