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Posts posted by JTM

  1. Could it be a class thing, maybe EC being brought up by his Grandparents and thinking his Mother was his Sister (I could be wrong about that).

    So maybe EC thinks Page is a bit of a snotty nosed middle class git, idk I'm prolly way off mark, interesting thinking there Flares.

    Maybe akimbo tried to tap Patti....(akimbo?, F'kin auto correct I typed JImbo) or Eric called Jim out for some of his dodgy predilections, maybe they just don't get on.

  2. I`m totally freaking out with Freedom album live Jimi...

    I'm not impressed, it has it's good moments, overall though it's not hard to hear why it has bee stuck in the vaults     for so long, apart from it's partial release on the Alan Douglas 'Stages' box set from the  early 90's. Awful solo in Voodoo Chile and SSB is pretty bad. A three out of five rating for me.

  3. Not to mention Liverpool won yesterday!

    Careful there Strider, PPH is a Blue not a Red, Everton is his team and they didn't win, well they didn't lose either. You could be lighting a fuse there.

    Good win for Liverpool in a match that coul have gone either way, Courtnio's sensational goal minutes from the end of the game, a valuable three points in the bag. A win in the first game of the season will give the team a boost too. If you read this jPPH, remember it's only a game....hee hee.

  4. Sorry for being an old b*stard, I was just lucky enough to be in the right places at the right times. Having said that, I have never ever met any of the bands that I have seen live.Whereas many of you on this site have spoken to the people you follow. I never had the opportunity unfortunately.......Let's face it I'll never see Jimmy Page or Robert Plant or Roger Waters or John Lees or Dave Gilmour walking through the streets of Liverpool, will I?

    Hey Joe, Love the way you throw the relatively unknown John Lees name in amongst the names of all those rock gods. Only a BJH fan would do that. lol.

  5. After seeing this video, Clapton can go F_ himself too. I honestly don't even know where the phrase Clapton Is God came from in the early years. Clapton wrote a few 1 hit wonders and majority of kids today dont even know who Clapton is. Clapton never even wrote any Rock Anthems to be called a God. F_ Clapton again, maybe if his son didnt fall out a Hotel window, maybe Clapton would be in a better mood

    I dunno, youngsters today....They know fuck all.

  6. How come no one ever got on Steve Howe's case about playing "Mood for a Day" and "The Clap" at every show for almost 40 years now ? If he were Jimmy Page....

    Yes, but both are far less boring than White Summer/BMS.

  7. I'm officially retiring today after 36 years. 55 and out baby !! It's going to be a very long 4th of July weekend !!

    Congrats, I too retired at 55 (3 years ago now) after 35 years in my last job. Best thing I ever did. I get a little bored sometimes but I have absolutely no inclination to return to being an alarm clock slave.

  8. I received my Sticky Fingers remaster (the double vinyl) last night. Got home too late to give it a listen, I plan to tonight.

    Anyone else get theirs yet?

    I'm sitting here in Hotel in Ireland while my super deluxe Sticky Fingers is sitting at home waiting for me, roll on Friday when I can go home and rip open that lovely brown Amazon box.

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