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Posts posted by JTM

  1. 19 minutes ago, Tea41 said:

    Nah, I think they are quite happy to move on at this point. Let's get Jimmy going on his solo album, that's what I'm really waiting for. Something tells me it's going to be special.

    You will be waiting forever, the solo album is never going to happen.

  2. Great result, like I have already said, similar is not the same. 'Spirit', (former members of) a band that never made much money now have a huge legal bill that they are unlikely to be able to afford to pay. Randy California did not sue because he could not afford to in the event that he would most likely have lost...

  3. 13 minutes ago, TheGreatOne said:

    I remember 1984 era very clearly and never never never heard of I Got a Line on You song.   Prince, Michael Jackson and Boy George probably stole their spotlight

    Maybe that's because "I Got a Line on You" is from their 1969 LP "The Family That Plays Together Stays Together"  Take a listen it's a great album. 

    There is also a "Spirit" original line up reunion album from the mid 1980's the name of which escapes me at the moment that has re-recorded versions of  their more well known  songs.

  4. 1 hour ago, Balthazor said:

    Yeah you're probably right about that. I wonder how long it takes him to find that one specific song he's got a yearning to listen to. :)

    Very easy, everything will be in alphabetical order, so hardly any time at all.

  5. 2 hours ago, kingzoso said:

    I have been following this in the news and on this forum.  All I have to say (so far) is that this "trial" is completely absurd. 

    What is it?  About 30 seconds to maybe a minute of a beginning guitar structure and this "syshter" of a lawyer wants a whole piece of the Greatest Song of All-Time? 

    Randy California has been dead for decades and this lawyer wants to sue Jimmy and Robert for a brief guitar finger-picking bit after 45 years? 

    Alas, who goes to the trial of this magnitude and forgets to bring their wallet for identification and whatever.  Most wallets contain money and a drivers license.  Me, personally, have never left my abode without My wallet.  I, personally, find it strange that this person who has said that he remembers seeing Led Zeppelin over 50 times in the 1970's, somehow forgets to take his wallet with him on a day that would require proof of identity, especially after what tragically happened in Orlando, Florida. 

    Yes, Strider, I am referring to you. 


    Kingoxoxo(sic)  You come across to me as a bit of a nasty piece of work, a guy who is unquestionably never wrong. Stop being so arrogantly rude...

  6. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    So...I am down at the courthouse this morning going thru the security checkpoint. Taking off my shoes and the whole bit. Then the guy asks for my ID and that's when I discover to my horror that in my haste this morning to get down to the courtroom, I had forgotten to grab my wallet out of the pants I wore yesterday. They would not let me in.

    So I hung around with the news camera crews outside waiting for Jimmy and Robert to arrive, chatting with some of the guys.

    A black SUV pulled up and a guy with a grey ponytail stepped out. It was Michael Skidmore...the bass player of Spirit who started this whole mess. Comically, some of the camera guys thought it was Jimmy Page they were filming. I set them straight. 

    Even worse was this supposed Led Zeppelin fanatic with a blue beard and holding a Led Zeppelin IV album. He actually thought Skidmore was Jimmy and approached him and holding out the album asked him to sign it. Are you kidding me? The look Skidmore gave him was priceless.

    Waited and waited some more until we received word from one of the people inside that Jimmy, Jones and Robert were already inside. They snuck them in thru the underground entrance used by judges and VIPs. By that time I had had enough and called it a morning.

    Some of the guys were looking forward to Friday when Johnny Depp would be arriving at the courthouse up the street for his battle with Amber Heard.

    I was bummed I got up early for nothing and didn't even get to show my support for Jimmy and Robert. But when I heard that today would mostly be spent picking the jury, I felt a little better.

    Unfortunately I have to work the rest of the week so unless it drags on, today was my only chance to go in person.

    Oh Man, that's a downer, forgetting ones wallet so easy to do.

  7. 22 minutes ago, boylollipop said:

    - So what similarity are you referring to.

    Be specific!- which notes are identical and when are they played?

    The similarity that has been talked about for OVER FORTY years, the similarity that is being discussed in the Court Room. The notes that Mark Andes thinks were nicked from Taurus.... It's just a three note sequence, but it's the way those notes are played...Now it's all down to the Jury. Fingers crossed that "Spirit" will lose.....

  8. 43 minutes ago, Crimson Avenger said:


    How DARE you deny the DIVINITY of the MILLARD and HIS MAGIC MIKE?

    BOW before HIS mighty CHAIR and TREMBLE at the LONG KNOWN FACTS!

    LEST you be CAST into the FIRE of ETERNAL TORMENT and 1977 NOISE SOLOS!


    OK, I'm sorry, I'm taking the piss at this point, but really there seems little else to do, short of shutting up. Which leads me to this...



    This is a public forum. For people to, you know, discuss things. I'll happily be proved 100% wrong about anything, as my posts in this thread and others prove. But I won't be told to shut up, and I won't be told what to think. And I can't help but note that in addition to being shit stirrers, people who dare ask questions are now Holocaust deniers it seems. What next, child rapists? Bon Jovi fans?

    Try developing a sense of perspective, huh.


    Ah look, life's too short. I piled in with what I thought was an inocuous observation/question about happenings a long time ago, in the hope of learning from people who know more than I do. But It seems this is an issue which inspires some sort of deep emotional attachment and a brick wall response. If I have somehow offended anyone by doing so, it was not my intention and I apologise for that. I won't return to this topic on here again. Not because I was told to shut up, but because I've made my observation which people can judge on its merits or otherwise, and there's no profit to anyone in going on about it. I'm off to listen to 06.21.1977, that very fine recording.




    You weren't told to shut up, you were ASKED if you ever shut up. Yeah this is a public forum but  make provocative posts, you'll trigger a response.

    Agreed 21 June 77 is a fine Millard recording indeed, one of his best....The very best Millard though is Pink Floyd LA Forum  26 April 75...

  9. 21 minutes ago, TheGreatOne said:

    I love every bit of this thread now.  How exactly can you back up a "Known Fact" with no direct proof of these facts?

    Gawd blimey, don't you guys ever shut up. Just accept it that Mike Millard recorded some great sounding audience tapes....You don't happen to be a Holocaust denier as well do you....

  10. 9 minutes ago, Crimson Avenger said:

    Wow, this really touches a nerve doesn't it? I'm not bashing anyone. Those tapes are amazing, and whoever recorded them did a 'bloody good job', as I posted earlier.

    I just find the whole story, as told in say the article link posted above, to be inconsistent and implausible. It looks suspiciously to me like a deliberately vague and unfalsifiable cover story for whoever was doing the taping.

    There need be no great consipiracy here, just a group of tapers in a fairly small area who didn't want their identities & activities discovered. Nothing surprising or unreasonable about that.

    OK, if people have private personal testimony etc etc, that's all well and good, but it doesn't begin to qualify as evidence. To address another of your points, yes, If any evidence were submitted, I would welcome it and happily believe it. As an 'outsider' interested in Zep from an historian's point of view, I think the whole thing looks like an urban myth. Religions have been founded on less!


    There is no conspiracy (or urban myth), if anyone is conspiring  it's you.  Stop trying to pollute the LONG KNOWN facts with bullshit....

  11. 6 hours ago, geekfreak said:

    well still no news on the crowes. but there`s a new album due from CRB soon... 


    Think TBC are done but I'll have new CRB album, I managed to snag a copy of the limited edition Betty's Blends vol 2 recently.

  12. 4 hours ago, sk8rat said:

    that has to be one of the biggest pieces of hipster elitist nonsense I have ever heard. we get it, you work at a record store, you're are too cool for school. your opinion is right and anyone who think different is wrong. now fuck off and let my buy my shit and get on my way.

    I thought it rather amusing, then, I know the places mentioned in the piece, I know what to expect. Both Skeleton and Probe are for true music heads, there for the people who seek something different from what can be bought anywhere. Elitist they may be and I love them all the more for it.

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