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Posts posted by redeyedrichard

  1. Do I sense a wee bit of jealousy? :whistling::duel:

    Why the fuck would I be jealous? I'm just insanely pissed off at everything right now, not just on here but in life in general. But here hasn't helped...this place stinks now. I once enjoyed coming on here and being able to caption pictures or read the funny things others had put, but now nothing....nada!! It is dead. The friends I have gained here are great, but life sucks for me right now...and solice is hard to find.

  2. Wouldn't you be charged for treason by Richard, however? :(

    Yes she would. :(

    Richard can stay in the basement :P

    I like him, but the basement is available

    I'll go down in the basement...I know when I am not wanted...Rabia has found another person to hit on. :P

    Whatever Richard says is sexy


    ReR should move out of the basement


    Stop trying to get back on to my good side. :rolleyes:

  3. :hysterical: :hysterical:

    ooh... I'm scared now Rich

    You should be!! :D

    That eye is so scary! :blink:

    I hope you won't use your powers against me. Friends, remember?

    Chien Noir should be scared. Though I still wanna be a vampire.

    You can be my vampire Noora...you can be my a-ve-som-e friend as well as someone that I would let bite my neck. :wub:


  4. Wow, thats really cool. I like your sound a lot! :thumbsup:

    Thats a whole lot of talent you two have there :D . It's amazing to think that you started that young.

    Hats off to Echo Town! :notworthy: :notworthy:

    Awww, thank you GG. I am glad you like our sound. I have already said that that music is our old stuff. Two and a half years on we are writing stuff that in our opinion is far better. That stuff is being recorded right now and will be up on myspace in the near future. :thumbsup:


  5. :'( :'( :'( That's a real shame, everybody's favourite thread :(

    edit- did they really have to pull the whole thread? Surely a few posts would have been enough.

    No they didn't really, but for some reason they did. We all don't agree with it. :(

    Heh, perhaps I should hide before Richard kills me for stealing all the attention :bagoverhead:

    Go and hide dude....and by the way, these are my minions and they love me as I love them.

    Nope, Richard won't kill you. He's a gentleman :)

    Ha! :blink:

    Oh yeah. He would never ever do it himself. He'll hire someone to do it for him :ph34r:

    You hit the nail on the head there....I have friends in high places, I will just ring my representative in your country. :watchingyou:

  6. Um, this may sound stupid, or this conversation may have already been had. Has the actual Caption Thread been moved or deleted or something, because I can't find it. It's been missing for a few days, I don't know if its just my computers but I've even tried the search box for it and haven't had any luck. Any light anyone?

    Yeah, its been pulled for offensive material. This whole place has gone totally downhill. :(

  7. Well, I pledge my allegiance nevertheless!

    haha, my theory that non-native speakers are better at grammar then natives has been proven true once more!

    Don't get cocky!!! I have had a few whiskeys and I knew I had spelt it wrong but I couldn't be arsed looking up the correct spelling because it is 1:30am here and I should be in bed but my insomnia ridden brain is being all shit right now.


  8. Very well Chien....I will let you be head vampire...but no biting my fans, groupies or minions...that is my job...got it?

    You are officially a member of the ReR fan club. Now stand up straight, tuck your shirt in, and sing the national Richard anthem. If you don't know the words then make something up.

    But pledge your alliegance nevertheless!!! :D

  9. Oh by the way, how one becomes a member of the fan club? I know it's a bit too late but heck, better late than never and "post-thread-mortem fan club member" doesn't sound THAT bad.

    You have to be a girl. :angry: Do you see any other male club members? Erm, no!!! And a minute ago you were saying you were the cause of the loss of our beautiful thread...our regular haunt...so please give Mr Redeyedrichard a list of reasons why you feel that you would fit in with our little clan!

    Stat!! :D

    I'm only playing with you....but I still need a list of reasons!!

  10. If you look on my page I have people from here. If you'd like I will spread the word.

    I have to go, I have chores, homework, and I really need to walk on the treadmill because it helps me sleep.

    Yes...it is your responsibility as head minion to spread the word. Thank you Alicia.

    Much love from Red Eye. :kiss:

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