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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 20 hours ago, Virginia said:

    Has anyone else watched Homeland? I'm watching it now; currently in season 4 in Islamabad. Season 4 is like a totally different show than 1-3. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I also recently watched Grace & Frankie and really enjoyed that!

    Stick with it, the last three seasons are spectacular.

  2. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    Vans rule! The premier skate shoe for over 40 years. I'll definitely be getting a couple pairs of both styles. This has nothing to do with Hot Topic. Only a stick-up-their-ass-fuddy-duddy could complain about this.

    I'm a fuddy-duddy then, miserable old git as my wife sometimes calls me. I can't help it, it's like an older age version of being that stroppy know it all teenager, another massive hormonal change.  I've never worn Vans, they're my sons (33 and 36) kind of thing , I'm a Reebok Classic wearer, have been for years, currently on a Purple ish Red pair with white soles to go with my Black or Blue Levi's. Maybe if Reebok were to bring out a pair with small discrete fourth album symbols by the lace holes I'd buy a pair.

  3. 25 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    There was a special about a studio that Hendrix used this morning on CBS Sunday morning.  I did not catch the name but guessing its in Seattle?  They said Led Zeppelin recorded part of Physical Graffiti there?  I only remember the anguishing 18 month wait between Houses of the Holy and PG.  Wondering if LZ would ever release its next album.  They did not disappoint.  I never forget putting the 8 track into my car player and hearing it for the first time.  It was so strange to hear Trampled Under Foot.  But anyway, this is a Hendrix thread.  Sorry Jimi.  No offense intended.

    It’s Hendrix’s Electric Lady Studio New York that LZ recorded at, I can’t recall JH ever recording at studio in Seattle, that was his hometown.

    The agonising wait between HOTH and PG was more like two and a half years, the eighteen months wait was between the Fourth Album and Houses.

  4. 5 hours ago, CherrySunburstWorshiper said:

     What's your point?

    I get the opinion part, my response was questioning why the guy is here. He clearly has some strong negative opinions, not contraversial, down right negative. Get a dictionary, look both words up and then maybe you will get it. Now, if I'd made a Post and not a Reply, then your reply would make sense. But I didn't, so you don't.

    And the post is clearly meant to spark debate. Another point you miss by a mile. So you're 0 for 2.


    You asked why Gibsonfan159 was here. The way I see it he is participating in this thread by throwing out controversial opinions, in my view that involves negativity. So please put your "0 for 2" where the sun doesn't shine.

  5. 2 hours ago, CherrySunburstWorshiper said:

    Why are you even here?

    You clearly don't get it, yet you use Jimmy for your avatar...

    Jimmy is a phenom and with that means he has a camera taking video every time he plays. You want pretty? Follow Clapton. Jimmy is different. He NEEDS the communion on stage because that's what feeds the stellar performances. Without it, you don't get there. Hendrix and Clapton both have less than stellar performances on youtube and somehow it gets overlooked. Jimmy, less active than Clapton, has more video in general because of the shear number of cameras on him, again, because of the phenom. Remember, the Greatful Dead's following was not created by themselves. That was LZ's following, it started with Led Zeppelin. So if you want to knock him for incosistency, that's your right to do so. But you advertising your ignorance. If you knock him for his venture into the avant garde, again, your god given right to do so, but again, advertising your ignorance because there's versions of songs from 75-80 that surpass any other. And then there's The Black Crowes and Page & Plant shows that produced, yet again, versions of songs that were already done the best they could have been, or so we thought. Like In My Time Of Dying, WIAWSNB and even the sacrosanct Heartbreaker with the Crowes and Thank You and SIBLY with P&P and let's not forget the 02 with For Your Life & Black Dog, both took down the house. I prefer guys like Jimmy and John Frusciante to Eric Clapton and John Mayer because they need to "feel" it or the magic doesn't happen, not despite that fact. Clapton and Mayer can play mistake free all day long, but aside from his Cream days or the MTV Unplugged, Clapton has few Stellar moments that make me want to tune in. And Clapton himself refers to his playing during the Cream years as some of his worst, I would point to his work with Roger Waters.  Mayer has yet to hit a note that made me want to hear more and his biggest hit is not even guitar driven. I'm sure their fans would disagree and that's okay. Objectively I cannot argue if any of the names I've mentioned are listed as the greatest of all time, by anyone. They have the chops and the track record. Frusciante makes mistakes, but RHCP's are not Star Wars status like Led Zeppelin, so nobody notices. That is to say, Star Wars has been around for 40 years and watched intensely by millions who dissect every word and if someone changes a single word, a million people cry victim. But, it is simply is a matter of taste. My question is: It clearly is not your taste, so again, why are you here? Star Wars recently turned their protagonist into a failed washed-up has been. I loved that character my whole life and cannot look at him the same way again. I'm not mad about it. I simply stopped watching...

    Why haven't you?



    Psst, have you noticed the thread title, I don't think you have..

  6. 12 hours ago, JTM said:

    If you want just LZ I can give you my fave five.

    Blueberry Hill

    Going to California


    Bonzo's Birthday Party

    Burn Like a Candle 

    That's it really, I don't really rate anything  after 1973

    I could add a few more but I don't count them because they are downloaded CDR's, the ones I listed are the ones I had on LP, except BLAC, which was a friends.

  7. 15 minutes ago, anniemouse said:

    Can I ask a daft question how easy was it to get hold of bootlegs. Surely Mr Grants controlling personality must have had an effect on their availability.

    In the early seventies fairly easy if you knew where to get them, even Virgin records stocked them for a while. 

  8. 2 hours ago, goldenretreiver157 said:

    .This has been discussed before many times, but they are all over the place, id like a nice updated top 10 list of bootlegs from any time based mostly on performance from ththe entire band, must include good plant shows. This would be a difficult task but id just like to hear what everyone has to say

    If you want just LZ I can give you my fave five.

    Blueberry Hill

    Going to California


    Bonzo's Birthday Party

    Burn Like a Candle 

    That's it really, I don't really rate anything  after 1973

  9. 5 hours ago, ForEvermore said:


    Well, that's what they do. It gives people more to root for during the year than just how the teams at the top of the Premier League table might end up finishing in May.

    Anyway, Chelsea won the second leg on penalty kicks, so they will be playing Man City at Wembley on the 24th in the League Cup final. (Side note: I was relieved to see that they didn't use the away-goal rule in the semi-final. I am absolutely no fan of that rule and I'm glad that they are becoming more open-minded about not always having it. Others may disagree.)


    That away goal rule needs scrapping asap, it's completely unfair, extra time should go too. Games should go straight to penalty kicks if there is stalemate after ninety mins. At least that really unfair golden goal rule was scrapped after a few years.

  10. 1 hour ago, NewLZfan said:

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the forum, so apologies if this topic has already been beaten to death.  

    I just wanted to pass along my own story of how I just became a LZ fan, since I think it might have some more general significance.  If you had told me a month ago that I wasn't a fan of the band, I would have said no, that's not really true, I like LZ a lot, and know a lot of their music.  But the reason I would have said that is because I'm an American in my late 50s, which means I went to high school in the mid-70s with a lot of big LZ fans, and that I've spent the last 30+ years being bombarded by the classic rock radio format. 

    So actually my knowledge of the band consisted of the 15 LZ songs that get played to death on classic rock radio stations, plus maybe three others that I happen to have run into one way or another that I thought were great -- Since I've Been Loving You, Ten Years Gone, and Tangerine.  Now to be fair that adds up to about a quarter of the band's studio album output, so that's a solid chunk of their officially released music.  (LZ is THE most played band on the classic rock radio format).

    What I've discovered over the last few weeks is that I didn't actually know the band's music at all.  I had an experience on New Year's Eve that led me to start digging into LZ's entire official catalogue (haven't heard any boots yet, although I'm really hoping to get some direction in that regard!).

    What I found, of course, is that a huge amount of the band's very best music is not something you're ever going to hear on the radio, at least not in the USA.

    Here are five songs that I've just discovered in the last couple of weeks that have totally blown me away:

    In My Time of Dying

    The Rover

    No Quarter

    Achilles Last Stand

    Into the Light

    Now I'm sure to real fans it must seem completely ridiculous that somebody could have thought of themselves as a fan of the band but didn't know these songs at all (I had heard NQ maybe a couple of times at some point, but I think I literally had never heard a note of any of the others -- and I'm a nearly 60 year old guy who thinks of himself as a fairly big rock music fan!).

    And that brings me to my main point, which is that the classic rock radio format is particularly bad for Led Zeppelin -- and for an ironic reason, which is that LZ gets played so much on the radio!  But of course the problem is that it's always the same dozen or so songs, that have been played completely to death, to the point where somebody like me could think that he "knew" LZ as a band, when actually I didn't have the first clue about how incredible they actually are.

    Anyway, I just wanted to express how strange it feels for somebody who has listened to Stairway to Heaven, Rock and Roll, Black Dog, Kashmir etc. hundreds of times to realize that he didn't actually know Led Zeppelin's music hardly at all, and how great it is to really discover it so late in the game as it were. 


    The best stuff rarely if ever get's played on Radio, only the more commercial radio friendly mass appeal stuff gets on the air, that's always been the way. You want to hear where a band is really at, buy their albums.

  11. 14 minutes ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    As long as it's not based on discrimination, your employer should be able to make whatever decision suits them. Kindergarten teachers can't also work a strip club on the weekend. Jesus, does that really need clarifying?


  12. 12 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    No, that's not true. How you act outside of work should affect how your employer treats you. Even if you're not on the clock, you are still a representation of your place of employment. This has been the case since..forever. It's called code of conduct. A kindergarten teacher who runs a cam show on the weekend shouldn't be a kindergarten teacher. And if they're dumb enough to post an advertisement of their show on social media then they deserve to lose their job. 

    One thing you have to realize about social media; it's you choosing to put your personal life on display. It's not any type of privacy invasion for other people to look at it (even an employer). Personal responsibility is a real thing. Don't blame others for your stupid actions.

    Wow, unbelievable. Somebody earns a little extra by taking their top off and they should lose their job, that's a bit harsh. As long as it's not illegal  nobody should be able to interfere in what someone does in their private lives regardless of what their 9 to 5 is.

  13. 18 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Probably the lemon grass that was in the curry.

    Yeah maybe, I used Lemongrass paste in a squeeze tube in the one I made (no fresh in Tesco), Galangal research tells me that that can add a citrusy flavour. I'll have to experiment when I get some fresh Lemongrass and the Galangal.

  14. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

    I see. Thanks for the ramble man. What a mare for your mother though? I was a vegetarian when I lived at home from 16 till i met Mrs CP  when I was 26. I used to cook all my meals at home using pulses and beans. Black Eyed, Mung , Kidney etc. If it was bean I ate it. 

    Galangal is hard to find and you did right with the ginger. I get Galangal, fresh, from one of the many Asian supermarkets in Manchester. It freezes well too. But it is a bastard to peel. I make Thai pastes from scratch. Time consuming yes, but they last a good few months in a mason jar in the fridge.

    About the Thai meal in the restaurant, in the curry there were potato  chunks that had slightly citrusy flavour too them, really nice. I'd love to know how they  did them. Now I need to find where my nearest Asian supermarket is, I don't think there are any on The Wirral, I'll probably have to go to Liverpool..... Edit that, there is a stockist in Birkenhead, fifteenish mins away.

  15. 2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Please don't tell me you've gone VEGAN

    Nah, I'm not a vegan, I am though a fussy eater always have been. I never ate any meat apart from sausages  until I was twenty five when I had my first beefburger. I've never eaten fish, chicken, only breast and that was only because my wife got me to give it a try, in fact I've never eaten anything I don't like, ever. I was a nightmare for my mum, I'd starve myself before I'd eat anything I did not like the look/ smell of. I'd eat fruit except peaches and plums, veg, only carrots, When I was a kid my Sunday dinner was roast potatoes and carrots with gravy, so long as it wasn't made with meat juice. I'll eat sprouts (these days) so long as they are cooked properly. Most of my protein comes from baked beans and soya/quorn based products. 

    The Thai curry is a recent thing, I spent a few days with a friend and his wife who I haven't seen since about 2000. They suggested going for a meal, Thai, I'd never had one before so I thought "shit what am I going to eat" Turns out my mate had gone vegetarian otherwise the meal suggestion may have been a Steakhouse. So I was relieved when I saw the Tofu based meals on the menu, so I chose the Yellow Curry, I was really surprised how delicious it was.

    Anyway, after mentioning the meal to my brother he bought me a Thai recipes book for xmas. So the other day I chose what I was going to make and bought all the ingredients except for Galangal which I couldn't find (as it is from the ginger family I just used that as a sub). Making the paste was the most time consuming part of the process.  Have to say it turned out quite nice with full approval from Mr's JTM. So that's it bit of a ramble, but there ya go..

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