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Posts posted by Medhb

  1. my 7 yo just went to a birthday party. to some thats common, but its only the third for him. and he was well behaved and had a great time! he also got on so well with one of the other boys, that his mum and i exchanged numbers and will make a playdate. also a first! woo hoo . a great day. :D

    Slave, that is GREAT!! Didn't you say your child has Aspbergers? (sorry spelling) My neighbors son has that also and he's now 16. They moved from Boston to our town in NJ because of our school program. I just want to let you know....he's a wonderful young man and I would have never know he had Aspbergers if his mom and dad didn't tell us. I thought he was just a bit shy at first but now that he knows us better he is a lot more open. He doesn't much like direct eye contact and doens't like to be touched. I found that out when we were having a bbq together and I just touched his arm in conversation (I'm a touchy feely kinda person) and he withdrew a bit. He is so smart it's unbelievable, we were having great conversation about history and other subjects. If something interests him he is a voracious reader on the topic and can spit out facts and numbers very impressively!

    He is now on the football team, his parents were reluctant because he's a BIG kid and they feared he would just be beat up as a blocker but they talked it out with the coach and he's really grown for being part of a team. I also have to say, he has such nice friends. They are great kids! A real pleasure to be around. He is now driving!!! But it's funny because he does still have some motor skill problems and his parents worry about that. Things like, if you give him an egg he will either drop it or hold on to it so tight that he'll break it. They worry about him with any kind of machinery but he's becoming handy with electrical saws and stuff. He mowed the lawn for the first time the other day and the mower broke down. It was so funny becuase it wasn't even his fault but I'm sure he felt bad! My hubby fixed the mower and he finished the job. His confidence is growing every day and he's a great kid!

    Just want to share that story with you.....I'm sure your child will grow into a wonderful individual also! Especially with a great Mom like you!

    Love and Light to you! Medhb

  2. Nice story...but not something that should be encouraged. (not saying you are Medhb, just in general)

    Oh agreed! I wouldn't encourage anyone to be poking around her house, she deserves her privacy. I just thought it was so kind the way she treated the two guys.

    And of course John's grave's location isn't public, as it should not be. Can you imagine it turned into the kinda place where Jim Morrison is buried? Though, it's too bad there isn't some type of memorial to him where fans could leave flowers, prayers, just sit and and let their thoughts be with him. I personally have a bit of an attachement to cemetaries. I find them peaceful and respectful. I like to go to very old cemetaries and just wander around. And when you see the grave of someone who touched your life....it's quite a meaningful, spiritual experience.

  3. I'm sorry, I now realize that Pat's name is on the heading! DUH! ROCK ON!

    I read a lovely story not long ago where some Zep fans went on a tour and found John and Pat's house. She saw them on the grounds and they told her what fans they were of John. She was gracious, kind and open. She served them tea and chatted for a while before they went on their merry way.

  4. I think it's rude to make comments about someone's appearance, with no knowledge of their personality. Jimmy obviously saw something in her, and I think it's completely out of line to slur someone based upon their appearence, in a place where they can't argue back.

    We can play word games about the difference between 'not being that physically attractive' and ugly - but the point is, I don't think those sorts of comments have a place here, or anywhere.

    How do you think Jimmy, Charlotte or Scarlet would feel if they read what you said?

    You're being way too touchy about that I never made you out to be a villain I just said I think it's rude

    Maybe I am being a bit touchy about being called rude. Especially since I take such care to not be rude to anyone without provocation. And slur? You're really going out on a limb here with your adjectives... <_<

    How do I thihnk Jimmy, Charlotte, or Scarlet would feel reading this? I don't think they's give one hoot about it! Charlotte was a successful model, she's heard worse from agents I'm sure. Scarlet, lovely women that she is, I believe has better things to do than get insulted by a simple remark on a discussion board, and Jimmy? I rather doubt he would care about my opinion on what consitutes beautiful....now on the other hand....JIMMY is certainly beautiful!! Inside and out!

    I've already spoken with Alice and apologized to her if I came of as snippy to her.

    Edited to remove rudeness :)

  5. Do you judge the person only in one photograph? I am not so.

    When I am interested in someone, I'll find various things about her(him).

    And I judge the person from them.

    About the mother of Jimmy's eldest child I found these articles from another site,

    Richard Cole writes in his book ''Charlotte was the type of girl who you couldn't look at just once.Tall.Thin.Blonde.Perfect features. You had to glance a second time.''

    And in Hammer of the Gods book, it is written about her that '' a stunning French model named Charlotte Martin, who was coveted by every major rock star in London. Richard Cole remembered that she had first surfaced on the arm of Eric Clapton,who walked into the Speakeasy with her one night and stopped all conversation until Roger Daltrey piped up, 'Fucking hell,Eric,where'd you get that bird!' ''

    No Alice I don't. If you read any of my posts I think you'd know me better than that.

    Quoting Richard Coles book proves nothing at all, everyone knows it's filled with inaccuracies and of COURSE Richard thought she was hot, have you seen the women HE'S married?! I actually have lots of pics of Charlotte and think she was 'OK' looking..wouldn't have turned MY head but...to each his own! I was just stating my opinion. Go look at the picture board thread and I'll bet no one agrees who the 'prettiest' girl is on there....because we all have different taste...that's all.

  6. medhb this is about his divorce from patricia. charlotte martin is the mother of his eldest child.

    this pic is kinda weird to me......it doesnt look like patricia OR charlotte.....and jimmy doesnt look himself either! :blink:

    edited to add: oh, sorry , that was just a typeo from you!.........

    I know, it is an odd pic isn't it Slave? Yes, that's why I edited my post to say the mother of his second child....sorry for the confusion.

    My point is I 'personally' don't fine either one of them that attractive and suddenly I'm a real villian. My my my, I thought I was over protective of our dear Jimmy! Ahahahahah!!

  7. I think it's his business who he chooses to spend his time with and I think very rude to make comments like that about the mother of his eldest child.

    Agreed, I never said one word to insinuate otherwise.

    Sorry if I've insulted your sensibilities but I don't think I was being rude at all. The mother of his first child. You act like she's Mary mother of Jesus or something. She's a wonderful person I'm sure.....I simply stated I didn't think she was that physically attractive. I didn't call her 'ugly' or 'rude' or 'mean' or anything else negative.

    Also in my opinion it's rude and boorish when people come on here and start calling others rude when it's unprovoked. And let's just print the newstory that went along with that picture and we'll see how 'wonderful' the mother of Jimmy's second child was....


    Edited for factual correctness

  8. I think the opinion and the impression to be different in each person. Don't mind.

    But Jimmy's major relationships with women are first Jackie DeShannon ,secondly Charlotte and third Patricia in turn. I think these relationships were very serious for Jimmy.

    But I have heard that blonde beauty is cold. And they have high pride and not under man's thumb.

    Jimmy might possibly have learnt by experience to them.

    It's just my opinion(lol)

    Maybe that was part of their appeal to him? Jimena herself is quite the independent lady....

  9. i178802483_19807_3-1.jpg

    Is it this photograph that you mean?

    If it is so, this was the one taken in summer or autumn of 1982.

    At that time, this photograph was published in the music magazine December edition

    (named Rocking On of Japan. A short explanation of "Jimmy Page and wife" was recorded there)

    This woman would be Charlotte. It is doubtless.

    I remember that I was very shocked at her impression far different from her young days(lol)

    From it several months ago, Jimmy had received an interview of another Japanese music magazine named ''Music Life'' June edition.

    Interviewer of at that time of ML magazine wrote that ''Jimmy came to Swan Song office to receive this interview with his wife Charlotte''.

    A lot of Zeppelin fans of Japan at that time would have read it. Of course I was one of them too!

    (This book might come out if looking for. )

    I had read an article in another bbs that Charlotte went out of the Old Mill House, and moved to another house in Windsor at the end of 1982 or at the beginning of 1983.

    They might not have been together in those days(1984 or 1985).

    It seems that Jimmy was solitary until meeting Patricia from parting from Charlotte.

    Poor Jimmy.....

    At the risk of sounding catty, I never did think Charlotte was 'all that', nor Patricia for that matter. Jimmy's taste in brunnettes was MUCH better than his taste in blondes but....that's just my opinion.

    As for Jimmy being 'solitary'.....some part of me thinks 'NOT'! B)


    A Mormon was seated next to an Irishman on a flight from London.

    After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken.

    The Irishman asked for a whiskey, which was promptly brought and

    placed before him.

    The flight attendant then asked the Mormon if he would like a drink.

    He replied in disgust, "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen whores

    than let liquor touch my lips."

    The Irishman then handed his drink back to the attendant and said,

    "Me, too, I didn't know we had a choice."




    OK, now I gotta wipe veggie burger from my screen :blink:

  11. Oh Spats! That's so not true! I was not attracted to my husband at all when I first met him but his charming personality won me over! Please, think about your self defeatist attitude, I think that's your biggest challenge...Peace buddy!

    OMG! Forgive me all! I'm contributing the highjacking of this thread!! YIKES!!! :blink:

  12. I agree that you have to have something more to offer than looks but first impressions are everything. If someone isn't impressed with your looks then it's not going any further.

    Oh Spats! That's so not true! I was not attracted to my husband at all when I first met him but his charming personality won me over! Please, think about your self defeatist attitude, I think that's your biggest challenge...Peace buddy!

  13. Well, time to show my new friend more of our gorgeous city and tons of cool sites.

    Never underestimate the power of the zeppelin.

    Enjoy your day :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Aha! I knew it! You're LedBaby right?! I do hope you and Tangerine are enjoying your meet up!

  14. Brace yourselves, I'm a mechanical engineer and this is going to seem dorky.

    I have just finished designing a geared transmission shaft that is required to transmit 100 lbf +/-5% to two other gears with resistance torques of 300 lbf each. I designed it to have a 95% reliable infinite fatigue life with a fatigue safety factor of 3.02, and a desired safety factor for yielding of 2.00.

    In essense, this part will never break, even after a lifetime of the specified load fluctuation (paperclips, for example, do not have infinite fatigue lifes as evident by them breaking after only a few bends back and forth).

    You can even apply (statically) twice the rated loading, or 210 lbf, before this thing will yield/break. This is for your own safety. Think of a ladder that says it is rated for 250 lbs. Engineers know that a 350 lb person will no doubt use the ladder anyways, hence why we design with safety factors.

    All this, while decreasing the shaft diameter from 1.38 inches to 1.179 inches. (Saves material. Material saved = higher profit)

    In addition, I was able to write a Matlab program for a shaft of this type that will solve for the required shaft diameter needed (based on the max. shear stress & distortion energy theorms) for any desired safety factor. The program's required inputs include gear forces, gear diameters, desired safety factor, shaft length, etc.

    There is no telling just how lame this must sound to all of you. I wouldn't be surprised if 60% of you haven't even made it to this point in my post before moving on to the next one. I guess this is the price I pay.

    But there is no denying that this is what made me happy today.

    VERY Impressive Docron!! :cheer:

  15. I'm going to post a photo soon - just as soon as I get one taken. I've been trying to pluck up the courage to do this for ages, as I'm a little shy. I think I'm about ready now, for two reasons:

    1. I have lost most of the weight I wanted to lose (21lbs so far)

    2. I have a new Zep t shirt (skinny fit, 'cos I can do skinny fit now, yay!) :yay:

    So I'll let you all finally put a face to the name over the next few days. :blush:

    Congrats!!!! Maybe we should start a girly thread cuz I could use some help, I'd like to drop about 20 myself....nice job, something to be proud of for sure! It doesn't get easier that's for sure!

  16. Medhb, great about the tee shirt! I was hoping the quality wouldn't be too shoddy... is the sharkie on the back cute? I need to order mine!!

    Gorgeous blue eyes, docron! Beautiful smile, MissHoneydripper! B)

    Yes Honey, the sharkie on the back is cute ; ) and I doubt the general poplulation would have a clue what it's about!

    The shirt is good quality, it's a softer, thinner cotton than a typical heavy mans tee. and it has a bit of stretch to it. Also, I really like that it's cut for us girls, the waist is contoured...and again, the ink job was imppeccible!! Order NOW girls!!! You shall be happy :D

  17. We should call whatever page this is (158 or something) the Detroit page. Its interesting to see so many Detroiters running around here because I honestly have never met a true Zeppelin fan in this state and it sucks.

    I just moved further from Detroit, but Michigan law says that pointing to the general region, by using your hand as an accurate map of the area, still counts as close enough to call yourself a Detroiter.

    Used to live in Royal Oak, moved just last week to Walled Lake, which is absolutely favorable to the pink-shirted, popped collar "lets make this our own little MTV's "The Hills" of the midwest"-esque doucheness of R.O., because we now live across the street from a god damn lake and have a place to sail ye sailboat.

    Heres lies the same old, and relatively lame, picture of myself for people who do not desire to weed through the mass of pages to find my likeness:


    Brilliant blue eyes DocRon! Hey, I do beleive BongMan is from Detroit also...yes, as you indicated, if you can point anywhere near where the thumb and index finger meets you can be considered a Detroiter, LOL! You wouldn't even believe all the people I meet who think Michigan consists of only the UP. AGADS!!

    Here in NJ they go 'down the shore', back home we went 'up north' :D I miss having a lake around every corner and of course...our Great Lakes. Taking my husband home to Michigan as a tourist was really fun! There IS a lot to do and see in that great state...it's just sad that it, as so many others, has been hit so hard by the economy and loss of industry. I go home to my small town now and it's like a ghost town, all the stores are shut down, we used to have an old drugstore with the soda fountain, a couple of 'swanky' department stores, the 5 and dime, shoe repair guy, a jewler...now....a few bars and dollar stores....

  18. Just me and Zep :D


    Hey Miss November! :) I got my Calendar Girl shirt in the mail yesterday!!!! WooHoo!!!

    Bustle, you did a great job on those! Nice shirt! (runs small) the quality of the ink work is A+++ and they didn't even charge shipping. The shirt itself is a nice fitted tee for us girls, but if ordering, they do run small. I ordered a large and it fits my arms and stomach nicely, kinda squashes the girls down though :lol: PM me if you have any sizing Q's.

  19. Well actually I'm right outside Detroit in a small metro-city called Sterling Heights...but I put Detroit because peopel have actually heard of it :P

    But yes, it is very sad indeed to see how far the city has fallen and its only getting worse. Hopefully it'll recover but I its life is flickering really

    Sterling Heights! My ex husbands sisters family lives there!!!! Yeah, I think the government should step in and do something to assist but....well, there's only so much money to go around! It's so sad the beautiful architecture that looks like it could be in Iraq....bombed, debris that they don't even bother to clean up...

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