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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...thanks for making my day so beautiful with the sight of this out-of-this-world scarf....I love this picture...it's like the scarf is flying off...towards me...looking for me!...
  2. aen27...the picture with a girl always sets a "jealousy" in me... but our boys, they both look so perfect together, such chemistry...no one else but them belong together...
  3. http://www.smollin.com/staples/arc/e-yardbirds-tea.jpg
  4. '75 Or '76 (Probably '76) STH...I will bill STH as "the most" exceptional song I ever heard in that time period. Prior to this I had no experience in listening to Western Music...
  5. ...Perfect pictures for me too...I Love JP'77...that is the only way I remember him from back then (almost 16!). God pictures like these had such effect on me, an entirely new "character" in me was beginning to take "shape"...I remember looking at magazine covers and thinking why is he so unusual and ultra sophisticated........
  6. ..from what I remember from my Page "research/readings" here and there, I think he made a reference to Bebe B. as "she was nice, not a "Coke Whore"....all of the authors commend Page as the only English Rock Star who never criticized/degraded(the so called "groupies")...Page is very classy...he does sincerely respect women and not merely just make fun of them and use them. The law of supply and demand was balanced most accurately!!! now how about some more of Hot Hot Mr. Page...pictures anyone?
  7. ...never been able to find those two books in stores so far....and this picture, I never seen it before...thanks for posting this "costume" One thing for sure...all the ladies past/present are attracted to Jimmy's exceptional looks/charisma...what a picture he poses for...beautiful!!! (I don't mind reading these kinds of books, as it is all about being young and having fun!! That is all it is, nothing more...)
  8. ...I know exactly what you mean...I was feeling bit "guilty" and lovin' it...much like Ms. P... anyway about the shirt...he appears in that shirt in the book with her (looking not "to happy" - he appears to be just standing there wondering where is the "Other Girl"...God, I can't believe this...!
  9. ...agreed it is a memorable picture, just so natural...I have read Ms. Pamela's book I am with a Band (fascinated with Jimmy Page only!!. She mentions that she once accompanied Jimmy to a concert and she forgot his Chiffon Shirt and that he was bit mad ..."He will get over it" . It appears to be that shirt...anybody know for sure.......
  10. ..JAL...I might as well respond to this interesting "Monkey business" '72 picture...haven't seen this picture in ages... I am so envious of these two lucky kids on the street! I too was growing up in India (11 years old! when this picture was taken!!! talk about my Zep-luck! God only if they know!!!!!!!!! As for the other classic shots, god, I am looking for that kind of vest/sweater...He is just so gorgeous...I will forever remember that picture of him with that jacket/hair....so so charming!!!
  11. ...too much hotness girls already...got a entire day yet!!!!!! God, he and his hot wardrobe are just timeless..............
  12. Hello MadScreamingGallery... (thanks for the Pmessage)...It is wonderful to communicate with very sincere Led Zepplin fans (I was born/raised in North India) now back to business...about this picture... I have seen the interview, you know he has such beautiful voice to match his timeless beauty and of course the classy British Accent.. God is there anything NOT beautiful about him........
  13. ...first picture...the smile is priceless, but my jealousy is going to cost him some $$$...I am hope hoping that "she" is just a fan, but God the look on his face suggests another story...I think it is "domestic Incident"... anyway some "her" sure is lucky lucky...
  14. ...thank you for some "variety of his hotness"... from '69 to '79...God, talk about the entire decade filled with intoxicating beauty... aen27, that last one is from Knebworth, August 4, 1979...that's how he looked on my 18th birthday can you imagine if I saw him like that on that day...but God, I was so far away.......
  15. ...here are more stories, the passionate young people of the 70's QUOTE (PlanetPage @ Sep 7 2008, 11:00 AM) * ...I cannot imagine the atomsphere of that time/era...God, I wanted to be there so much, I could only look at his pictures, and imagine what it would be like ...a different world/planet for sure I imagined...Life is been good to both of you... From: MadScreamingGirl (MSG) Life has been very good to me - both during that era and in the years since. It was an incredible time - although when my friends and I were in the middle of living it, we couldn't know that we were "witnessing rock history" or engaging in anything that, decades later, would be something so huge. I don't want to leave the impression that, at least in the case of my friends and me, it was all Zep all the time - it wasn't. In between Zep tours, we were in school and just living our lives - there were other bands and other concerts. Of course, Zep were our absolute favorite. We were buying albums - Zep and others, reading rock magazines, listening to WNEW, and always, always, always, waiting for word of the band's next U.S. tour. Once a U.S. tour was announced, we scrambled to find out where and when the Zep guys would arrive in our city, where they would stay, where they might hang out after the concert, and how we'd get tickets, etc. For the most part, unlike the Deadheads, my friends and I didn't follow the band from city to city - we waited until they came to us. Sometimes it was a seemingly endless wait between tours - a year and a half between when we saw the band in Sept. '72 and when we saw them again in May '73. Then there was another long, excruciating wait until Zep came back here in early '75. But, yes, it was an amazing, wonderful time and I am so grateful and blessed to have experienced it. (PlantePage) ........thanks for a very heart warming/informative response. I started a 70's scene thread in the Zepplin Newbies Section. I think your story is a wonderful fitting for that. ...As new Canadian immigrants from India in late '74 (13 year old) I was inexperienced in Western culture and by the time I learned about LZ, '77 tour was over. In between all this time, I was fascinated by the Rock'Roll culture around me, ofcourse the big bands always played US or sometimes Toronto...therefore my imagination was at work and Jimmy Page in '77 white dragon suit totally stole my heart...I mean what a myterious character. His face covered with long hair somehow gave me comfort for my own lonlieness (you cannot imagine how difficult it is to grown up in two extreme east/west cultures at such young age)...anyway, I wish you all the best, it has been pleasure talking to you about our fav. band LZep (can we move this to the Newbies section?) P.S. I guess we all take life for granted while history is in the making. I hope that you got to meet one or two Led zep at least... .....QUOTE (PlanetPage @ Sep 8 2008, 08:24 PM) * I guess we all take life for granted while history is in the making. I hope that you got to meet one or two Led zep at least... ILoveJimmyPage (ILP): 'PlanetPage' I think that my friend MSG really summed up that time in a wonderful way. I just also want to say that back then, I really didn't know that I was witnessing something so monumental that people would be talking about it even to this day. I would have never in my wildest dreams have thought that there would be a Led Zeppelin website and I would be able to share so much with people that love and respect them as much as I do. To me, it is a very heartwarming experience now to be able to talk to people like yourself and share experiences I had back then. And I am very thankful to have made a lot of friends here, so I have Led Zeppelin and their music and legacy to thank for that as well. And let's all hope (because I am still remaining positive) that there will be more experiences to be had in the future!! ...... Aw, thanks so much for that, ILJP. dc.gif (MadScreamingGirl) I agree with you that I never dreamed that, as great as LZ was, we would be here today talking about the band. When I was young and experiencing it all, I certainly didn't have the foresight or vision to see that the band would be talked about and worshiped in the manner that they are so many decades later. I also haven't spent the last 30 something years thinking about them in the way that I do now - I put it all behind me and went on to live an entire life and it was only recently that all those experiences just came flooding back to me. I have really enjoyed making new friends and meeting people here who either have, like you, shared the same experiences as me or who didn't have those experiences but are interested in knowing more about that era and Zep's glory days. Here's to more great musical experiences - whatever they may be. beer.gif ...
  16. ...thanks for your fine addendum...let's hope if there are more of good Led Zep times, we will not take them for granted now that we know better, and same goes for our young ones......
  17. ....thanks for a very heart warming/informative response. I started a 70's scene thread in the Zepplin Newbies Section. I think your story is a wonderful fitting for that. ...As new Canadian immigrants from India in late '74 (13 year old) I was inexperienced in Western culture and by the time I learned about LZ, '77 tour was over. In between all this time, I was fascinated by the Rock'Roll culture around me, ofcourse the big bands always played US or sometimes Toronto...therefore my imagination was at work and Jimmy Page in '77 white dragon suit totally stole my heart...I mean what a myterious character. His face covered with long hair somehow gave me comfort for my own lonlieness (you cannot imagine how difficult it is to grown up in two extreme east/west cultures at such young age)...anyway, I wish you all the best, it has been pleasure talking to you about our fav. band LZep (can we move this to the Newbies section?) P.S. I guess we all take life for granted while history is in the making. I hope that you got to meet one or two Led zep at least...
  18. ...Spacewoman, that picture is beyond words....is their a mysterious rock star such as him, there are others, yes, but they are just "others".... they cannot come close to his angelic image, no matter how devilish he is.... I just have to say this about myself ...It is "his" angelic shadow that covers my body, I am not dark for no reason........ and thanks for filling our eyes with breathless beauty.........
  19. .... Your are right about JP (thanks for posting that picture, never seen it before), he for sure has the "love" side. His Road life does run parallel with his domestic life. My post about Jimmy picking up Star Magazine was to reflect just how popular the magazine was (It has been mentioned in various Zep books/readings, and it probably became even more famous because of JPage reading it for "Road Entertainment"...anyway I wanted this post about the culture of the 70's, as to how young women portrait themselves...Star Magazine reflected that...I didn't want to invade private life of anyone famous or not famous...
  20. ...I cannot imagine the atomsphere of that time/era...God, I wanted to be there so much, I could only look at his pictures, and imagine what it would be like ...a different world/planet for sure I imagined...Life is been good to both of you...
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