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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. Hi Steve!

    Here's a couple of more questions to add to my growing list of questions!

    1.) Regarding publishing companies usually the band utilized Superhype Publishing Inc. and Flames of Albion Music Inc. However for Physical Graffiti it states that all songs were published under Joaneline Music Inc. Do you have any information regarding Joaneline Music Inc.?

    2.) I remember hearing an interview on June 7th 1991 on my way to a Billy Squier concert at the now defunct Sting nightclub in New Britain Connecticut and listening to a radio interview with Billy. If I recall correctly there was actually talk of Billy collaborating with Jimmy Page, but Billy was touring to support his then latest release Creatures of Habit and the talks fell through. Do you have any additional information regarding this? In addition, unless I'm mistaken Billy actually mentioned this in a second interview he conducted.

    3.) Following up on the recent sale of a Jimmy Page used bow, can you confirm if Jimmy only utilized Czechoslovakia A. Prager bows or did he utilize various manufactured bows?

    4.) Do you recall in your vast articles archive if there ever was any other mention other than in NME that the first two dates from the 1973 tour were transmitted via a closed circuit tv system?

    Thanks as always if you have any information regarding the above and the previously posted questions!


    Robert, you've presented awesome questions for this thread. I'll see what I can find.

    I can tell you the corporate offices for Joaneline Music are (were?) 33-34 CHANCERY LANE in LONDON.

  2. Bit of a hard one, does anyone recall a programme on uk tv .Man Alive/World in Action late 1970's about banking. The segment that focused on Led Zeppelin late 1970's. How they had invested , the clip of zep were stills from 1975 in the programme if that helps?

    I've never heard of this clip before, but perhaps someone else has. I do know they had been featured in the Financial Times newspaper at least twice (1970 & 1973). You

    refer to a '75 tour program - perhaps it coincided with the Earls Court dates (May '75)

    or the release of TSRTS (Oct 76). I'd be interested to see how extensively their investments were covered, particularly as some, such as Hammerwood Manor, failed.

  3. Adding to this....

    Not all of these songs have Jimmy on guitar. In fact, the only one that is confirmed to feature Jimmy is "Heart Of Stone". (There were at least 6 session guitarists who played on these demos, and most songs feature only 2 guitars, so...)

    Also, Bill Wyman recently stated that "Try A Little Harder" was recorded by the full Stones lineup in February 1964.

    Thanks for the important clarification. It seems the people behind the release of this new cd may have exagerrated Jimmy's association with this tracks.

  4. Confirmation has been received of a session Jimmy & John McLaughlin did with The Rolling

    Stones at Greenford Studios in London, July 1964. It's available on a new release titled

    'The Rolling Stones: Definitive Demos 1963-1966'. Here are the tracks featuring Jimmy:

    Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind

    Each And Everyday Of The Year

    Heart Of Stone

    (Walking Through The) Sleepy City

    We're Wastin' Time

    Try A Little Harder

  5. Actually way to go Meg !

    I show his next gig was cancelled (Kansas Coliseum in Wichita, KS on 11/18/88). Does

    anyone in Kansas know what reason, if any, was given? Perhaps this was to allow him

    to attend the Silver Cleft Awards after-show in New York on 11/17/88.

    Edit: Never mind. I just realized I already have the answer: he played the Lloyd Noble Arena in Norman, OK on 11/18/88 instread.

  6. I happened to find this photo of Jimmy Page with the Yardbirds as I was surfing the net.


    This photograph of The Yardbirds (w/Jimmy Page) and The Choir was almost certainly taken December 2, 1966 in the Union Ballroom at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, Ohio.

    The Choir were the opening act for this independent date booked outside of the Dick Clark Caravan of Stars tour which The Yardbirds were on at the time.

  7. Was Robert Plant in San Francisco at all during June 1988 or maybe at the RAH in London in January?

    I don't show him making an appearance at the RAH in Jan '89, but he did stay at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco on the nights of June 17th & 18th 1988 while performing in Mountain View on 6/17/88. 6/18/88 was a night off.

    Neil Young played Mountain View the week prior on 6/11/88. It's a remote possibility if we can place Zydeco in California around this time, but the odds are it was in New Orleans prior to Young's tour resuming.

  8. Without the vest, he's wearing the same shirt and pants in Toronto 1988.

    Either that or Storyville Jazz Hall, New Orleans, 1989

    I notice Buckwheat Zydeco looks the same.

    Agreed. Definitely his stage clothes from 1988. I don't show he came to the US in '89.

    Besides, the backdrop in the photo does not match that of the Storyville Jazz Hall

    clip. If we can place Neil Young in New Orleans circa 6/8/88 this one will be solved.

    Edit: Well, it won't be so easy. On 6/5/88 Neil Young was on a tour break before resuming in California two days later. The pursuit continues...

  9. Steve,

    I saw some responses to some questions I sent you an email a while back regarding their first rehearsal on Gerard Street. I'll go back and view the interview more closely. Robert likes to speak in code from time to time so I most likely misunderstood his response. JPJ has stated Gerard Steet but in the same MOJO issue from October 2005 there's a write up interview from Mick Wall where Jimmy Page is quoted as the rehearsal taking place on Lisle Street in London's West End. Any idea's? I know Mick Wall's book isn't popular with some readers and I have yet to purchase it.

    I was curious if you found out any additional linformation regarding the following questions plus some new ones to keep you busy) :D

    Older Questions:

    1.) When Robert Plant went on SNL with Brian Setzer there's a sign

    behind the left side of the drummer stating "band for hire". Would you

    happen to know if that was Robert's idea? The sign stated to contact

    Ahmet with a phone number. Obviously, the phone number couldn't have

    been legit and went to a regular switchboard (at least I'm guessing).

    2.) The 1970 soundtrack to the movie Homer has Led Zeppelin's How Many

    More Times. I know the band is protective of their work but did the

    boys and Peter authorize this usage?

    New Questions:

    3.) Has it been confirmed by Robert (or any member of the band) that Hot Dog was written about the Texas groupie Audrey Hamilton?

    4.) Did any other of John Bonham's bulls besides Bruno win certificates?

    5.) Finally, have you located any additional information regarding which company created the 1980 tour passes? :)

    Thanks for any information you can provide!


    I noticed Jimmy said Lisle Street as well, but chalked it up to poor editing or a fading memory. There is another published interview I have from just a few years ago wherein he says the five nights at Earls Court were "in 1976". We must take these with a grain of salt.

    I don't have any confirmed answers to offer to either the older or new questions at this time. They are great questions worthy of continued examination.

  10. Here's one for ya...

    Interesting picture...can't seem to find a time or place where Neil, Robert and an accordian did time...

    anyone ? Or is it a very good fake ?


    Assuming it was taken in New Orleans circa '85-'88 the most likely (essentially only)

    date is June 5, 1988. Robert was checked in to his hotel after flight arrival and had

    the night off as his New Orleans concert was the following night. I'm still seeking to

    confirm this date is correct.

  11. :yesnod: I remember reading that too - and that he nicked it from Jimmy, but just couldn't remember what song it was - thanks Swandown. Wish I could remember where that interview was - and that other thing about Live Aid. :slapface:

    The one and only Keith Richards on both mysteries:

    "Jimmy Page came down and did a couple of licks on a track for our new album ('Dirty Work'), and they were nice too. Jimmy's the best. I hadn't seen him in a long time".

    "...for Heart of Stone Jimmy did the original demo. Andrew (Loog Oldham, the Stones' producer) was going to flog that off to somebody else. So when we decided that we were going to do it I nicked Jimmy's solo almost note-for-note (laughs)".


    Note he says "came down". Does he mean geographically speaking, ala London to Paris?

    Then he adds, "I hadn't seen him in a long time". An odd thing to say if the session was just a few days after Live Aid, Then again Keith & Ronnie aren't known for the ability to

    maintain accurate recollections. :lol:

  12. I would imagine it would be a headache to do so. They'd ask you why you want it and what are you gonna do with it. Unless you had a connection there, it may be easier, otherwise other options I'm sure are better.

    Carol Miller may have kept a copy for herself, otherwise you end up going thru endless

    suits and intermediaries, none of whom are even remotely interested in helping you out. Welcome to the world of modern corporate radio. Jim Ladd, where have you gone?

  13. Steve -- the "One Hit" solo was definitely done in New York in July 1985. Jimmy did not contribute to the Paris sessions.

    BTW, although it has been reported that Jimmy also sat in on a version of "Back To Zero", I am fairly certain that the version recorded in New York was not released.

    Fair enough. I'll have to dig out that old fanzine to double check exactly what it said,

    as there is the remote possibility he made a social call upon them at Pathe Marconi.

    I don't believe 'Back To Zero' has ever been released either.

  14. Very interesting.

    Have you had any luck with WNEW FM 102.7 in New York and finding out whether, you could get a recording of that interview Carol Miller did back in October/November 1994 at the Unledded premiere in NY? Just curious.

    There are many Zep enthusiasts in New York City and I'm waiting for one or two to get back to me with confirmation it's available from them first. Going thru the radio station

    is my second option because of the aggravation that usually involves.

  15. Well, relations between Mick and Keith were pretty awful at the time. :lol: But as far as I know it was an idea that they talked about backstage at Live Aid, and 'One Hit' was just the fulfillment of that.

    The uncredited guitar contributions Jimmy made to 'One Hit To The Body' and 'Back To Zero' were allegedly recorded with the Stones at Pathe Marconi Studios near Paris sometime in late May or June 1985, which precedes Live Aid (7/13/85). The Stones themselves were there from April 8th thru June 17th but Jimmy was touring the USA & UK thru May 22nd.

    Perhaps it was the byproduct of a social visit to either Keith, Charlie or Bill, all of whom had homes in France at the time. Jimmy was of course working on the side with Charlie and Bill at the time on the Willie And The Poor Boys project. For example, the video shoot for 'These Arms of Mine' was filmed 6/24/85 at Fulham Town Hall.

    Edit: STOP PRESS! Stones researcher Felix Aeppeli has reported Jimmy's solo was done July 16 or 17 at Right Track Studio in New York City. This would seem to tie-in to it being a byproduct of a conversation Jimmy and one or more of the Stones members who were at Live Aid. There is actually a Led Zeppelin fanzine published in Summer 1985 that reported Jimmy joined them in Paris but that is now doubtful.

  16. Why would James Patrick deny the existence of the London All Star - British Percussion Barclay BB-86 (1965) record - is he ashamed or maybe he just forgot?

    The session seems to have been an artistic triumph, even if the album met commercial

    failure in the French market. My hunch is Jimmy forgot this album was released. He had certainly moved on to other concerns in the time between the session (Feb '65) and the album release date (Sep '65).

  17. Steve, do you take requests?

    I've read about Jimmy and Keith Richards collaborating on a track called "Scarlet" in the mid to late 70's. Has a bootleg ever surfaced of it? Or did it ever resurface in another form on any Stones albums? I've always wanted to hear what a Keith/Jimmy collaboration would sound like.



    October 15, 1974 Olympic Studios in Barnes

    Page, Keith Richards, Rich Grech and drummer Rich Rowland record one track 'Scarlet', during an all-night session, with Jimmy recording his solos at 8 a.m.

    It's never surfaced on bootleg or official release. If the master tape still exists it would almost certainly be in Keith Richards' possession. Jimmy has confirmed details of having

    contributed but never claimed he had the tape.

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