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Posts posted by Medhb

  1. Know what - I'm starting to wonder about the date he sang with them. I saw them on March 4th 1989 but that was at the Town and Country Club, as my ticket shows.


    I can't remember if it was there that Robert sang with them. Then they played the Hammersmith and I think that was on their NEXT UK tour, which was in June or July of 1990, and that's the one Robert turned up at with Charlie and I don't remember if he sang there or not.

    I'll really try and look into this over the next couple of days - for my own peace of mind as much as anything else.

    I'm continued to be amazed at your memory. Holy shit! I can't remember what YEAR I saw my first concert - "Welcome to My Nightmare, Alice Cooper" but know my girlfriends dad had to drop us off and pick us up drunker than hell! Kudos for you for remembering all these great details!

    And kudos to Steve who has the library that should be published one day!!

    This board is great! (not that I don't LOVE my other board....we're just a little quiet over there lately so I've been haning here more)

  2. This is certainly the wrong place to post this but then...maybe not....

    It's a mystery to me why ALL the cool Led Zeppelin shirts are for MEN!! DUH!! Us WOMEN want cool Led Zeppelin Shirts too! I prefer tanks with scoop or v-necks anyone who is a manufacturer that might be reading this :)

    And, I'd give my soul (what's left of it) for a sleepshirt with Jimmy on it :wub:

  3. What made me happy?

    Going back down memory lane,watching "the silver brumby" and "spirit" (2 films about horses), i was i used to watch them when i was about 6/7/8.

    That made me really happy :)

    Old Yeller still makes me cry :(

  4. Catching up on this thread with my coffee! Cept I'm spewing coffee all over my screen reading the Spats threads, guess I'll have to go to the Peeves board to catch up on that 'action' Ahahhaa!

    Oh, and waking up to MSG's post of Jimmy dancing at...MSG....gonna make you sweat gonna make you groove! Jimmy's hot and he knows how to move!

    Have a great day All!

  5. I didn't read very much about her, but that she slept with any Rockstar around LA and wrote books bout that.

    Sorry, I may have the wrong informatioon...

    Nah, you should read her books! She's a lovely person! She never says a bad word about anyone and really, she was young and having fun...she didn't just 'do' anybody, she had real feelings towards the guys she was with. I think you'd enjoy her books....She had a nice time with Jimmy and then Lori came on the scene (not the little miss innocent she's made out to be either) and then he ditched Lori for Bebe. Still Pamela has not a negative word to say about Jimmy...of course, I don't think any of his women do. I think it's so cool that he gets all of his kids and kids moms together oh holidays, I think he treated them all the best he could under the circumstances...would be tough being totally faithful when yer on the road, the hottest thing since fresh baked bread and girls throwing themselves at your feet....what a life he's led :)

  6. I must give credit where credit is due. I glommed these from Nech





    I saw those too and was DELIGHTED he had that pic I've been looking for with Jimmy in the wicker chair with the shawl draped over the back...he's got some great shots!

  7. Someone said I didn't do research... This is a pretty default claim. In fact, if YOU did research, you would have known that I didn't have to do any research on what is already common knowledge among Zeppelin fans.

    I was just telling you what I see in the mid-west United States. I'm 23, so I'm only talking about things that happened from 1985 till present day.

    I bet you a huge bulk of the hundred million albums that were sold in the U.S. were sold prior to that timeframe, and probably werent sold in the midwest.

    If you ask me, I still stand by my claim that they are not as popular as people think (in the mid-west at least).

    None of my friends, nor any of my enemies are into Led Zeppelin. In my lifetime, the people I've met who are worth calling themselves Zeppelin fans (i.e. know more than just Stairway) in the midwest can be counted on two hands.

    The primary music tastes here in Michigan are country and southern rock, both of which I hate, and both of which aren't Zeppelin.

    Its a real drag, but thats just what I see.

    I don't want to start any fights, and I'm not saying that it isn't different elsewhere.

    I was born and raised in Michigan, graduated in 1978. I still love my southern rock but if you didn't have any Led Zeppelin in yer collection you were just a nerd! Guess it must have been a boyfriend that first 'exposed' (ahahaha!) me to Led Zeppelin...if fact, our song was Thank You....I still remember him fondly...the sun still shines and the mountains stand but there no longer a him and me ; )

  8. Floating in the pool with a wine spritzer in 100 degree weather...and coordinating this weeks social schedule :coffee:

    Oh! And watching my dog swim in the pool, Ahahaha, so fun! A shitzu poodle mix picked out on the anniversary of Bonzo's death and named....what else "Bonzo" He lives up to his name....

  9. I'm happy again! For more reasons!!!

    1. it was pointed out to me that my very good friend Hermit is out of exile! :cheer: Love Hermit!

    2. Foo Fighters concert tonight = happy! :D (even if I had no clue that it was going to happen...)

    Hey Mands...it's been on the News section of this board for 2 weeks! Sorry you missed that!

    Boink, go bonk yerself please... B)



    Looked to me like something was wrong with Big Brown... he had nothing coming off the 3/4. I believe that was the worst finish for any horse that won the first two triple crown races... too bad.

    It really pisses me off that the network stole Da'Taras moment of glory. Wire to wire....

    Big Brown, nice run, got bumped around a bit but jockey basically said "OK, yer done Boy, let's take er easy now" So sad...really wanted to see him win....still....don't chase the owner and trainer down now when they're having the worst feeling of their life and leave the victor without comment or anything.

    They didn't even say what the tri paid...shitty coverage!

  11. Getting out of work on time for the first time this week, and having a nice glass of wine when I got home! And being able to talk to a lot of really nice people on this forum :)

    Ahhhh...Fridays....their great aren't they?!

  12. Thank you so much it has been both a great and fucked up day!!!!!! but at 35 what can you really expect!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooooooooooooooo!!

    I suggest a visit to the 'whiskey' board and a sick day tomorrow :D

    "Oh, to be 35 again"...yer in yer prime buddy!! Enjoy!!

  13. Back when I was about 21 or so me and some buds and our girl friends were at the park playing a game of Keg football and my girlfriend sat on the bleechers downing a qt not a fifth a qt of southern comfort. Well when it was time to leave, I had to carry her to the car. By the time we got back to my friends house she was up and ready for more :blink:

    So we all sat around the kitchen table having a few beers and a couple doobs and she was drinking Jack this time out of beer mugs straight up! :o:blink::unsure: and she's saying mmmm that's sweet! WTF?,well she decides to go up stairs to take a shower. After about half an hour I started to get concerned so I went up and the shower is still running. I knocked but no reply, so I went in and she is passed out cold! Butt neked, blew chunks everywhere walls, ceiling shower curtain. Shit! :o I thought she was dead! :unsure: She woke up like two days later :blink:

    Oh my!! I assume you're not too crazy about SoCo either then B)

    I'd blame the doobs....ya always gotta start with the doobs....and then move to drinking not the other way around (for me anyway)

  14. Nothing close to that happening for me, last I checked before flushing. If you drink enough black Sabuca Nera, there is a greenish tint - but you really have to do at least 3/4 of the bottle. The payback probably wouldn't cover the original cost.

    (*Am I still on your "friends" list?)

    Of course! Even more so now! LOL!!!

  15. You ain't kidding, there! The last time I got off the train for a concert in the city, I was grabbing a sip from one of my little hootch bottles, and some poor homeless guy came right up to me and asked if I had one for him? Not only did we chug back one together, but I shared half my chicken hero, too. The Beacon theater has a full bar anyway, why not?

    Now yer my kinda person! I used to date a guy that had money coming out his ass and was very, very generous with me...but he could walk right by anyone on the street that was in 'need'. I shoulda known the first time I saw him do that (during the Yule season no less!) that he was an idiot. He said he was 'immune' because he worked in the city every day....I don't know how one becomes 'immune' to human suffering....

  16. Dear fellow citizens:

    The Federal Government is sending each of us a $600 rebate.

    If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China.

    If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.

    If we buy a computer, it will go to India.

    If we purchase fruit and vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and


    If we purchase a good car, it will go to Japan.

    If we purchase useless crap, it will go to Taiwan

    ...and none of it will help the American economy.

    The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes

    and beer, since these are the only products still produced in the US.

    I've been doing my part, and I thank you for your help.


    Elliot Spitzer

    Former N.Y. Governor

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