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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 4 hours ago, zepster1979 said:

    I told this many times before but it looks you're one of those, who would get more wanky job than learning!

    So here's again: EV had to bought these tapes, and likely they have to spend a lot of $ at the start. Now they are trying to recover the capital, and of course, making some money on it. The Japanese copyright laws allows to release bootlegs as long as they're strictly limited, distributed in exact places and contain absolutely none of their native artists. It is called a loophole.

    Now you and dozens of teenage wankers are crying because you cannot get it for free.

    My proposition is: learn more, find a good school, get a proper job so you can afford EV products.

    If you're still have any objections of what I typed above, it means you're just 1) stupid, 2) not enough educated; 3) very stubborn.

    Case closed.

    Teenage wankers ? That's not very nice is it. You're probably not old enough to remember the mid 1970's when bootlegs were just a few pence/cents more than a regular release, not tens of £s or $s. (My first bootleg cost me £ 2.25p, "Mudslide" on green vinyl)

    I'm not crying because the torrent sites don't have this,  yet. I can wait, it will appear soon enough. I could not give two fucks that esvd(sic) whomever  they  are paid through nose for the stolen (unless one is a conspiracy theorist that think Page is supplying them) tape, they can go and fuck themselves with their crying arses whining about torrent sites posting their stolen wares, it's not about being able to afford their rip off prices, I can, but no way am I. In fact I am never going to give any bootlegger my money ever again, they can shove their products as far up their arses as they can get them. So  grow up kid, get off your high horse and accept the many of us will just sit back and wait. 

    Case well and truly. Open.

  2. 5 hours ago, Marmalade166 said:

    Why on earth would Dime accede to EVSD's request in the first place? Make's me wonder where this rumour has come from...

    Dime rules (or at least they did) don't allow uploads of single tracks, simple as that.

  3. 1 hour ago, Walter said:

    It's a typical QT film.  Lots of story that, at the time, seems like a lot fluff - but in the end, it all makes sense.  I need to see it again to pick out more details, but I normally say anything over 1.5 hours had better be worth it....this was over 2.5 hours and I never left my seat.  Just my opinion though.

    At over two and a half hours I would most likely fall asleep, (over 80% chance) I'm getting old, I micro nap a lot, my wife teases me telling me I have narcolepsy so BD or DVD is my best option for watching this QT. I'm not going to miss it because Ian Mc.... posted his negative review on FB, but he has made me wary of watching it on the big screen. Thanks for the reassurance.

  4. 4 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Dreadful. Dark with heavy rain. Tuesdays golf is off again. One of, if not the worst summers I can remember. 

    Completely different picture here in the "Rain Shadow" flatlands, our summer has been largely glorious (nowhere near like last years scorcher). Today we have had a little light drizzle, at the mo the sun is shining brightly.

    *"Rain Shadow", something I vaguely remember from geography lessons long ago.

  5. 4 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Not quite sure where "Wolverton" is? Have checked in my "Boy's book of places in England" but can't seem to find it. @JTM Can you help me out man?

    Poor from United last evening. Same old as last season. To be fair cracking save from Wolverton's keeper but again poor from Pogba.

    Wolverton, didn't they get fined for making an illegal approach to snatch "Roy of the Rovers", they may have had points deducted too. 😉

  6. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    Napster is your first problem. Napster was notorious for mislabeled and fake songs. So I have doubts as to whether the song you downloaded was even Led Zeppelin at all.

    I remember that mislabelling, "Horse With No Name" by Neil Young !!!!. There was a Hendrix "god save the queen", no idea who it was, it defo wasn't Jimi.

    I got "Blueberry Hill" from Napster (1996/97 ?) track by track on an ultra slow dial up connection, took about two days, longer maybe.

  7. 10 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    I was just thinking ( again ) about how many threads of hopeful, speculation exist on this forum and what a grand disappointment this 50th has been. No surprise though. In fact, it's par for the course. What really sucks is how the boot companies have sucked so bad on this milestone as well. Sept 28 soundboard is at least one we know is still awaiting the light of day after the Black Dog teaser. I'm sure there are other board tapes, no action this 50th though. Quiet skies for the ZEPPELIN. 

    I think peoples expectations have been far too high, anniversary the 50th maybe, milestone it is not. Screw the bootleggers anyway, all they do is rip people off with thir over expensive artwork.

  8. 2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Same as all summer. Shite. 

    You need to move to The Wirral CP, we've only had two days of significant rainfall were it has pissed down all day over the last couple of months. Other than that the odd bit of drizzle now and again, any other rain has been over night. Weather has been glorious mostly.

  9. 1 hour ago, 76229 said:

    The latest Classic Rock has a feature on the 50th anniversary of Zeppelin 2. I haven't bought it as I know the author will be Mick Wall and there'll be nothing new in it.

    Come on, you know the writer is Mick Wall 😉 (Dave Lewis side panels) you've seen it on the "newsagents" shelf. I bought it, not got around to reading it yet, good chance I never will, another unread mag in the recycle bin probably, need to stop wasting my money.

  10. 17 hours ago, mrlowry said:

    Does anyone else think that it's possible that the Stairway To Heaven lawsuit might be holding up a 50th Anniversary live release or releases? 

    No, there's nothing to hold up anyway. The fiftieth anniversary is just another anniversary.

  11. 2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    More action in the sky than on the roads. Fortunately we have supplies. 50/50 chance still that it will collapse. No rain today though, which is a good sign.

    Just watched a report about how that dam was constructed with soil and clay 200 years ago, no way will it last that long again, it definitely needs rebuilding. Screw the cost just get it done. Weather forecast for that area coming Sunday does not look good though, hopefully there won't be a repeat of the recent weather, situation still critical though...

  12. 7 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

    It's desperate times. We can't really go anywhere. Most of the roads are closed and should that Dam break the whole of the village will be destroyed and the valleys below it will be flooded, including us. 

    We are very very worried. Thanks for your thoughts Led. I am sure this is pretty much worldwide news. More news as it comes in and we pray that it won't rain

    Wow man, really hope the danger can be averted by the RAF Chinooks dropping aggregate to shore up the dam. Stay safe.

  13. Glorious, been in the garden all day working on my shed repair/rebuild. We must be lucky, I reckon CP must live about an hour or two away, the weather over there is horrendous, just watched the reports on The BBC's North West Tonight. Fingers crossed that Whaley Bridge does not get the worst of what is forecast.

  14. 13 hours ago, Walter said:

    Didn’t like ‘Crest Of A Knave’, JTM? That was the last one I really enjoyed.

    Nah, it was too different from their earlier stuff for me, the album after "Stormwatch"  "A" I only ever heard once, that didn't grab me, the album after that one "Broadsword and the Beast" I do have, I really do not like that one at all, horrible drum sound.  " Crest..." I only heard tracks that got radio play, again too different from earlier material, those synth sounds, not my cup of tea.

  15. 2 hours ago, Walter said:

    Yeah I see he’s now +5....what’s the forecast over there the next few days?  Course looks like it’s in great shape!

    Not sure about the weather over there in Northern Ireland, I think it's the first time sine the early 1950's the tournament has been played over there. I've not seen any TV coverage yet, it's on Sky Sports, I'm not a subscriber, highlights are on The BBC at 8pm. All I've got at the mo is BBC online text reports.

  16. Oh dear, favourite Rory McIlroy has dropped four shots, on the FIRST hole of the British Open, this year at Royal Portrush NI,

  17. 9 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I see there are some international games this week.  Tottenham vs Juventus.  Arsenal vs a German team I believe.  i always wonder if they put their top units out for these match's though?  

    "Liverpool then head across the Atlantic, where they will play Borussia Dortmund in Indiana (July 19), Sevilla in Boston (July 21) and Sporting CP in New York (July 24)"         Manager Klopp is taking with him a 28 man squad, a "top unit" as you say will take part in these games at some point, these games are just warm up games for the up coming season.

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