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Posts posted by JTM

  1. Hi JTM! Can you believe this? Unbelievable.

    I had to go out into the garden, it was all just too much. If only Aston Villa can beat Man City on Wednesday night will Liverpool's dream be back on. It's a tall ask, but it ain't over 'til it's over.

  2. Shit, I was just about to cut the grass, and it was raining.

    Hummmm I was going to do the same here. I assume the Liverpudlian weather is coming over here?

    Lawn cutting day over here on The Wirral too. I'm just about to do my Mum's lawns front and back then I'm going home to do the same at mine. The weather? sunny, but with a few black clouds hanging about, better get a move on.

  3. I hate touch screen phones, so often I take the thing out of my pocket to answer a call, swipe the ring upwards (htc) or swipe right (Samsung) and you look at the screen and there's a bloody icon missing wtf. Then it takes an age to work out which one is missing, so annoying.

  4. A tip of the hat to the great Newhart Show ending...

    First thing I played when I got my 'Final Episodes' set was to go to the Extras on the last disc to watch the (so called) alternate ending.

    I expected something that was an actual alternate ending, anything but this. Was I disappointed, well more than that. I was reminded of what Johnny Rotten said at the end of The Sex Pistols last gig (before any cash-in reformations) " Do You Ever Get The Feeling You've Been Cheated". I most certainly did, I have not got a clue what that clip is about.

    So disappointed in fact I have been put off from watching the whole series again, I will eventually, but not for a while.......

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