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Posts posted by redeyedrichard

  1. Ok, I never come into this thread because I am a guy....a very very very straight guy. But I found this pic while looking for some to caption and I thought it deserved to be in here more than there. I couldn't think of anything to put for it. :lol: I thought Rob looked pretty handsome in it. :lol:

    Anyway....perve away:


    Your Friend,

    Richard. :kiss:

  2. Wow, they look great. I've been meaning to get the old sketch pad out, or set up in a corner of the house with a nice clean canvas and get back into painting but unfortunately there have been other things that have robbed me of that hobby. It's a shame really because I used to be good.

    But your pieces, ladies, are great. Mia, are they on canvas? I like the pop art style. :thumbsup:

  3. Thanks. I wish you were here too :( I know how much you love snow

    Yeah I remember sledging when I was a little boy. But those days never happen now!! :(

    Can't be just me who the English weather depresses then! :lol:

    Ah...that's two of us then!! Although I am pretty sure there are more than two of us that feel this way!! :lol:

  4. :lol: ok, Rich...the second one from the right.My eyes are closed.

    I'm fine, thankyou. :)

    HELLO!!!!! :wub: :wub: I'm glad to see there are some good looking people in the fan club. :lol: You are still in the club right? :(

    You included Noora so don't feel left out. I did try and reply to your picture but for some reason it screwed it up!! :lol::kiss:

  5. :lol::kiss: Hey Richard!!

    How have you been?!

    I'm the one in white.

    Thanks! :blush:

    Ok, that is really vague...because on the top one there are two people in white, on the bottom one there are two people in white!! Please be more specific. :lol: And I am well thank you. :kiss: Yourself?

  6. Damn cranberries get all the good stuff don't they. Hey, you are almost a Zep Head. Congrats. You will be the fourth to make it past 100. Its damned annoying! Right...where's my whiskey gone!

  7. Hide your sheep!! :hysterical:

    Thanks for the welcome! Pity we've lost all of the posts we made over the years. I put a lot of heart and soul and time and sweat into researching so many questions. The old board was a tome of facts if one was willing to do a litle digging. Now we have a "search" function and nothing to search :lol:! I'm not complaining. We'll fill this fucker up fast enough. The newbs will come with the same old questions, and we'll rattle the answers off by rote. That's cool. I do feel a pang of sadness for all that's been lost though. I met my love on the board. The whole history of our courtship took place there. All those flirtations. The unfolding of our relationship was all in posts on the board. That and so many other friendships that have proven true. The history is gone. We know how it happened, but all those laughs, all those bits of becoming friends, wiped away in a single stroke. I don't fault Sam. I'm thrilled to see the Zeppelin fire stoked so to speak, in the form of this new "official" board. I just hate that we must say goodbye to all that history on the old one. Maybe Sam could leave it up without more posting, so we could have that massive reel to spool through and quote from. So many great posts on so many topics. It would be a shame to just cast it all away.

    I agree Ev. I totally agree. It would be so sad to lose all of that really. I am going to be spending a couple of hours tonight salvaging a load of stuff from there that I don't want to lose. I would be so much easier to leave it be as a reference guide for us. We should start a petition!

  8. Gösser is great, Ottakringer is good too

    Oh man!!! You are damned right there!!! Man that was tasty stuff. I didn't go there for the drink but I definitely had one everynight while I was there high in the mountains! :thumbsup: The legal drinking age there is 16 too so my brother could drink too. That meant he bought me a beer before I could legally buy him one over here. ha! I miss that country! :( Good memories though!

    Hide the women and children and tap the keg, Evster's back!!!! :blink:

    Damn, you beat me to it!! Good to see you Ev and have you back. I never thought I would say this but: "I HAVE MORE POSTS THAN EV!!!!" :lol:

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