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Posts posted by JTM

  1. John had some nice ones, but they aren't as wild as Trevor's. It was especially crazy when Trevor would dye his mutton chops a different shade than his hair.

    Trevor Bolder was the king.

    Yes you are right, I just thought I'd post the PIC John being a bit of a local hero. I saw him in Tesco supermarket recently and those chops are long gone.

  2. Indeed my west coast mate. Slade were right up there with The Sweet in their glammy ways in the early 70's. Funny, Slade attracted a "skinhead" following for what ever reason. That was until they re-invented themselves at Reading festival in 1980 or whenever it was, when the blew everyone off the stage. Noddy lives pretty close to me as it happens. I think he still "Gets down and gets with it".

    I remember the Reading thing very well indeed, I was completely baffled at the response they got. Don't tell my mates though but when they hit the stage I hit the record button, wonderful Radio 1......

  3. There were clear lines drawn back in the early seventies Slade fans did not like Led Zeppelin and Zeppelin fans most definitely did not like Slade. Slade were for what were known as teenyboppers. Besides the dress style of Slade and their fans was laughable. Don't get me wrong I quite like some of their tunes but at the time I would never have admitted it or bought their releases, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

  4. It's the people who made the decision to pit Hamilton behind the safety car who should be ashamed. It wasn't Rosbergs fault.

    Come off it, Rosberg was gloating. Yes it was the teams fault but Rosberg (and Vettel) should have given their places up and let Hamilton pass.

  5. Nice pompadour!

    I miss land lines, you could actually hear what people were saying.

    I still have a land line, couldn't have the internet without it. £30 a month for phone and totally unlimited no download cap usage internet, a bargain methinks.

  6. Another 5 years of Tory bollocks. The rich will get richer the poor will starve. The South will prosper as the North will be a forgotten land of hardship. The NHS will be even worse off as Cameron channels the money to pay for the rich who will benefit from lower tax breaks for them. I may as well move to Scotland

    At least here in Wirral West we got rid of the wicked witch that is Esther McVey, that's one small consellation.

  7. David Cameron right wing Tory bollocks from our Canadian correspondent. The kind of drivel which really annoys me. Not everyone is tech savy man and certainly it offers a part of the community which is sadly being eroded. Perhaps you would like to see humanity caged in, staring at electronic devices with no interaction? The elderly and the unconnected have a right to free libraries whether they are used or not. I take it you enjoy Logan's Run and Solyent Green?




    :goodpost: Well said CP, well said. Right wing tory bollox from CJW indeed.

  8. Spending vast sums of taxpayer monies on a library seems silly to me in the age of high speed internet, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. You can find almost any book you want online. The bricks and mortar model is something that will not be here much longer.

    Taxpayers use libraries, the kind of person who likes the look and feel of a book. I've tried a kindle, didn't like it, I prefer to buy my books. I admit I have not used a library in years but one day I might. We have one a five minute walk away up in the village that is well used by the local community. an extremely valuable asset that should be protected at any cost.

  9. well the sun out the drive to work will be great as the cd player will be ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! its a three shift company well its usual in the work I do... outwardly the look is great as the family home is now payment is FINISHED... but as my funniest friend as said above happy and poor than a miserable bastard which isn't funnies as I`ve just stated I`ve done but I`ll state we used all our saving instead of losing our home with the state of the employment within United Kingdom. so yes poor and full of happiness yes. right see you all later.

    Good luck in your new job GF I have to say though I feel for you having to work a three shift system. Working days and nights isn't too bad but afternoon shifts they're horrible. The company I worked for had a three shift system for a couple of years about ten years ago, thankfully it was only for a couple of years, I loathed having to work afternoons 2 'till 10, absolutely hated it, the worst two years of my life,anyway there was a downturn so the afternoon shift was cancelled. Not to worry now though as three years ago I took early retirement so now my days are spent doing almost absolutely sweet ef-a...The wife keeps on at me though to find a part time job just to get me a bit more active, but you know what I can't be arsed.

  10. I got to sleep in a bit, woke up sans alarm, and the last thing I recall is a dream with the song line I'm the sweetest apple on the tree lol.

    And the first thing I heard upon waking was the soft lilting and hooo hooo hooo of a mourning dove. I love them.

    The Mourning dove, did you get the smell of lillies as well :D .

  11. Just pre-ordered the five disc set so I can get the "Live at Leeds" disc (and an unwanted 7inch single) for £75 inc postage, it's over £40 more than the three disc set.

    I could just go for the download of "Leeds" to save a load of money but a paid for download file is not for me, old school I am and old school I shall remain.

  12. It's on Spotify man. Fantastically bassy sound to it and that usual "In concert" sound that can only come from the BBC in the 70's. Here is the track listing:

    Day Of The Eagle

    Bridge Of Sighs

    Gonna Be More Suspicious

    Fine Day

    Lady Love


    Too Rolling Stoned

    I Can't Wait Much Longer


    A Little Bit Of Sympathy

    Also on Spotify are a few John Peel sessions and another in concert from 75 ( more than likely from the BBC) which has Rock Me Baby and Twice Removed From Yesterday on it.

    I saw him a few times in the 70's and each time he was great

    I've never tried Spotify, as yet anyway. To be clearer both releases I mentioned are from the 29th Jan Paris Theatre Show, just slightly different presentations.

  13. Robin Trower - BBC In Concert 29 January 1975

    Great choice but which version ? I have three. One on the Windmill label, ten trax including "Twice Removed From Yesterday and Rock Me Baby" that are not on the other two versions. The Windmill release also has added crowd noise to make it sound as if it was recorded at a bigger venue. One on the Chrysalis label "At the BBC" which has "I can't Wait Much Longer and Too Rolling Stoned" that are not on the Windmill label version. The third version I have is a DVD-A transfer of a Quadrophonic broadcast in 4.0 which sounds rather good imo, this Quad version has the same trax as the Chrysalis release. All I need now is a twelve track version in Quad without the fake applause added for the Windmill release.

  14. Always loved the shots in the field for ITTOD.

    The youngsters on this site must look at the pics (bell bottoms, flowered shirts) and think...WTF??!!!

    Yeah there were definitely some outfits in that era!

    At least people looked cool unlike todays short back and sides hair,beard, hipster look, they just look like right twats.

  15. Glad you know the series, I don't find many people who remember it other than Gerry Anderson fans.

    Controversial because of the 'adult content' you can look up the history of how it became a scheduling hot potato. The TV stations thought it would be like another Gerry Anderson puppet series and therefore scheduled it as a kids show. However it touched on many adult issues of the day, mixed raced relationships, etc and ended up shifted to a late night weekday slot.

    I've taken the time to find a typical write up - I actually clearly remember it disappearing from the kids slot and wondering what the hell had happened with my favourite TV show!

    Scheduling UFO

    The show dealt –admittedly often quite clumsily- with racial and gender issues, as well as drug abuse and the emotional effects of death and loss. This made scheduling it a nightmare for the networks, since in many ways it retained a lot of appeal for the same children who had enjoyed Thunderbirds and other Anderson puppet series: superb special effects and model-work from British effects maestro Derek Meddings; very cool alien and future-tech hardware; fights in space, on earth and in the earth’s atmosphere; and tense and well-written dramatic situations.

    In the mid-1970s in the UK, UFO was shown at 11.00pm weeknights; in the nineties, Bravo showed it at 6pm, as did the BBC (who had leased the show from Carlton) a few years later, though the Beeb also showed it on Saturday mornings! The episode The Long Sleep - which dealt with a hippie girl who cannot tell if the alien abduction of her boyfriend was real or an LSD hallucination - has always been excluded from pre-watershed showings, whereas other episodes have either been edited for violence or scheduled diversely for their own problematic content.


    IInteresting, it seems my memory is a little cloudier than I thought but IIRC there were late night showings of UFO in the 80's, looks like it was the 70's.

  16. I binge watch every episode of Gerry Anderson's UFO every year. Brilliant and controversial series from my childhood. I spent years wanting to watch it again, now I have the DVD box sets.

    Controversial, how do you work that one out ? I've seen every episode, being a huge Gerry Anderson fan, I can't recall anything even remotely controversial about UFO.

  17. This material is valuable for superfans who want to hear Jimi's playing as a sideman before he found the spotlight, about a year before he hooked up with Chas. Some of the material is stuff recorded in the weeks following Monterey. Though not quite "utter shite", it isn't for everyone, especially anyone with expectations of it sounding like his well known material. Close listening provides insights and clues for what was to come. It's more for researching Jimi and his journey rather than cranking up and rocking out. It does seem odd that if one has already bought the material and it familiar with the song titles that he could be "suckered" into buying it again. If you didn't enjoy the material previously, i don't know if new production will change anything. Maybe. It is what it is. There are supposed to be 2 new previously unreleased instrumentals credited to Jimi on this release. If not mind blowing, they should at least be interesting.

    I don't know if I would call this material valuable or if I would call myself a superfan but "You Can't Use My Name" has material that I have not heard before, so I have to have it whether or not I think it is sub standard, utter shite or whatever, call that "ocd" if you like. I've lost count of the number of times I've bought Jimi's albums, every time there is a remaster I buy it then sell on the copy that has been replaced, the exception being best of compilations unless they include unreleased material. I just have to have this new release otherwise I would be breaking a habit of a lifetime, well a habit for the last forty+ years anyway.

  18. 3 days ago I could feel myself coming down with something, started to take more water, also started to increase the amount of oranges I eat. The last 24 hours was a brutal fever and now it's gone. Told myself I was going to get better. Any other man would have ended up in bed unable to do anything, but not I...

    Marvelous a little self belief isn't it. Water and oranges, wonderful things, I find lemons work well too.

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