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Posts posted by redeyedrichard

  1. Yes, I've read that explanation, and another explanation by some supposed expert. Problem is Jimmy Page is so private. I hope he one day reveals the meaning once and for all or agrees that the write-ups on it are either on the mark or false. Maybe he'll do a biography on himself one day , like Clapton has done, and tell us all what we want to know.

    I think that link pretty much answers it. Just simply looking at the scan from 'Le Triple Vocabulaire Infernal' shows that Page didn't make the symbol up himself, but that it was there in amongst the text way back in 1848. When you read through it it makes sense. The thing with symbolism is that you can take an existing symbol and add your own meaning to it. There seems to be sources, included in the link, that suspect the 'oso' part to mean 666. This is not necessarily true, or at least not necessarily the meaning that Jimmy has adopted. I always find that link to be pretty solid with the evidence that it gives. Obviously, Page didn't just make the symbol up...but it came from his interest in the occult etc.


    :oty rer!

    You are quite welcome ladies. If I stumble upon any others that you may apprieciate I won't hesitate to drop them by. :thumbsup:

    Every Little Helps!

  3. Why of course


    no man friend of mine has ever dedicated himself to a woman so much before


    I guess that's just a quality of musicians for some reason, like Robert or Kevin :D But, you're a step ahead.

    I am glad I am a step ahead. That means that I get there first. :lol: Well I go by an old saying that doesn't get used as much as it should do...."LADIES FIRST!" That's what I live by. ;) So have another on me:


    Love ReR

  4. Richard,

    you are my hero

    You sacrifice your time and pledge it to the incontrovertible joy and ecstasy for the females everywhere. Bless your soul


    Awwww, such a sweet comment. I never thought that Redeyedrichard could be summed up in such a way...but it makes perfect sense. Thanks Rabia. :thumbsup:

  5. Right, once again I was searching for some photos to caption but I stumbled upon these pics and I thought that you ladies might apprieciate them. Gotta keep the ladies happy haven't we, I'm a nice guy! :lol: Here we are:






    Hope you like and enjoy them.

    Love Rik. :kiss:

  6. Just to break the mood a little bit...I thought I would post this gem I found:


    :lol: :lol: I know Vannis doesn't like beard Jimmy...this is a bit extreme!! haha! Sorry ladies...I just had to!

  7. I was pouring over all the old funny captions I made on the old forum and I stumble across this one that you ladies over here might apprieciate:


    Jimmy: "I don't know why you always do that!"

    Robert: "Do what?"

    Jimmy: "That...sit like that, with your legs wide and conspicuous. You give me no leg room at all!"

    Robert: "I have to maintain the legend that I can't successfully close my legs because of certain things!"

    :lol: :lol: Happy drooling ladies! :lol: :lol:

    Love Richard


  8. Hi, just dropping by again...I found this picture on my travels and I though you girls could have a good gawp at it...I don't have much use for it really! Enjoy:


    Love Richard. :kiss: :kiss:

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