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Posts posted by manderlyh

  1. :thumbsup: Great to hear that and just reiterates what we already know that you're an awesome teacher :D

    I'm also slightly happy to report that at one school I work at, two teachers admitted to bickering over who gets me this week while they have to attend a conference! ;)

    Now if only I could get a full-time job instead of working for $75/day.

  2. The worst one EVER for me; this was stuck for at least a year, when my youngest was one:

    Especially awful during staff and board meetings :blink:

    I totally love and miss Steve, but the Wiggles freakin' freak me out!


    ...and my great aunt and uncle live in Eastern Idaho and own an Emu FARM!

  3. My mother in law passed away this morning after a battle with liver and colon cancer.

    I was honoured to be at her side when it happened and would like to thank the staff in the palliative care unit at Burnaby Hospital for their kindness and compassion.

    Ally, I am thinking of you and your family.

    I'm very sorry.

  4. Went to the library today and got three beginning German. :blush:

    I know I'll suck at it, even though my mom spoke it, she would never teach me.

    I wonder if those Rosetta videos work like they claim.

    The three or so different dialects would/will make me looney. :wacko:

    Rosetta Stone works very well, especially if you get the software and practice on a regular basis.

    I sub at the Boise Language Academy, which is a school for new immigrants to the United States who are not fluent English speakers.

    Today, the teacher I subbed for has two classes where she takes the kids once a week into the computer lab and they do the Rosetta Stone for English. The kids wear a headphone/microphone headset and they do the lessons independently. This is just part of their "English Language Development" class, but it's quite interesting.

    I was sitting in the back of the room while I listened to a Vietnamese boy said, "What are you doing?" over and over again until the software decided it was satisfactorily pronounced. At one point, he took his headset off, (after saying it about twenty times), and said to the boy next to him, "will you say 'what are you doing?' for me?"

    I was in the back of the room, kind of just watching them, cracking up.

    Later on in the day in a different class, a girl from Iraq was stuck on the same thing. She was getting irritated, and I thought she was saying it just fine, and she kept looking at me like "WTF?"

    Finally, in a really, really high-pitched voice, she said, "what are you doing?" and it went to the next exercise. We laughed.

    So, Hotplant, long story longer: Rosetta Stone is used in the public schools in Boise for English Lanugage Learners. I'm thinking it works pretty dang well. :D

    Oh and more: German is pretty hard for English (language 1 /L1)speakers to learn, even though English is a Germanic language. German L1 speakers can read Old English easier than English L1 speakers.


    What I came in here for:

    I'm STILL reading Grapes of Wrath. I've had a bit of ADD with books lately, but I'm almost done.

    Man, I need to finish this book up, because it's starting to really depress me, (I'm almost done, I think I have less than fifty pages left). I LOVED it the last time I read it when I was in high school...

    edited: I left the Joads in their high-ground barn...I finished it.

  5. Still cold and dreary. (43 and cloudy)

    Today's high was 45. They said on the news today that our normal high is 70 on October 4th. Meh.

    It stopped raining hours ago, but it's been dropping a few drops here and there, so it's still wet. It wasn't wet enough to keep me from taking my walk though. ;)

  6. My sister and I just got back from the Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem. Holy crap was that fun! I hadn't been on a Tilt-a-Whirl in about 15 years.

    The only ride I hated was the Sea Ray. My sister dragged me on that one; it's a pirate ship that swings back and forth - of course she wanted to sit all the way in the back. Well, when it swung all the way up, our asses came up off the seat. I was scared shitless. I had to Lamaze breathing just to keep from passing out.

    Otherwise I had one hell of a good time. :)

    ^Winston-Salem is where I have to send my $$ for my student loan payments--for the unsubsizided one.

    My friend got sick and threw up at the fair this summer after we did the Gravitron. I guess we're too old for this stuff now, eh? LOL

    I'm going to a Boise State Game in a little while! yesss!

    It's going to be a slaughter, it's against UC Davis, so sadly, it won't be an incredibly entertaining game, but I've never been to one before, so I'm excited! (It's homecoming too.)

  7. I read something about a Frank Lloyd Wright house in this month's Sunset. It was very interesting.

    I'm happy today because MY Boise State University Broncos are ranking #5 after this week's games!


    This is the highest the school has ever been ranked by all the BCS polls. Yesss!

    Go BIG BLUE!

  8. I'm happy because my son and his new family already are being treated better in Germany than here.

    There health care is a right.

    He loves it. The air is clean and he can breathe easier.

    The only thing is he now is watching the Simpsons in German :lol:

    He'll pick it up in no time. :P

    Freaking A....maybe I should move there.

    I'm dying, I swear. Our air is so dirty right now that I can't even see the mountains! That's when you know Boise's air is gross--you can't see the foothills or the mountains. The city is in a valley, you know, so we're surrounded by them. I'm sick because of my allergies with all the crud in the air.

    ...and I'd love for it to rain to get said crud out of the air.

    This is what made me happy today: my boyfriend mowed the lawn and did a few other tasks that are usually mine today because I'm not feeling well. I still did the dishes and made dinner, but he usually doesn't help much, let alone without being asked, so it was a big deal. :D

  9. I just tried to get a subbing job that I don't think I'm going to get this morning. :(

    Subbing for 9th grade English---so far, that's been my specialty. ;)

    I know the stuff, which is why I really wanted to do it. That's what I taught in summer school this summer. I'm guessing someone else already got it.

  10. I'm exhausted!!

    My best friend got married today. I was a bridesmaid and the wedding went very well--the bride was beautiful and she and her new husband are going to have a wonderful life together. I'm truly happy for them--I think I cried during the ceremony more than her mom. ;)

  11. This made me giggle:

    I was driving on the freeway, and I noticed a middle aged woman had a sticker on the back of her truck that had Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes pissing on the word "taxes."

    Then, below it, was the word "teabagger."

    Methinks "teabagger" isn't the best word for what she's trying to say. #hysterical#



    You have to click on the picture to really see it. My camera phone sucks.

  12. OOhh! I missed that message, Reggie! Congrats!

    Another happy thing, (okay, it made me laugh):

    I said to my boyfriend, "hey...do you want to do something really fun, baby?"

    He replies, "what? Sleep?"

    That's exactly what I meant. Truly. It's 1am here. :lol:

  13. Asmy daughter approaches grade school, this is something i may need toconsider. I hear it's a cake job, too... something i have never had andfeel overdue for :)

    You have to give kids their meds, deal with the occasional puking kid,epi pen, etc. Maybe a kid or two whose blood sugar is outta whack?

    You may end up dealing with a few hypochondriacs though. LOL I LOVE working with kids though. Much better than working with as many adults. ;)

    My best friend's getting married in the morning. We've finally got everything ready to go!

    I'm going to sleep well tonight after I stayed up late last night doing bridesmaid stuff.

  14. I'll have coffee with you. Is there an airport in that state, chuckles?

    There are several, thanks. One within fifteen minutes of here.

    It hit the news yesterday(?) that our airport is going to be a stopover for the Olympics in Vancouver. Interesting.

    my car started spraying water out over the bonnet while driving today .... end result, new radiator, $520 :( . sure didn't need that to happen, but the good thing is it didn't happen while i was on my holiday in a few weeks time. i will be driving quite a distance, so i am glad it happened now, and not in the middle of my trip. :)

    Yuck. Car repairs suck. I hope to GOD that nothing goes wrong on my car (knocks on wood) until I get a fat paycheck again. I've spent a lot of money on my friend's wedding that's taking place Saturday. It's a small wedding, and I can't believe how much it's cost me to be a bridesmaid!

  15. My friend totally flaked on me today.

    She said she's come over for coffee and breakfast at nine this morning, but then she texted me at 7:40 and said that she needed to wait for her attorney to call her, (she's dealing with trying to renew her work visa).

    At 11, she was STILL waiting..and now I've given up.

    She's got a cell phone, I don't know why she can't just come over and have coffee while she waits for him. <_<

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