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Posts posted by redeyedrichard

  1. Ok....well Alicia and Rabia, you two awesome minions can help yourself to the none-alcoholic punch bowl, or I will fix you a glass of orange juice. Either way.

    And you can drink that while you perve at my myspace!!! :lol: Oh dear, perhaps it was a bad idea allowing images of myself to be freely available to the public. :lol:

  2. All I know is that there is a hole and you are making it deeper! :lol:

    By the way, if I say anything random please bear in mind it is 2am here and I have a whiskey headache. :lol:

    And I'm as horny as a jack rabbit....but leave that off of the record. :lol:

  3. Yeah ignore us Alicia...Rabia is digging herself a hole. :P

    Actually I was looking for the caption thread.

    And you will not find the Caption Thread...the mods deleted it because it was "offensive" aparently!!! We were all sickened when it happened. :(

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